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"marking is broken"

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It's not. I explained it in the comments of that video. It's working as intended.

He just forgot that in football there is a thing called zonal marking which is very different from man marking

Edited by DarJ
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@DarJcan you explain about zonal marking and man marking in FM, this is very interesting for me. what I think in terms of FM zonal marking is TI in out possession and man marking is player instruction in player instruction, then there is OI? I'm still confused about zonal marking and man marking in terms of FM.

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From my experience, the mark tighter option is actually more of a situational man marking with lingering effect, e.g. a centre-back with mark tighter on will be marking the closest striker and will not approach a midfielder who is running into the penalty area with the ball. This is why people had problems with oblivious defenders not reacting and allowing obvious CCC on counter-attacks. The solution is to not use tight marking against strikers and for your own centre-backs.

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4 hours ago, kalongtongan said:

@DarJcan you explain about zonal marking and man marking in FM, this is very interesting for me. what I think in terms of FM zonal marking is TI in out possession and man marking is player instruction in player instruction, then there is OI? I'm still confused about zonal marking and man marking in terms of FM.

So think about it this way, Every player has line an invisible zone where they operate (the blue circle in the screenshot). This zone can get bigger or smaller depending on some instructions. Let's say you have the team pressing at the minimum, it doesn't mean that your players won't press, it just reduces the area of that zone and the opposite happens when you ask your team to press more.


Now with the mark tighter team instruction, every player in your team is going to stick closer to any opposition that enters their zone. For example if one of the opposition player enters the zone of number 8 in the screenshot, it will be the job of number 8 to mark him until the player moves away from his zone and then the marking responsibility will move to the next player.

With the player instruction, if you select the "mark specific player" instruction where you specify the player you want to be marked by name, that is pure man marking and that is what the guy who made the video was expecting to see with the other marking instructions. So my number 8 is going to follow the person I asked him to mark all over the pitch where ever he goes.

The "mark specific position" on the other hand is zonal, so If I told my No 8 to mark the ST position, the instruction is going to kick in only when the player playing in the ST position enters the zone of No 8 so Ideally you want to use this against roles that play close to each other like central midfielders and central midfielders, wingers and fullbacks, central defenders and strikers etc. 

I'm not sure how all if this affects set pieces.

I hope my explanation is clear 


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@DarJthis is so excellent, your explanation really helped me in understanding the defense zone. and the blue circle you illustrate makes it very easy for me to understand. I hope and really believe this can help other readers too. once again I am very helpful and thank you for taking the time.

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17 hours ago, DarJ said:

So think about it this way, Every player has line an invisible zone where they operate (the blue circle in the screenshot). This zone can get bigger or smaller depending on some instructions. Let's say you have the team pressing at the minimum, it doesn't mean that your players won't press, it just reduces the area of that zone and the opposite happens when you ask your team to press more.


Now with the mark tighter team instruction, every player in your team is going to stick closer to any opposition that enters their zone. For example if one of the opposition player enters the zone of number 8 in the screenshot, it will be the job of number 8 to mark him until the player moves away from his zone and then the marking responsibility will move to the next player.

With the player instruction, if you select the "mark specific player" instruction where you specify the player you want to be marked by name, that is pure man marking and that is what the guy who made the video was expecting to see with the other marking instructions. So my number 8 is going to follow the person I asked him to mark all over the pitch where ever he goes.

The "mark specific position" on the other hand is zonal, so If I told my No 8 to mark the ST position, the instruction is going to kick in only when the player playing in the ST position enters the zone of No 8 so Ideally you want to use this against roles that play close to each other like central midfielders and central midfielders, wingers and fullbacks, central defenders and strikers etc. 

I'm not sure how all if this affects set pieces.

I hope my explanation is clear 


Yup plus the effect of LOE DL can affect the zones in which they press. 

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  • 2 months later...
Il 17/4/2022 in 23:39 , DarJ ha scritto:

Quindi pensaci in questo modo, ogni giocatore ha una linea di una zona invisibile in cui opera (il cerchio blu nello screenshot). Questa zona può diventare più grande o più piccola a seconda di alcune istruzioni. Diciamo che hai la squadra che preme al minimo, non significa che i tuoi giocatori non pressano, riduce solo l'area di quella zona e succede il contrario quando chiedi alla tua squadra di premere di più.


Ora, con l'istruzione segna squadra più stretta, ogni giocatore della tua squadra si attaccherà più vicino a qualsiasi avversario che entra nella loro zona. Ad esempio, se uno dei giocatori avversari entra nella zona del numero 8 nello screenshot, sarà compito del numero 8 marcarlo fino a quando il giocatore non si allontana dalla sua zona e quindi la responsabilità della marcatura passerà al giocatore successivo.

Con l'istruzione del giocatore, se selezioni l'istruzione "segna giocatore specifico" in cui specifichi il giocatore che vuoi venga contrassegnato per nome, questa è pura marcatura da uomo ed è ciò che il ragazzo che ha realizzato il video si aspettava di vedere con l'altro istruzioni di marcatura. Quindi il mio numero 8 seguirà la persona che gli ho chiesto di segnare in tutto il campo, ovunque vada.

La "posizione specifica del segno" d'altra parte è zonale, quindi se ho detto al mio numero 8 di segnare la posizione ST, l'istruzione verrà attivata solo quando il giocatore che gioca nella posizione ST entra nella zona del numero 8, quindi idealmente vuoi usarlo contro ruoli che giocano uno vicino all'altro come centrocampisti centrali e centrocampisti centrali, ali e terzini, difensori centrali e attaccanti ecc. 

Non sono sicuro di come tutto ciò influisca sui calci piazzati.

Spero che la mia spiegazione sia chiara 


what difference can there be between the NARROW MARKING team instruction and the single player Marking instruction?


and what happens if they are both active? Will the player miss the "doubly" closest opponent?

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13 minutes ago, FmTheory said:

what difference can there be between the NARROW MARKING team instruction and the single player Marking instruction?


and what happens if they are both active? Will the player miss the "doubly" closest opponent?

It's a yes/no instruction, so a player will either mark tight or not.

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9 分钟前, FmTheory说:

what difference can there be between the NARROW MARKING team instruction and the single player Marking instruction?


and what happens if they are both active? Will the player miss the "doubly" closest opponent?

Back in the FM2011 and previous generations, it seems just like "Marking TI = ALL PI" which means double check instead of double close.

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5 minuti fa, HUNT3R ha scritto:

È un'istruzione sì/no, quindi un giocatore segnerà tight o no.

to me they look like two instructions that say to do the same thing, so yes / yes.

In the squdra instructions I ask everyone to make a tight marking

but then if I also ask one of my players in his individual instructions, will this player mark tighter than his teammates?

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3 minutes ago, FmTheory said:

to me they look like two instructions that say to do the same thing, so yes / yes.

In the squdra instructions I ask everyone to make a tight marking

but then if I also ask one of my players in his individual instructions, will this player mark tighter than his teammates?

It's just yes or no. If you tick both, it's still just yes to tight marking.

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12 minuti fa, HUNT3R ha scritto:

È solo  sì o no. Se si spuntano entrambi, è ancora solo sì alla marcatura stretta.

so they don't add up to each other?

Is it an exception or does the same apply to all other team instructions that are similar to those on the individual?

for example the tackle instructions for teams and singles

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5 ore fa, SandBuks ha scritto:

Nell'FM2011 e nelle generazioni precedenti, sembra proprio come "Marking TI = ALL PI" che significa doppio controllo invece di doppia chiusura.

Can you explain better ? with gogle translate it is not clear what you mean

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