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Hi guys. (Thanks for the previous edit, Terk).

This one is another spelling gaff (two in fact). In the article about club fandays in the latest update, there are two corrections that need to be made....

1) "Unlucky" in the first paragraph should be "Unlikely".

2) "Goning" in the penultimate paragraph should be "Going".


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Couple of requests for my Bremen story:

Please could someone correct the italics tag in the latest post.

Also, please could you insert the following line:

70 minutes: Werder Bremen 2-1 Bayern Munich

between the 3rd and 4th paragraphs of my last post, in the same way as the earlier examples.

Thanks in advance! I read through all that twice before posting it and still got two things wrong icon_frown.gif

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Thanks for that.

Unfortunately my incompetence has struck again - I guess some people just really shouldn't be let loose writing stories icon_redface.gif

Latest post of my Bremen story has another bold tag malfunction.

Also I got in a total mess with relative points tallies so if you could change the line in the first paragraph from:

"8 points behind Bremen they may have been, but it was Bayern Munich, 5 points clear who mattered"


"7 points behind Bremen they may have been, but it was Bayern Munich, 6 points clear who mattered"

I'd be grateful and might not totally lose the respect of my readers icon_frown.gif

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Thanks, Faramir!

I apologize in advance, I'm likely to have more typos for a week or two as I'm posting on an unfamiliar keyboard whilst traveling.

Speaking of which, I've munged the bold tag on the header line of the 6th December post: Blade III 18. Hope you don't mind sorting that out, too!


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back again XD

can you fix the italics at the top and also remove the paragrath

Before I went home, my assistant Danny Moore met me at the door.

“Ah Danny, just the man I wanted to see, how’s he looking?â€

“Well Chris, if things go as planned, he should be available to pick for Saturdays match against Wolves.â€

“That’s good news indeed, now then, to figure out how to explain this to the rest of my strikers……..â€

at the bottom of my last post


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A couple mistakes in this post

1) The Italics opened at the start of this line: "English Premier League (Game 2 of 38)" should be closed at the end of it.

2) Can you fix the italic tags around Paul Konchesky's name right near the end of the post?

Shambles on my part. Bring back the edit for five minutes function.

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Bah, my kid somehow happened to complete my post as I was editing it!

y Chimney Corner story needs its second post edited.

Can a mod delete the first two parts (which is duplicated later on) So the first two paragraphs of Chimney Corner a good 20 years and then the background needs to go. You'll see the actual pst starts just under it which is basically the same

Thanks in advance

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Sorry Faramir, I think I screwed up in my explaining.

In that second post of mine its repeated theres:

Chimney Corner – A good 20 or so years

For those of you browsing over this website your either lost or might have heard of our team if you happen to be Northern Irish!, or maybe even Irish, or maybe there's some obscure chance you've heard of our European exploits.

My name is John Spence and I'm the current supporters spokesman at the club of Chimney Corner, I doubt my name rings a bell unless your season ticket holder and even then it may not, but if it helps Im the grumpy old man with grey curly hair that always has a pint in his hand!

Some may ask why I am writing this and in truth I dont really know why myself, although its great to see something about the club, I never would have thought of doing this except from the suggestion of my 11 year old grandson who asked why he can't find anything on the club on the internet while, he can find his favourite team of Manchester United entire history.


Our name as you might know now is Chimney Corner and we play in the Northern Irish competition, our home ground is still Allen Park which is located about 2k from the city centre of Antrim, there's nothing spectacular about our ground, but it does house our team of which Im pretty proud of what we have achieved in the last 20 years.

and then its repeated again you'll see the same heading as the start under it Chimey a good 20 years or so, thats repeat or bottom version which is longer is the correct version, everything above that can be cut

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Third paragraph of the January 16 post, please change "there's" to "there'd" ...

Also, in the January 14 entry, the second graf above Kate's letter should read:

Her eyes misted. “I know it wasn’t, and I’m sorry,†she said. “I actually went back to the States over Christmas until I got called back for January. I also got this.

(This would change the last sentence).

Please and thank you!

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