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Getting Board to Approve Youth Recruitment

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Hi all,

I couldn't find a thread on this so I'm sorry if it's already been asked.

I'm managing Stenhousemuir and just got promoted to Scottish League 1 in my second season. Part of the reason I chose Stenhousemuir is because they had decent facilities, but an old squad and no youth recruitment, and it seemed like a good challenge. When I took over, the club had about 15k as the overall balance. After 2 seasons, the clubs balance is now well above 300k. However, the board still won't approve my request to improve youth recruitment (I'm assuming this will give me a youth intake at least, as I currently don't get one). The board always says they don't have the funding. Does anyone know if this is a bug? Or if I just need to keep growing the clubs finances to get this approved? Or, does anyone know how much budget I would need to help get this approved? I'm really hoping this isn't a bug, as I really enjoy playing with Youth Intake players and not being able to will detract from my enjoyment of the game.

Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated!

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Not really sure why they would reject it with 300k in the bank, but they tend to reject things if their projections aren't looking solid. Those projections tend to get ugly because the board might set your transfer budget and wage budget quite a bit higher once the club starts doing well and making money. Perhaps better timing in your request might help. If you've been on a big string of success, they tend to be a lot more agreeable about a great many things. If you're starting out a new season, throw in a bunch of friendlies with Premier clubs to make some extra cash, and maybe that extra 100-200k would get them to reconsider their outlook. 

That said, basic youth recruitment should be of minimal cost. Right now with "adequate" coaching and recruiting I'm shelling out about 200k a year. If I amp that up to "good", it's like 350k a year. In the lower reaches you're looking at more around 25-50k a year.

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Keep asking, but have in mind that some boards is not ambition as others. Prefer to stay stable and not making any big step forward. Board members or owners or chairpersons; have their own attributes as well, like players and staff. In your situation, my hopes will be more if a takeover should be happening (with more ambitious members).

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30 minutes ago, davebrown90 said:

Thanks for the replies! I'll keep plugging away at the board and try and get some club vision towards using youth players. I was just hoping this wasn't a bug that would ruin the game for me!

To give some consolation, if you actually focus on developing the players from the youth intake, the board will, after a while, add it as a board vision to develop youngsters. And once you have that as a board vision, they will often (if the finances allow, of course) accept it and say it fits the club vision.

I'm doing the youth-only challenge, but after a few years it got added and now it's of the highest importance for the board.


So I managed to get youth recruitment improved even with little money in the bank (and now we are far in debt, but that's another story!).

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  • 4 weeks later...

If anyone was interested. I'm now in the championship with 700k in the bank, 4k below my wage budget and a 15k transfer budget, and the board are still saying they don't have the funds... It's driving me crazy that they won't let me have the youth recruitment ha

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  • 1 month later...

Just piggybacking on this chain to complain about the same thing. Im 10 years into a Clyde save. Im in the champions league knock out stages and even though i request it every year, the board still havent improved my youth recruitment once!

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On 24/12/2021 at 22:15, davebrown90 said:

If anyone was interested. I'm now in the championship with 700k in the bank, 4k below my wage budget and a 15k transfer budget, and the board are still saying they don't have the funds... It's driving me crazy that they won't let me have the youth recruitment ha

If it depends on the club vision, have you tried demanding it be added when negotiating an extension to your contract?

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