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Saved games will not load!

Joel Micallef

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Hey gents,


Was wondering if one of you advanced editors can help me with my USA pyramid edit?


The edit seems to boot up fine with a 122,400 player data base!  The problem stems from once the game is saved in game, it will not load to get back into it the next time I turn on my computer to play.  It does not do this when I play the base game without my editor file, which leads me.to believe that its my edit causing the crash when I try to re-enter the game!


I could send my edited file to someone more skilled with editor to check it out.  Find the problem it be greatly appreciated.


Let me know!





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I've tried...  I'm also playing fm21 as I only buy the game every 2nd year!  So I don't think the issue is the update.  It's definitely the edit somewhere as when I try to save and re-enter without my USA Edit it works just fine!


I'm currently going through each code I've changed in the hopes of finding it!

9 hours ago, Wolf_pd said:

Have you tried and create a new game, play a few days and then save it? Try that and reload. It might be that a minor update last week is an issue.


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I've tried...  I'm also playing fm21 as I only buy the game every 2nd year!  So I don't think the issue is the update.  It's definitely the edit somewhere as when I try to save and re-enter without my USA Edit it works just fine!


I'm currently going through each code I've changed in the hopes of finding it!

17 hours ago, Wolf_pd said:

Have you tried and create a new game, play a few days and then save it? Try that and reload. It might be that a minor update last week is an issue.

It must be the file size!  When I play it with less leagues like 10 it runs and reloads saves just fine.  When I try and max it with 119850 player count it will not reload a save!  Yet if I go to the standard game without my editor file for USA I can go 125000 player count and still works fine!


I'm so bummed, been working at finding the reason for 3 days now!

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7 hours ago, Wolf_pd said:

Can you please check the bug tracker if there is already something like this and if not, please log a bug. This is something I think SI would like to know.

I'm going to rebuild it 1 more time from scratch to see if it is something I've missed in advanced rules, once completed I'll run through it again and run all of my tests!


I'm not sure how to do what you've asked, I'm not great with computers (kinda a novice).  I've watched hours 50+ of video on the advanced editor settings, I've built other nation leagues from scratch without problem.  I wanted to tackle adding to the American (USA) system as a good challenge.  This is the first time a build of mine has not worked!  

If you could send instruction on this bug tracker and how it works (Never heard of it before today) it would really help!




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On 23/11/2021 at 16:17, Wolf_pd said:

Can you please check the bug tracker if there is already something like this and if not, please log a bug. This is something I think SI would like to know.

Low and behold even after I've rebuilt it twice, it will not work!


How do I register this bug tracker?


Thanks mate,



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6 hours ago, Wolf_pd said:

Thanks mate, you've helped so much...  Genuinely a big help!



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