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*Official* Football Manager 2022 Feedback Thread

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1 hour ago, DarJ said:

There is always more to it than the instructions you see. Play both roles on attack and support and you will see there's a difference

What would that be? The only other thing affected would be the Team Fluidity, which is affected by the amount of Supporting/Attacking duties.

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3 minutes ago, ottey_swe said:

What would that be? The only other thing affected would be the Team Fluidity, which is affected by the amount of Supporting/Attacking duties.

If that were true then if you copied the instructions of the Mez and applied it to a CM on support they will have the same movement but that's not the case

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This is not a rant, I love this game. But I don´t like how the ME shows you what´s happening. Even in the most detailed view without actually watching the whole game, it doesn´t really show you why things happen. Most of you have already realized that  almost everytime a new play is shown it starts in the same positions: a free kick, a side kick, a throw, a corner... And I understand it, it´s a perfect moment for the ME to display that "hey, maybe something happens now" and it starts from zero, while it´s difficult to calculate when a replay starts and when it ends. But, what happened in the game to end in that situation? Do you have a throw cause playing more direct makes the rival defense to clear it? Or it doesn´t have anything to do with all your tactical changes? This way you don´t have many tools to know how your tactical changes affect an specific game. In fact, you only know that you changed things for better or worse depending on how many times a team starts one of this situations as the offensive side. 

But what if I click on "be more expressive"? I won´t see any change based on what the game shows me, cause it´s very difficult to appreciate this subtle changes in situational plays like a long throw or a side kick. Last months I have changed completely the way I see the games. I don´t play full game on comprehensive view cause it has this problems, So everytime I make a tactical change I switch to full game view and that´s where I can see what really happens everytime I change a player role, or change a team instruction. And then, when I´m happy with what´s happening  I change it back. But this is tediously long and every year it happens the same for me. I just only can complete a few seasons every year.

Maybe it´s time that SI work on how the ME shows you what´s happening in the game. This year it has improved a lot in terms of telling you (after the game) whats happening in the grass. But it has to improve in telling you ingame. And I think this can be done, cause something that adds a lot of information to the ME is rewinding 10 seconds in most of replays cause suddenly they have a lot of new context that can be interpreted by the manager to analyze the tactical aspect.

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45 minutes ago, DarJ said:

If that were true then if you copied the instructions of the Mez and applied it to a CM on support they will have the same movement but that's not the case

Ok. I have no idea where the difference would be if the instructions & mentality are all the same

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I’ve enjoyed this years FM more than last years , aside from the hideous colour of this years skin.  A solid 8/10. 


Nice improvement on manager A.I when signing free transfers in terms of their aggressiveness , gone are the days where I could easily poach key free agents without much challenge from other sides, however the A.I also seem  to sign a lot of players that they don’t actually need or use. There has been a few cases where they’ve signed someone who they consider first team , but are selling them a month or two down the line , transfer listed because they weren’t given the promised playing time. They’re paying high wages too so not sure how realistic this is. Seems to need a little tweaking to find the balance between having Aggressive A.I in being active in the transfer market vs them actually signing / buying players they actually need.  


Probably explains why Newcastle hasn’t won jackshit in the game in 10 years and they’ve had money heavily invested in them. Just look at all the below top 4 clubs that got money invested in them Man City and Chelsea they were able to win the premier league within a 5 year time frame. This doesn’t translate well in game. 


Also I’ve noticed that unlike in last years FM , non professional contracts for players have disappeared this year in the lower leagues. 

Everyone seems to want a weekly wage contract , 

No one has actively asked for an appearance fee based contract this year. That is one highlight of managing in the lower leagues. 

A ton of players are on non guaranteed contracts. But when you offer contracts to free agents none of them want them. 


Player behavior still has to be worked on , players complaining about  playing time , when they have no right to. Even when you change a 32 year old with fading stats from a regular starter to a squad player on the last year of their contract. They weren’t a star to begin with so I wish that players crying would be lessened. And would only apply to stars with high reputation like a Pogba, Messi , Christiano Ronaldo. 


How many players actually complain about playing time in the news these days ? 

Aside from the few recent ones like bog standard Ainsley mainland Niles. Even with a slight shift from starting to the bench and being a squad player not a lot of players cry about it and want to leave by the end of the season. 

It happens too often and from far too many players in game. 


Resting players - had a small team, so players were getting tired quickly , physio recommended to put them in a week long holiday , I do that then two games after they come back from their holiday ,  the physio says they need another holiday ?????? This just doesn’t seem right to me. 


Recruitment recommendation - Can my scouts/recruiting team stop showing/recommending me players that can’t get work permits, it’s pretty dumb and annoying. It’s such a tease lol. Don’t know if its meant to work in that way. 


Match engine has been impressive , however still yet to see a diving header after playing 10 seasons of football , not even once,  or an overhead kick. Diving headers have been gone for a while now. 

But I guess I’ve started from the depths of English football in Vanarama North to see anyone with decent enough flair or trait for an overhead kick. 

Near post headers are still overpowered even with the nerf , there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of variety of goal types that come from corners. 

Goalkeepers save ridiculously at times from corners. 

There is a weird animation where a goalie saves 

And a defender player plays the ball back to them right away and they seem to get up way too fast to kick the ball out. Normally in real life that defender would have booted the hell of that ball in that kind of tight close range situation. 


Can someone explain what the hell does a sports scientist actually do and affect in game ? 

It’s all very vague. Like can someone give me a concrete explanation on what they affect. 


Transfer history - for the love of god stop mixing half of last seasons transfers with the current seasons in the transfer history. 

Can you fix this issue already for the love of God , SI. 


Sorry for the rant but these are my feedback for this years game. 

For next years game please add player fights lol wouldn’t mind seeing players piling in the middle for a shoving match  after a two foot tackle ,a player getting sent off for choking another player or spitting on a player as a key highlight. 


I haven’t had a kid in the game since FM 2016 , can you still get kids go up through the youth academy ? I want an Enzo Zidane lol. Perhaps add this feature as a choosable perk that we can get by spending the money we’ve earned through managing , since at the moment the money earned in game is pretty useless. You can’t say it’s unrealistic we all choose to spend money when we have a kid in real life lol although sometimes unplanned hahaha. 

Edited by jlboybeamer
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1 minute ago, FrazT said:

One point from your post:  SI have advised multiple times that fights, scuffle, choking and spitting will not be included in the game, regardless if they happen in real life

Oh didn’t know that. Would have been nice to see more of a variety of players being sent of not just for two foot tackles. 

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5 hours ago, DarJ said:

If that were true then if you copied the instructions of the Mez and applied it to a CM on support they will have the same movement but that's not the case

Certain roles have behavior hard-coded in that isn't a function of the instructions.  I don't know all the roles or all the various behaviors of each, and I'm not sure anyone outside SI does.

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10 часов назад, FrazT сказал:

One point from your post:  SI have advised multiple times that fights, scuffle, choking and spitting will not be included in the game, regardless if they happen in real life

Which allows my alter ego to throw bottles without fear of retaliation :brock:

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11 hours ago, jlboybeamer said:

Also I’ve noticed that unlike in last years FM , non professional contracts for players have disappeared this year in the lower leagues. 


Everyone seems to want a weekly wage contract , 

No one has actively asked for an appearance fee based contract this year. That is one highlight of managing in the lower leagues.

Not true, I've signed players for Boston on non-contract (appearance fee only). It varies per club on which squad status can have non-contract signings. It might be that you're at a club that doesn't offer them out for any status.

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3 hours ago, Sharkn20 said:

You can watch in comprehensive highlights or full game if you want more detail.

I don't think this is an issue.

Agree, depending on which option you choose it can be either full game or like MOTD 'Highlights' where you only see a brief glimpse of the build up to a chance / goal.

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On 13/01/2022 at 10:22, XaW said:

One thing I really want to commend the game for in this version, in-game management is so much more important now. Earlier I often felt like it was impossible to turn a match around by actually changing up things.

Just had a game where I were the favourite, but my opponent got a goal and tried to shut up everything. So I had to change up in the 67th minute, removed my DM and put in another striker and essentially went from the usually working 4-3-3/4-5-1 into a more classical 4-4-2 and it worked wonders! 


Yes, it does feel like changing things up mid-game makes more of a difference this year - for better or worse (sometimes changing it has gone the other way for me, but I guess that is true to life eh!)

My biggest thing right now is trying to figure out how we best the elite sides - Bayern and Dortmund domestically, then the likes of PSG and Man City in Europe. Still working on that one.

I remain frustrated with the quality of finishing, but I think I've learnt to just live with it at this stage.

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18 hours ago, FrazT said:

One point from your post:  SI have advised multiple times that fights, scuffle, choking and spitting will not be included in the game, regardless if they happen in real life

League rules have a variety of suspension lengths for violent conduct of different types.

I remember a player being banned for something like 9 months on CM01/02 for headbutting a ref. Will this kind of thing never happen again, and, if it won't, what's the point of having that detailed breakdown of violent conduct penalties in all the leagues' rules?

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10 hours ago, Scotty Walds said:

Not true, I've signed players for Boston on non-contract (appearance fee only). It varies per club on which squad status can have non-contract signings. It might be that you're at a club that doesn't offer them out for any status.

Nah man , you missed the point here, YOU offered the (non-contract appearance fee only ). In last years version and previous versions some players proactively asked for non guaranteed contracts because sometimes they actually earn more this way in some cases- 200 pounds per week vs 200 per appearance is better when there are at times 2-3 games per week, sometimes a really good player doesn't want to be locked into a contract., some of the top players in the lower leagues have these kind of contracts to allow them to move to better teams.  In this years game I have not encountered a player that proactively wanted non guaranteed contract from the start of contract negotiations at all in the Vanarama National League North Or South , which is odd. But again this is in my game perhaps different to yours , again I have said this is in my experience so far with the game.

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1 minute ago, jlboybeamer said:

Nah man , you missed the point here, YOU offered the (non-contract appearance fee only )

Only if they ask for it. I never change from weekly wage to appearance only, it's whatever they ask for.

Like I say, it can vary per club. At NLN/S the better players will be Star Player/Important Player and for most clubs at that level, the game will be set to only offer a weekly wage via a proper contract, as the clubs don't want to lose their best players. For example, I am the Boston researcher - I set the database to anyone above a Fringe player having a part-time contract.

I am giving you my experience, and my knowledge of how the game decides which contract type is offered.

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Hey Guys,

I don't know where to put this, so I guess it goes here first.

Can you make goalkeeper distribution more visible?

In most cases you have to watch the whole game, if you wanna see GK distribution. Even on extended highlights you often don't get to see, what is happening after the ball releases from the GK.

If you end up loosing the ball a lot, you may wanna get active about it and change it to a way that does not give the ball away so quickly.

If I do get pressed high, I maybe wanna see how press resistant players are.

If I do press high myself, maybe I wanna see how good of trap I set up.

In modern Football GK distribution is considered a set piece, it should be treated as one in FM. You should be able to be more specific about the way you want to set up and also see more often (when not at all times) how they turn out to be.

Have a great day.


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When DYR was announced I assumed YR overall sum for all nations will be the same. If some nations YR grow up, other YR lower.

But tests show YR 200 for many nations so is nonsence of course. Also I don't think YR = 200 is realistic anyway. The highest is Brazil (~160) and maximum limit is 180 or smaller.
Anyway, when if just few nations have maximum YR in save it brokes YR ecosystem at all.

I believe DYR must be developed by system of communicating vessels, where all nations linked for overall YR. Any other type will create chaos

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On 13/01/2022 at 10:22, XaW said:

One thing I really want to commend the game for in this version, in-game management is so much more important now. Earlier I often felt like it was impossible to turn a match around by actually changing up things.

Just had a game where I were the favourite, but my opponent got a goal and tried to shut up everything. So I had to change up in the 67th minute, removed my DM and put in another striker and essentially went from the usually working 4-3-3/4-5-1 into a more classical 4-4-2 and it worked wonders! 


I like how when a post is positive a sample size of one with no 'evidence' of your changes actually affecting the game aside from a single graphic and your own word/thoughts/feelings constitutes a post that is worthy of being posted, on topic and valuable to the thread. However, if someone posts a grievance they're shot down due to small sample size, not understanding the game, being emotional or whatever else. 

If i post a message with a game where i lost 1-0 while having 50 shots and the opposition having 1 i'll get the usual nonsense thrown at me of "it's only one game, it happens in real life", "what's your striker stats", "maybe he's got low consistency", "it's definitely your tactics", "clear cuts don't really matter"....etc. But if the post is positive in nature you don't have to justify anything, and can just throw out platitudes and soundbites like the game is the best thing since sliced bread. 

Your match could have changed because the opposition also changed tactics, making poor decisions to let your team in. Maybe they had weak mentalities and choked. Maybe their conditioning was poor and they couldn't keep the pace. Maybe it was a good touchline shout by yourself that kicked your players into gear and had nothing to do with the tactical changes. Or maybe your tactical changes really were amazing, but there's no evidence here of this. 

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6 minutes ago, Bradley21 said:

I like how when a post is positive a sample size of one with no 'evidence' of your changes actually affecting the game aside from a single graphic and your own word/thoughts/feelings constitutes a post that is worthy of being posted, on topic and valuable to the thread. However, if someone posts a grievance they're shot down due to small sample size, not understanding the game, being emotional or whatever else. 

Where did I claim this based on a single match? I used this an example of something I *think* the game does better. Of course it could be other factors here, but in this specific case I saw a clear correlation (NOT necessarily causation) between my change and the happenings in the match.

9 minutes ago, Bradley21 said:

If i post a message with a game where i lost 1-0 while having 50 shots and the opposition having 1 i'll get the usual nonsense thrown at me of "it's only one game, it happens in real life", "what's your striker stats", "maybe he's got low consistency", "it's definitely your tactics", "clear cuts don't really matter"....etc. But if the post is positive in nature you don't have to justify anything, and can just throw out platitudes and soundbites like the game is the best thing since sliced bread. 

This is a whole lot of whataboutery that has nothing to do with my post. I don't think I've ever told you anything definite, other than telling you to post a bug report if you think something is wrong. I've posted a whole lot of bug reports and given a lot of feedback about things I think the game could do better in here before without anyone giving me those answers. An example is the fact that I think the IFs and IWs don't cut in nearly enough for what I could consider normal, and I've given loads info in reports to SI in that regard. I've also reported that I think the stamina drain from heavy intensive tactics are too low, and should be much higher. Very intensive gegenpress should not be possible for 90 minutes straight unless you have a team of extremely high stamina/work rate++ players. Those are my currently biggest criticisms of FM22, and both things I really hope SI address sooner than later. I've also reported about issues regarding lack of good UI in certain screens on high resolutions, so I get unneeded scrolling bars when I have loads of space available. I've also reported than I'm annoyed I have to redo the code of conduct every season instead of my previous setup continuing. If you want to know more have a look at the topics I've created the last few years.

I've never said the game is perfect, and I've never shut down anyone reporting bugs or what they think are wrong, as long as it's done in a constructive and respectful manner. If you think everyone in here shuts you down when you give your opinion, perhaps you should take a step back and look at how your posting appears to other users in here. What's the common denominator?

10 minutes ago, Bradley21 said:

Your match could have changed because the opposition also changed tactics, making poor decisions to let your team in. Maybe they had weak mentalities and choked. Maybe their conditioning was poor and they couldn't keep the pace. Maybe it was a good touchline shout by yourself that kicked your players into gear and had nothing to do with the tactical changes. Or maybe your tactical changes really were amazing, but there's no evidence here of this. 

Of course other things impact, that's what I always say about this game, the variables is so many that it's hard to conclude anything, but this is a feedback thread, and my feedback is that IN GENERAL I FEEL THAT IN-GAME MANAGEMENT HAVE MORE IMPACT THAN BEFORE. Why on earth is that a controversial statement?

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1 hour ago, XaW said:

Very intensive gegenpress should not be possible for 90 minutes straight unless you have a team of extremely high stamina/work rate++ players.

This is my main frustration with the game right now. I'm playing as Sporting CP, and nearly every AI club use either a gegenpress or vertical tiki-taka style against us. Being one of the bigger sides, I'd have expected to face far more bus-parking and route one tactics, but it's just the opposite.

The Portuguese League is pretty top-heavy, and there are only 3-5 clubs (one of which is us) that should have the physical ability, technical skill, and squad depth to play like that consistently. I use a pass-and-move tactic with a slightly higher level of pressing and tempo, and my players can maintain that for around 75 minutes before needing to slow things down and see the match out. Yet I'm regularly seeing AI sides (who are just as low on stamina) continuing to press hard and sprint to the ball for the full 90.

I saw a lot of this on FM21 as well, but I will say that the FM22 match engine does appear to be improved, in that it does appear to punish those AI sides by causing them to leave defensive gaps that my team can (and do) exploit successfully.

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27 minutes ago, RCCook said:

This is my main frustration with the game right now. I'm playing as Sporting CP, and nearly every AI club use either a gegenpress or vertical tiki-taka style against us. Being one of the bigger sides, I'd have expected to face far more bus-parking and route one tactics, but it's just the opposite.

The Portuguese League is pretty top-heavy, and there are only 3-5 clubs (one of which is us) that should have the physical ability, technical skill, and squad depth to play like that consistently. I use a pass-and-move tactic with a slightly higher level of pressing and tempo, and my players can maintain that for around 75 minutes before needing to slow things down and see the match out. Yet I'm regularly seeing AI sides (who are just as low on stamina) continuing to press hard and sprint to the ball for the full 90.

I saw a lot of this on FM21 as well, but I will say that the FM22 match engine does appear to be improved, in that it does appear to punish those AI sides by causing them to leave defensive gaps that my team can (and do) exploit successfully.

Yeah, and it's one I hope SI are looking at. I think you should need a specific set of players (duracel bunnies) to play like that for 90 minutes without tiring out players too fast. Other than IFs/IWs not cutting in enough and this, I think the ME is really good this year. Some issues here and there, sure, but the overall impression is that it's much improved from FM21.

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On 13/01/2022 at 10:22, XaW said:

One thing I really want to commend the game for in this version, in-game management is so much more important now. Earlier I often felt like it was impossible to turn a match around by actually changing up things.

Just had a game where I were the favourite, but my opponent got a goal and tried to shut up everything. So I had to change up in the 67th minute, removed my DM and put in another striker and essentially went from the usually working 4-3-3/4-5-1 into a more classical 4-4-2 and it worked wonders! 


I've particularly noticed this with AI managers. If I'm winning they change tactic/ mentality or instructions much earlier and more effectively and actually put me under pressure.

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Why are long throws so joyless in this edition of the game? Did Arsene Wenger code them? This is the second time I've tried out a guy with an elite long throw rating + long flat throw trait in FM22; one in beta (18 long throw Kevin Mbabu) and now one in the full version (19 long throw Mads Bech Sorensen) - I would regularly see Mbabu hit bad, not flat throws, and often they would go straight over the goal with no touches. with Bech Sorensen I've barely seen a highlight created from any of his throws and the ones I have don't look particularly flat either.

They were so great in FM21. Not in an OP way - (I believe there was an update where beforehand they were OP but I wasn't playing it at that point) - there were countless times when a keeper with good command of area etc. would pluck it from the air or a commanding defender would head it away, but there were also countless highlights, chances and goals made and it gave our teams a real added identity on the pitch too. The balance was perfect and shouldn't have been altered. What we have now is a real slog. It's barely worth setting them up, in fact I would recommend people steer clear in any saves they care about, not even with guys who are just about 'perfect' at the trait. 

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As a player who uses mostly 4-3-3 / 4-2-3-1, IF/IW bug is totally breaking my game. After 150 hrs I've quit playing waiting for the next patch, but honestly, as a day-out buyer since 2010, I'm not that happy to have lost 3 months not enjoying the only game I'd love to play. Wish I'd be able to still enjoy FM21...

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33 minutes ago, LolloViola said:

As a player who uses mostly 4-3-3 / 4-2-3-1, IF/IW bug is totally breaking my game. After 150 hrs I've quit playing waiting for the next patch, but honestly, as a day-out buyer since 2010, I'm not that happy to have lost 3 months not enjoying the only game I'd love to play. Wish I'd be able to still enjoy FM21...

I get where you're coming from. But... Have you tried using the Winger role with opposite foot players? When I do they perform fairly well.

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In questo momento, kingjericho ha scritto:

I get where you're coming from. But... Have you tried using the Winger role with opposite foot players? When I do they perform fairly well.

Actually all my left IW/IF are all opposite foot player, as I always tend to put my WB on attacking duty on left flank and the IF/IW "is supposed" to cut inside and play even closer in the 4-3-3; I even tried to sign those players who have as a preferred trait to cut inside from left flank, but I still end up "playing in 10" and I don't want to adapt my tactics for a known issue (that I thought was going to be fixed way earlier...).

I played 2 years with Cork City, both years league winners, and both years my team ended up with an average rating over 7.00 except for the IW/IF who got a decent rating just a couple of times over an entire season. That's destroying the immersion at all :)

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2 horas atrás, LolloViola disse:

As a player who uses mostly 4-3-3 / 4-2-3-1, IF/IW bug is totally breaking my game. After 150 hrs I've quit playing waiting for the next patch, but honestly, as a day-out buyer since 2010, I'm not that happy to have lost 3 months not enjoying the only game I'd love to play. Wish I'd be able to still enjoy FM21...

Why can't you still enjoy FM21?

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7 hours ago, LolloViola said:

As a player who uses mostly 4-3-3 / 4-2-3-1, IF/IW bug is totally breaking my game. After 150 hrs I've quit playing waiting for the next patch, but honestly, as a day-out buyer since 2010, I'm not that happy to have lost 3 months not enjoying the only game I'd love to play. Wish I'd be able to still enjoy FM21...

To me, inside forwards are not good as they should be even in FM 2021. They are somehow failing to replicate IF position correctly in recent years. FM 2015 was the last year where they were represented correctly where they could match stats from good inside forwards in real football. Almost all best players in last 10 years were inside forwards, from Messi, to Neymar, Hazard, Salah, etc, and still somehow I fell like in new FM versions world class players on that position are not that good.

In FM 2021 they do cut inside, they do dribble, but at least for me they are getting lower avg ratings and stats than other positions in my team even when I am winning everything.

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35 minutes ago, kepz said:

What do you think of these match stats?



Sorry to say but this is an pointless discussion, which will end up with "Its your tactics, better discuss this on tactics forum" - Just leave it here, Better for your mental health 😅

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11 hours ago, LolloViola said:

As a player who uses mostly 4-3-3 / 4-2-3-1, IF/IW bug is totally breaking my game. After 150 hrs I've quit playing waiting for the next patch, but honestly, as a day-out buyer since 2010, I'm not that happy to have lost 3 months not enjoying the only game I'd love to play. Wish I'd be able to still enjoy FM21...

A small thing that might get you to see it more often, put the overall tactic to play a bit more narrow. I have my IWs pulling in much more often after I changed my whole tactic to be more narrow. Of course, giving individual instructions to the player you want to stay wide is also something you need to do. It negates it a bit, even if it doesn't solve the issue itself. Perhaps it can give you a bit more enjoyment back. :)

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4 hours ago, kepz said:

What do you think of these match stats?



My personal opinion is these happen FM very much more often than in real life and this is because this game have been made thinking attack before defending for too long. Meaning higher tempo have been always been too quick and rewarding too many shots. Even if these shots are from bad angles these should not happen in this magnitude. This on the other hand is because there's not enough limitations to what skill set of players can play high tempo passing plays. Maybe also shots are too easy to get off and off the ball movement is step ahead of defensive anticipation. BUT I can see this is changing to better direction in FM22. Defences are starting to move better and anticipation is more fair for defending team.

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On 15/01/2022 at 17:33, RCCook said:

This is my main frustration with the game right now. I'm playing as Sporting CP, and nearly every AI club use either a gegenpress or vertical tiki-taka style against us. Being one of the bigger sides, I'd have expected to face far more bus-parking and route one tactics, but it's just the opposite.

The Portuguese League is pretty top-heavy, and there are only 3-5 clubs (one of which is us) that should have the physical ability, technical skill, and squad depth to play like that consistently. I use a pass-and-move tactic with a slightly higher level of pressing and tempo, and my players can maintain that for around 75 minutes before needing to slow things down and see the match out. Yet I'm regularly seeing AI sides (who are just as low on stamina) continuing to press hard and sprint to the ball for the full 90.

I saw a lot of this on FM21 as well, but I will say that the FM22 match engine does appear to be improved, in that it does appear to punish those AI sides by causing them to leave defensive gaps that my team can (and do) exploit successfully.

Germany, as you can imagine, is absolutely horrible for this. Random 2* coaches turning up with a gegenpressing style and being horrible to play against. Mainz have just finished 4th in 2026/27 despite being predicted 14th, and they play a 4-4-2 with 2 wingers... absolutely bizarre witnessing a counter press with the 2 wide men being as wide as possible, but it's worked for them. Freiburg are usually really good at this too, then you've got the likes of Manuel Baum, Frank Kramer and of course, Christian Streich. 

I've enjoyed my save in the German leagues, but the temptation to leave is growing with every season that passes.

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The idea that we need to wait for the final patch to be able to assign our Assistant Manager to press conferences, if that fix is even coming at all, is quite frustrating.

I understand that changing the ME is a big task, but surely the above bug doesn't have that many interlinked pieces. Perhaps it does though.

I look at games like Path of Exile and Factorio as pretty good examples of developer engagement. Frequent small balancing/bug fixing patches and good engagement with the community.

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2 hours ago, Pasonen said:

My personal opinion is these happen FM very much more often than in real life and this is because this game have been made thinking attack before defending for too long. Meaning higher tempo have been always been too quick and rewarding too many shots. Even if these shots are from bad angles these should not happen in this magnitude. This on the other hand is because there's not enough limitations to what skill set of players can play high tempo passing plays. Maybe also shots are too easy to get off and off the ball movement is step ahead of defensive anticipation. BUT I can see this is changing to better direction in FM22. Defences are starting to move better and anticipation is more fair for defending team.

How is it improving? Look at those stats. Passing numbers are almost double to what they're supposed to be and are dominated by defensive team. This issue is not new but it's worse than it was. 1000 passes? All teams more than 85% passing rate?

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18 minutes ago, Mitja said:

How is it improving?

I think I already answered this last week here. :D Shortly said I think the logic of how teams want to play football with the ball has been changed in latest FM. Also players fill spaces better without ball. Now we just need more physical presence for those players and more limited technical skills + more little mistakes what doesn't cause directly goals. I already see changed possessions without kicking ball over sidelines or cleared a lot more. That alone shows this game is on the right track. Just look FM21 in full and compare it to FM22 and yes I know you watch games in full. :)

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19 minutes ago, Pasonen said:

I think I already answered this last week here. :D Shortly said I think the logic of how teams want to play football with the ball has been changed in latest FM. Also players fill spaces better without ball. Now we just need more physical presence for those players and more limited technical skills + more little mistakes what doesn't cause directly goals. I already see changed possessions without kicking ball over sidelines or cleared a lot more. That alone shows this game is on the right track. Just look FM21 in full and compare it to FM22 and yes I know you watch games in full. :)

Fm21 looks a lot more like real football with only one major problem for me which is wide play/crossing. 

A match which has 1500 passes plus all crosses and clearances which are not included doesn't look. Average top level game has around 900 passes crosses and clearances included. Low level even less. It's not 20, 30 percent difference. And I'm not talking about stats here it means there are too few interceptions, no real midfield battles, no real pressure on defensive teams, too few transitions etc.

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16 ore fa, mikcheck ha scritto:

Why can't you still enjoy FM21?

Because I spent (as every year) 54.99€ on Nov 9th 2021 for "the best Football Manager experience you've ever had", or something like that.

7 ore fa, XaW ha scritto:

A small thing that might get you to see it more often, put the overall tactic to play a bit more narrow. I have my IWs pulling in much more often after I changed my whole tactic to be more narrow. Of course, giving individual instructions to the player you want to stay wide is also something you need to do. It negates it a bit, even if it doesn't solve the issue itself. Perhaps it can give you a bit more enjoyment back. :)

Thanks for the advice! I'm going to give it a try :)

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7 hours ago, WelshMourinho said:

Germany, as you can imagine, is absolutely horrible for this. Random 2* coaches turning up with a gegenpressing style and being horrible to play against. Mainz have just finished 4th in 2026/27 despite being predicted 14th, and they play a 4-4-2 with 2 wingers... absolutely bizarre witnessing a counter press with the 2 wide men being as wide as possible, but it's worked for them. Freiburg are usually really good at this too, then you've got the likes of Manuel Baum, Frank Kramer and of course, Christian Streich. 

I've enjoyed my save in the German leagues, but the temptation to leave is growing with every season that passes.

I did a Wolfsburg save on FM21- definitely understand your frustration!

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7 hours ago, Novem9 said:

Possession in FM never ceases to amaze :idiot:

Honestly, I wouldn’t care if the percentages weren’t figured correctly or something but the fact that any team, let alone a B team, can manage 1000 pass attempts is really brutal to see. Thankfully, I will say, 1K pass attempts  has been an anomaly but the problems still persist with woeful representation of possession overall. 

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3 часа назад, kepz сказал:

Honestly, I wouldn’t care if the percentages weren’t figured correctly or something but the fact that any team, let alone a B team, can manage 1000 pass attempts is really brutal to see. Thankfully, I will say, 1K pass attempts  has been an anomaly but the problems still persist with woeful representation of possession overall. 

Not cool anyway, small teams don't use this type of control, you know this.
Even if they try IRL, will be punished immediately. Actually this is reason why they don't use.

And don't forget about club vision. In the end, how you need to score goals if 2/3 times of game - empty possession of opposite teams on own half?

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I don't want the game to be easier but it doesn't make sense at all start a new game and your players aren't linked with each other, if it's a team with tons of news players and we as managers are using completely different playing styles than this makes sense.

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