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Regarding the Current Implementation of Analyst Reports


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1) Players playing in playable competitions should have their own player performance tabs. We know that the data is there as our analysts are able to produce polygon positional charts as can be seen below on the overview section of Waldschmidt's report. I think we should be able to request similarly detailed polygon charts and scatter plots for players other than our own (Pic1). I know that this would be impossible for leagues that are unplayable, yet I consider it to be a realistic and achievable target given that those reports are currently being generated in the background. 

2) Once you choose to arrange your team analytics tab, the next opposition performance tab copies the same layout, making it impossible to access the scatter plots comparing players from either team. The two tabs should have independent layouts as it is extremely taxing to ask for a report on your team perfomance without disrupting the next opposition performance tab Pics 2 and 3).

3) Once a team report is compiled, we are able to to see polygon charts in the overview section of the report. Yet, once you click on the report button right above the graph, you are taken to a screen that was there in FM21. The dropdown menu refers to this screen as "Report" only whereas title is the same as it was in FM21 once you get there ("Analyst Report").  Plus, there's no way of seeing overall, defensive and attacking polygons like we did last year on this very screen. I think we should go back to last year's layout and have these 3 polygon charts displayed there like last year's game (Pics 4 and 5).

4) Playable leagues and continential/international competitions should have their own performance tabs (either in the Stats tab or in a separate tab titled League Report, etc...) where should be able to ask for scatter charts on teams and players. This would make scouting much more realistic and accessible. Again, we know that the data is there and these visualizations can be done since you have access to them for your own domestic league (Pic 6). 

5) Lastly, I'd really like to have a way of comparing two players using statistics. We have been able to compare player attributes for a long time using radar charts, Given that polygon charts are almost identical to radar charts, we can have a separate tab that would do a similar comparison using polygons. I know that the current implementation of polygon charts does not allow comparisons across positions (e.g. between defenders and midfelders, as it uses different statistics to produce both graphs), I am also aware of the fact that having the aforementioned tab on the comparison screen would essentially necessitate comparing the metrics of players across competitions which is pretty much meaningless. Yet, percentile ranks or bar charts could be implemented what would make these comparisons somewhat meaningful.

2021-10-26 15_07_09-Greenshot.png

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2021-10-26 15_22_39-Greenshot.png

2021-10-26 15_30_31-Greenshot.png

2021-10-26 15_36_33-Greenshot.png

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