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*Official* Football Manager 2022 Early Access Beta Feedback Thread

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I play mostly as PAOK and its kinda bugging me how rarely i ever see any attribute changes for our players. Year after year our players remain basically the same, unless an academy player gets a starting role in the first team. For example this year Biseswar has been our best player by far but in the game he looks like hes washed up and ready to retire, Kagawa on the other hand is fantastic ingame but has been dreadful irl. Would be nice if things like these were a bit more up to date.

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11 minutes ago, Alfredo James said:

@SebastianRO I just wanna start off by saying that i appreciate sebastian taking the time to actually analyze the game and elaborate/clarify on his issues with the FM22 ME. I would also like to state first that i personally did not feel there was a lack of central play from my own experiences playing FM22 so far. 

Upon reading his analysis, I had some gripes with the fact that he did not instruct his team to specifically 'Focus play through the middle' and 'look for underlaps'. the attacking formation was also not set to 'very narrow'. Thus, i decided to do my own analysis on whether there is a lack of centre play in FM22 relative to FM21.

I used the vertical tiki taka preset tactic which includes instructions to specifically 'Focus play through the middle' and 'look for underlaps'. The attacking formation was also set to 'very narrow'.




With that, i simulated a few games to see what would happen here are the results. 233311214_Screenshot(63).thumb.png.20666400df54635b3428403f319f61b6.png




With that , we can analyze that with the same tactic, and specific instructions to play narrow and through the middle. Fm22 was only able to make central final third entries 20% of the time, where as in fm21, it was 60% of the time. Thus, from my short analysis, I can conclude that there is indeed a lack of central play in FM22. I will paste this into the bugs forum and i hope @SebastianRO and others could raise this up too so that it will get looked at and possibly fixed. 


Can you link to your bug post once raised?

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Is it intentional that my loaned players show "scouting required"?  My default position was I should know plenty about these players, but can also see the angle that over time with no daily interaction, they are like a player outside my club.  Just curious.



Scouting Required.jpg

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33 minutes ago, frank_olaf said:

Completely agree with this. The single page overview in the inbox in FM21 was really convenient. Now you need to click through multiple pages to get the same info.

Just feels like unnecessary clicking and it takes much longer. I'll probably also stop attending the meetings which is a shame.

You can do so, by selecting getting it to the inbox when it comes up.

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16 minutes ago, Kospas said:

I play mostly as PAOK and its kinda bugging me how rarely i ever see any attribute changes for our players. Year after year our players remain basically the same, unless an academy player gets a starting role in the first team. For example this year Biseswar has been our best player by far but in the game he looks like hes washed up and ready to retire, Kagawa on the other hand is fantastic ingame but has been dreadful irl. Would be nice if things like these were a bit more up to date.

Most of the players have passed 24 years old - which the progression / development rate is slower; plus have a little or no room for further development. 

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20 minutes ago, Kospas said:

I play mostly as PAOK and its kinda bugging me how rarely i ever see any attribute changes for our players. Year after year our players remain basically the same, unless an academy player gets a starting role in the first team. For example this year Biseswar has been our best player by far but in the game he looks like hes washed up and ready to retire, Kagawa on the other hand is fantastic ingame but has been dreadful irl. Would be nice if things like these were a bit more up to date.

Greek database has been subpar for too many years now and they refuse to change their methods. But it's a general issue with Data (there's a designated sub forum for this). 

If anything, AEK and PAOK database is usually one of the good ones.


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@DarJ Thanks, this helps a lot! For the scouting report, do you know if there's still an option to always see the attributes without hovering like in FM21?

Hopefully the inbox setting will also work, I thought I sent them all to "report" but now I see that I missed the "finished scouting" one.

EDIT: The scouting reports are still showing up in the inbox, regarding of what I select... Probably a bug then

Edited by dkouv
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2 minutes ago, dkouv said:

@DarJ Thanks, this helps a lot! For the scouting report, do you know if there's still an option to always see the attributes without hovering like in FM21?

Hopefully the inbox setting will also work, I thought I sent them all to "report" but now I see that I missed the "finished scouting" one.

There isn't one. You might have to wait for skins 

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2 hours ago, MBJ96 said:

Is it a bug that I can't see the players on the right side here? I have normalle been able to see the stars of the players. 



What's your screen resolution, if your resolution is too small the tactics page will show over the top, however you can get to the players list by clicking on the right (or by clicking the << on the left) to shrink the tactics area, you can also try zooming out to see if that frees up enough room to see both at the same time.

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1 hour ago, treble_yell_:-) said:

Ok Further to the my previous post, some clarification of my issues with the value ranges.


All the players mention in the previous post are 100% scouted, so having internationalists with years left on their contracts have ranges sitting at like 300k - 4m seems bonkers, even worse when as mentioned before I have a 100% scouted international with a base value range of £6000 and a max of £3.2m. The feature adds nothing to the game when the ranges are so wide and have no bearing on what the player would actually cost ( ie there is no chance getting that international CB for £6000). 

Speaking to agents is a waste of time as well (unless I am missing something) as they simply reiterate "yes I think he will cost between £6000 and 3,2 million) and tell you the same wage demands are is in the scouting page !


Just another half baked addition that adds nothing but clicks and frustration.


Edit : Trying to sign said £6000-3.2m player and his club want 6.5m :D

Is that 6.5m they want on first talking or after negotiating? 

If it is their first response and they don't want to sell the player it is a reasonable response and in my experience you should be able to easily knock them down to something in the range suggested.

However if you feel it isn't working correctly then the best thing to do is to raise the issue in the bugs forum with a save game and examples so it can be looked into and tweaked if need be.

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5 minutes ago, michaeltmurrayuk said:

Is that 6.5m they want on first talking or after negotiating? 

If it is their first response and they don't want to sell the player it is a reasonable response and in my experience you should be able to easily knock them down to something in the range suggested.

However if you feel it isn't working correctly then the best thing to do is to raise the issue in the bugs forum with a save game and examples so it can be looked into and tweaked if need be.

After 1 round of negotiations, however there is the facility for the value range to show - unavailable for transfer as I've seen it with players who recently sign with a club.

There definitely seems to be an issue. Right now I have just had a scouting report for Bryan Heynen - 100% Scouted transfer range 700k to 8.2M. Having such wide transfer range doesn't really give the user any real indication of what they should be paying. Tbh they look fine at the higher level transfers, however at the bottom end the ranges are so varied as to be (imho) worthless.

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34 minutes ago, treble_yell_:-) said:

After 1 round of negotiations, however there is the facility for the value range to show - unavailable for transfer as I've seen it with players who recently sign with a club.

There definitely seems to be an issue. Right now I have just had a scouting report for Bryan Heynen - 100% Scouted transfer range 700k to 8.2M. Having such wide transfer range doesn't really give the user any real indication of what they should be paying. Tbh they look fine at the higher level transfers, however at the bottom end the ranges are so varied as to be (imho) worthless.

To add to that I just had a news item pop up that said X player has a transfer release clause for Y pounds this is a significant discount on his market value.

I looked and his release clause was basically at the very top of the range of his market value. 

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2 hours ago, Sneaky Pete said:

It's very interesting how people can have wildly different issues with the same ME. While I acknowledge that there probably is too little central play in FM22 compared to FM21 (and real life), FM22 is a far more enjoyable match engine for me than FM21.

Why? Cutbacks. Wide players in FM21 are utterly moronic and simply will not cut the ball back properly 99% of the time, preferring to cannon it off the shins of a defender every time.

In FM22, I see goals that simply never happen in FM21. A recent highlight had my DLP finding my RW with a deep diagonal ball, with the RW then making a point turn on the byline and passing it back for an onrushing CM to slot it into the bottom corner. In 700 hours of FM21 I have never seen that goal, despite using the same tactic and the same team as in FM22.

Two things can be true. There definitely need to be a balance. Wide play which my be better in this version, it’s definitely way too effective atm and central play isn’t as good as 21.

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16 minutes ago, Magic_mal2 said:

Just a minor liverpool data issue. Sven dworaczek is now a sxout for Chelsea and Chris mckean is now chief scout at Dundee United.



Could you please post those in the relevant threads here along with any links confirming them: Database and Research - Sports Interactive Community (sigames.com)


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2 minutes ago, Showerman said:

why arent assists awarded for own goals or penalties ?

An assist has to be a completed pass to a team mate. If the opposition player has scored the goal it's not come from a completed pass from a team mate. There's no assist on a penalty because no-one is passing the ball to the player taking it. 

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6 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

My favourite new feature in the game so far. 

Yes! Mine too!

Another thing that I really liked is the possibility to offer a contract to player after the DoF failed in doing it.

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Just now, craigcwwe said:

Dunno why SI decided to make the change but team abbreviations are annoying. Just let us see full team names! 

Mostly this is done for licensing reasons.

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4 hours ago, spiritdonkey said:

Well, I'm ready to buy a beta just to decide - is central play alive or not?:D

Not right now, no.

You see the occasional through ball, but most of the goals come through floated crosses.

I tried a vertical tiki-taka, but i hardly ever score with it. It just goes to the wing backs who cross it in. Seems to be a reluctance to thread the ball through the middle.


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9 saat önce, XaW said:

This is playing in the Vanarama North, so this is exactly what I expect to see. I don't have De Bruyne or Pedri, but I have Eli Phipps with 7 passing and 8 vision. So that pass looks perfectly good for the level I'm at.

So at a higher level, you could well make an argument for another choice, but for my part, this is a good example of what to expect from very good attacking movement (centrally -> wide)  at this level.

I've watched many goals in my youth team it is very similar goals my senior team scores in the first league. As far as I know there is only one engine and animations for all leagues in game.

Floated crosses type of goals with headers are more common now in FM'22.  Long shots goal chance have increased, as mentioned before those players before taking long shots were playing through ball in FM'21. I hope all of this match engine change is not because of new position role in FM'22. 

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Bought FM22 entirely because of the new match engine, so was a little worried when I heard the criticism about easy gegenpress and lack of central play.

But in my first two games, I've really enjoyed it. I've had a variety of goals, with one corner, two central through balls and two crosses. I'm also playing focus play down left, and have my most creative players on the wings. The game also seems much more forgiving to defensive styles. In one game, we went down to 10 men at ~60mins, and we dropped in to a 441 low block (lower dline,loe,less pressing) and the game played as expected. The other side had to work hard to break us down, and only really had a couple of half chances at most. I've done similar strategies in previous FM's, and the moment you take your foot off the gas and drop deep, you get battered with an unrealistic number of shots, and any result feels more down to luck than good defending.

I know I've only played two games, so even though I can't tell exactly how good central play is yet, I already know that it's a lot better than crossing simula- I mean football manager 20.

Overall very impressed so far :thup:

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Not really sure if this is how the game works, but just by two cents on the variety of gameplay. 

Started with Crewe and just set it to the preset 4-3-3 (one dm and 2 cm's) and accidentally started the initial friendly without changing any roles or applying any instructions, and have seen a ton of central play, particularly trying to get the wide player slipped through on goal with a ball between the CB and full back - something that's quite surprising as both wide players are just set at support wingers.

I didn't change anything for a few more games and have seen similar stuff, so now wondering how the AI tries to counter us as the player? Is it intelligent enough to counter us? Or does the game work where it can see what our instructions are, before then manipulating the AI team tactics to somewhat counteract what we do? If we try to play with aggressively "through the middle" instructions can they just throw everything at shutting that off, therefore leaving all the space outside and forcing our players to go wide and cross often?

I only think this because my tactic is just the most vanilla thing going with no obvious instructions to counter so I wonder if that then leads the AI to do the same, and as a result there's no real focus on the pitch so it just ends up with the ME playing out to where the space is?

That could be a load of crap, but just wondering if anyone has insight into the info that the AI has to counter us? Is it just able to see out instructions and directly copy/counter, or does it have a decision making system through the data hub etc like we would?

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18 minutes ago, LucasBR said:

Anyone managed to get sidebar icons-only? Every time I select it it doesn't show the icon, I can't click on anything.

I did on full screen then I changed to windowed and it disappeared

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10 minutes ago, Rooneys 32nd minute headers said:

Not really sure if this is how the game works, but just by two cents on the variety of gameplay. 

Started with Crewe and just set it to the preset 4-3-3 (one dm and 2 cm's) and accidentally started the initial friendly without changing any roles or applying any instructions, and have seen a ton of central play, particularly trying to get the wide player slipped through on goal with a ball between the CB and full back - something that's quite surprising as both wide players are just set at support wingers.

I didn't change anything for a few more games and have seen similar stuff, so now wondering how the AI tries to counter us as the player? Is it intelligent enough to counter us? Or does the game work where it can see what our instructions are, before then manipulating the AI team tactics to somewhat counteract what we do? If we try to play with aggressively "through the middle" instructions can they just throw everything at shutting that off, therefore leaving all the space outside and forcing our players to go wide and cross often?

I only think this because my tactic is just the most vanilla thing going with no obvious instructions to counter so I wonder if that then leads the AI to do the same, and as a result there's no real focus on the pitch so it just ends up with the ME playing out to where the space is?

That could be a load of crap, but just wondering if anyone has insight into the info that the AI has to counter us? Is it just able to see out instructions and directly copy/counter, or does it have a decision making system through the data hub etc like we would?

AI does none of that. AI managers will simply pick their favorite formation and depending on how they view they're going into the match (as favorites, underdog, heavy underdogs etc) they'll adjust things, but won't go further than swapping from their main formation to a secondary "defensive" formation if they're considered heavy underdogs.

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  1. Players apparently reacting positively to press conferences but it's falling under the negatives in their happiness.
  2. The previous chat we had actually did go well (praised for a good performance and he took it well) but then it says he doesn't feel like the chat went well



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Just now, jmbrl said:
  1. Players apparently reacting positively to press conferences but it's falling under the negatives in their happiness.
  2. The previous chat we had actually did go well (praised for a good performance and he took it well) but then it says he doesn't feel like the chat went well



Please report it in the bug tracker.

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