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Graphics suddenly gone, also skin.

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This morning I loaded up FM21 after only 2/3 days since I've last played and found out that the game was not reading the graphics, skins, games and the other folders. They were still located in my documents as they always were but for some reason they were not being recognized from the game itself.

Anyone with the same issue? I can't quite find a fix to it, not even online. Thought it was a windows update that might have caused this but it's been more than 10 days since the last windows update because I've tried to go back to the previous one but I can't. 

Any help would be appreciated because I'm going to loose my mind without FM for another three weeks since the new BETA's out. Hopefully it won't have the same issue too. Thanks lads! 

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No I haven't touched anything from the documents folder. It's still there visible, where it's always been (C:) 
My game is then installed in (D:) but it's always been like this. Since a few days ago I never had any problems :(


Edited by DamienQilBormliz
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