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[ Discussion] suggestions for set pieces that could save us a lot of time


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In my team I have 2 players with really good heading abilities. One is a CB and the other a CDM. They don't play every game so I would like to have the possibility to switch between 2 players for the set pieces positioning. Now if my set pieces tactics are set to take advantage of my CDM and I only play the CB, I have to manually intervert their positioning in every combinaison one by one. It takes a lot of time and it's pretty boring to do.

I would like to have the possibility, in the set pieces screen, to select a player and ask to invert with another and then have a pop up window that would open and let me choose if I want to do it in every combinaison of every tactics. The top would be to have a pop up window where we could have the list of all combinaisons and let us pick the one where we want to make the exchange. That would be a relief...

Thanks and sorry for my english... I hope I'm clear !

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I said in the past that making set pieces routines is a pretty tedious task and then once during a match you swap some players in your normal tactic you end up with those routines completely messed up. There should be a "common sense" option to set them automatically so the best jumpers/headers on the pitch would always be in the most important spots. Efficiency of those set pieces should then depend on the quality of training and staff.

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Automatically will kill the joy as this make it too easy. But current set piece routine, is really to manual

I think it will be better if the added feature is in suggestion form. The suggestion can be right or wrong depend on your assistant  manager or coach that you choose for information

Another suggestion are :

  • You can create more intriguing routine, such as shoot below  feet for attack free kick. Can add players to lay below the wall to intercept that for defend free kick.
    • Or do short pass for another player with great first touch, technique and long shot to hit the ball in the back of the net
    • Short corner for player with great cross to deliver the ball in the area
    • You can setup the flow of the ball for max 3 touch, to inform the player what to do
      • Example for corner you can use far post for player with high jumping, to deliver the ball to the centre area (not directly to the goal)
  • information in % how much your players know the routine well, how much % the routine success in training ( setpiece training / match practice) and can compare when routine using in real match
    • With this you can determine which routine is the best setup among others
  • Information from your scout on  scout next opposition, about opponent strength and weakness, so they can give you suggestion what routine of the set piece that will work best for next match
    • This information will encourage players to make more routine and tinkering with set piece
  • You can switch routine during the match, in terms of next play. Plus, you can shout to them when such opportunity arise
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  • Abdullah Patel changed the title to [ Discussion] suggestions for set pieces that could save us a lot of time

I've recently dived into set pieces for the first time this year and I could not agree more with this suggestion.  Currently, managing set pieces is the most tedious thing to do in FM. Especially when you rotate players as much as I do.

To go further into this idea, I would like to see some kind of depth chart for set pieces. Basically the way it works for set piece takers. Have a depth chart for "Jumpers".

Then on the corners screen, you can set the near post guy as Jumper 1, lurk at near post, as jumper 2, mark keeper as jumper 3. you get the idea.  

Another huge time saver would be if there was a way to copy your left routine, and paste it inverted to the right. 


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Il y a 10 heures, jcp1417 a dit :

I've recently dived into set pieces for the first time this year and I could not agree more with this suggestion.  Currently, managing set pieces is the most tedious thing to do in FM. Especially when you rotate players as much as I do.

To go further into this idea, I would like to see some kind of depth chart for set pieces. Basically the way it works for set piece takers. Have a depth chart for "Jumpers".

Then on the corners screen, you can set the near post guy as Jumper 1, lurk at near post, as jumper 2, mark keeper as jumper 3. you get the idea.  

Another huge time saver would be if there was a way to copy your left routine, and paste it inverted to the right. 


Agree with your suggestions !

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On 20/07/2021 at 07:55, jcp1417 said:

I've recently dived into set pieces for the first time this year and I could not agree more with this suggestion.  Currently, managing set pieces is the most tedious thing to do in FM. Especially when you rotate players as much as I do.

To go further into this idea, I would like to see some kind of depth chart for set pieces. Basically the way it works for set piece takers. Have a depth chart for "Jumpers".

Then on the corners screen, you can set the near post guy as Jumper 1, lurk at near post, as jumper 2, mark keeper as jumper 3. you get the idea.  

Another huge time saver would be if there was a way to copy your left routine, and paste it inverted to the right. 



Agreed instead of position this should be based on the jumpers, because when you put a tall MC as jumper, while your subs MC is a midget LOL

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3 hours ago, saintrainhard said:


Agreed instead of position this should be based on the jumpers, because when you put a tall MC as jumper, while your subs MC is a midget LOL

For real, I play Pogba as my CM - AP, who is a decent jumper, but when I bring in Marcos Antonio as a sub, it's annoying to rearrange all my set pieces (He's a midget)

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I have already opened a topic for this issue. It was locked, but if you are interested, it can be found here

My main points were

- free players setup to the tactics screen (not locked possible positions)

- able to paint movement arrows and target area for ball to be played into       (could be implemented using "beacons", which would show target point   -   mark beacon, choose player, choose option 'run to beacon X'   something like that)

- if beacons would be used, then these would also be considered as beacons (of course):  posts, corner flags,...

- using numbers to show 'most desirable' list

Here is one picture I made to show what I mean.


Here is a throw-in situation. "Decoy", most desirable option, number 1, starts running towards area (or beacon) 1. If left alone, then he gets the ball, but player 1 will most likely be followed by a defence player... Real idea would be to "make enough free room" for player 2.

Player 2, our "strategic" option, runs towards area 2, and ball could be thrown towards area 2. If not followed, then player 2 would be able to cross.

Player 3 would be the "normal" option, and player 4 our backup.

OK, you don't have to comment that 'set pieces' situation (just an example, made with Paint), but DO COMMENT my idea.           REMEMBER, that the better we can explain our ideas, the better SI will be interested in them!

With this idea I try to give more possibilities for us, players, to use. So, that we could use even some "weird" tactics.



That issue with using help from AI. I think, that we have to accept that. Like, if we have ordered our left Midfielder to take a corner kick, but he has already been sent-off!?! But, of course, less automatic AI, the better!

Could the solution be, that players aren't considered as 'player named X' or ' left center defence' (DCL), but with 'players with best headers'??? So, the skill we are looking for, would be the key issue!

Like, when having a corner we would look for Headers, but with a indirect free kicks it would be our best Free Kick Takers / First Touch Finishers GETTING THAT LITTLE PASS. Anyone could give that little first pass!

When doing that set-up game would provide the list of best players (in that skill). Maybe also other useful info.

Maybe, the other possible way to solve this would be deciding these things one-situation-by-one in 'real-time'. A bit like game (even now) asks us, who to use in Penalties. You know, us, Managers, shouting orders there by the pitch.


And, with 'tick-boxes' (or?) we could set the number of defence players that stay as backups (for AI to make that sure). With a 'tick-box' we could also order our Goalkeeper to take part. Only then we would be able to position him.


Edited by rristola
one more point
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  • 4 months later...
  • SI Staff

Thanks for taking the time to raise this here. This is something which has already been flagged as a request within the community, so has already been documented and is part of our internal database of features for consideration. Like all features raised to us, it could end up rejected, or could after extensive design and development become a part of a future FM. 

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