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Issues When Importing Custom Views


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Firstly, apologies if this has been asked a million times before - I did do a trawl but didn't stumble across anything that has so far helped.

Played a fair amount of FM back in the day, though 21 is my first return in a few years.  After dabbling about for a few months, I decided I wanted to get more in depth with my squad/tactics.  Looking around for some custom view templates that mapped attributes against roles, I found what seemed a good one over on FM Scout.  Thing is, I've downloaded the Excel file and placed it in the right folder (views), but no matter what I do I cannot find said file when in FM21.  I go through the directory to the right place, but there are no files in there to import.  I've checked and double-checked that I'm not putting files in the wrong format or directory place, and all seems correct.

Has anyone else had and overcame this issue? 

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