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Rapid decline of new signing

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Has anybody experienced this kind of decline for a new signing? Both my scouts before and also the coaches after he arrived, labelled him a world class player. I really though he was going to be the player bringing us to the next level, but six months in he is now competing to be on the bench. 






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Thats weird, specially at his age. Not even old players decrease so fast.

I have seen relativelly often that players of all ages sometimes seem to suddenly lose stats globally. Like without injutires or anything weird happening but the are randomly hit with doward arrows in 60 to 80% of the stats. They dont actaully lose much though, only sometimes one or two stats actaully lower 1 point and they tend to recover in a few motnhs and be back to growing normally.

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Have his attributes declined? Otherwise your staff simply got it wrong. His attributes don’t look world class to me albeit he’s very good.

Star ratings are subjective so if his attributes haven’t changed it would just be a staff opinion issue

Edited by bowieinspace
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Yeah agreed with bowie, if his actual attributes aren't declining (which I honestly doubt they are that much), then it's possible his form for his old team had your scouts overrate him a little. Now maybe his form hasn't been as good for you, so your coaches are actually underrating him a bit. I've seen many players on good form go up a full star in my coaches eyes without any real significant attribute change, particularly in the last two editions.

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The decline you see from the screenshots was when he was already at the club, so the scouts before he was bought and also the coaches (screenshots) agreed he was world class. This all happened within 3 months.

His attributes havent changed. I was wondering if it could be something to do with adaptability and it might bounce back? He speaks fluent English though.

His performances equal that of an average player at the moment so the current evaluation seems correct. Before he was bought he was on the fringes of the Brazilian national team with 2 goals in 3 matches so he was pretty good. 

Screen Shot 2021-01-26 at 6.11.11 PM.png

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Did you sign some better players for your squad since then? The stars show his rating compared with other players in your squad. He may have been better than who you had prior to signing him, but if your squad quality has improved since then it makes him look average by comparison.

That said your scouts still need a kick up the backside for suggesting he was world class if he isn't. Always take scouting reports with a pinch of salt; mine told me De Ligt was only an average player for my division, but his stats are actually better than both my best CB (rated as 'leading players for division) even taking into account footedness. As he was available on a free I signed him anyway. ;)

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5 hours ago, IbrahimAliMaher said:

Did you sign some better players for your squad since then? The stars show his rating compared with other players in your squad. He may have been better than who you had prior to signing him, but if your squad quality has improved since then it makes him look average by comparison.

That said your scouts still need a kick up the backside for suggesting he was world class if he isn't. Always take scouting reports with a pinch of salt; mine told me De Ligt was only an average player for my division, but his stats are actually better than both my best CB (rated as 'leading players for division) even taking into account footedness. As he was available on a free I signed him anyway. ;)

No. No change in the roster.

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So if his attributes haven’t changed he has not gotten worse as a player, simply your coach opinion has changed. If you compare to your other striker how does his attributes and polygon look? Are they similar or does he look better worse? How does that compare to star rating? 

Either way, star ratings are a useful indicator but not a good sole basis for transfers and squad selections. 

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Form can cause huge swings in star ratings. And it's pretty obvious he was overrated by both the scout and the staff when he first arrived at the club. And yes, these things can happen, always look at a players attributes over star rating. 

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I have had this happen, but persevered with the player, and by the end of the season his stats had gone up again, beyond what they were when he joined.

Could just be a lull. Might be more serious. I’d personally give him a full season. I’d also criticise his training.

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Oh. Its his stars not his attribtues that have changed.

Then nothing to worry about. Attributes are what matters. Stars are both subjective and relative to your squad, so they can change notably for a given player no matter he is good or bad and even if he has udnergone no actual change himself. Every season I have players going up and down stars. I dont pay it much mind if upon closer inspection I dont see notable attribute changes.


Basically is like the opinion they have on the player (that appears on the report). Its wildly affected by form and level of play. If you have the periodic inbox player reports you will notice that often you will have the coaches reporting that X player was considered of a certain level and now is this other. Basically that what happens with stars.

Specially in the lower leagues, I had players in my squad that were considered just good for the league below the one Im playing and just after a bit of imporvement and through playing often in my team (that is performing well) are suddenly considered top for my current league. Thats quite the jump!

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