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transfer system=mugged off system

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hi guys

so my grumble is the fact we get completely mugged off by the AI when it comes to transfers. the AI offer 30%+ BELOW market value consistently. then the other side is when putting in offers for their players, they demand often 800%+ ABOVE market value!?! what the actual??? 

also when offering wages the AI is insane in their demands when negotiating with the player. but then accept a much lower wage from a different club!? again wtf is this??

an example earlier was on a scottish save in 2027, mason greenwood's contract has ran out, i went in, he wanted 200k a week. obv I haven't got that. he then went and accepted Porto's offer of 95k a week! 

i'm thinking maybe because it's scotland? but jeez in these 8 seasons I've managed to help the other teams git gud, the scottish prem is on a par with Liga NOS in portugal. together we are doing ok in europe.


so i'm at a loss and repeatedly losing out on fantastic deals. i refuse to use exploits and add manager bs. but i love this game😕thanks for reading.

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15 minutes ago, MowVu said:

so my grumble is the fact we get completely mugged off by the AI when it comes to transfers. the AI offer 30%+ BELOW market value consistently. then the other side is when putting in offers for their players, they demand often 800%+ ABOVE market value!?! what the actual??? 


The AI is bidding low to unsettle players and try to get them to force a move through. This is a pretty common thing. It is why any key player should always have at least 2 years on their contract. That way you can flat out ignore teams making low bids to unsettle a player because you do not have to worry about losing him for nothing. And players typically get over being upset about offers when a transfer window closes. The other factor to consider is contract length. This is something you should also be doing to the AI. You have to play the long game and plan your transfer activity, but you can unsettle AI players in exactly the same manner to get them for cheaper than you normally would. 

18 minutes ago, MowVu said:

also when offering wages the AI is insane in their demands when negotiating with the player. but then accept a much lower wage from a different club!? again wtf is this??

The thread linked above is a good explanation for that. Also take into account things such as promises, squad status, etc. Maybe he is being offered key player status, with several promises being made. You also are not privy to hidden clauses in the contract (I think) that may bump this up. 

20 minutes ago, MowVu said:

the scottish prem is on a par with Liga NOS in portugal.

I'm not sure how your save is going, but this is absolutely not true. Liga NOS is far more attractive to players because the standard is a lot higher, and Porto have a higher reputation and a better standard than any Scottish team (at the start, again I do not know your save). 

Then again, this is never something I have come up against, for whatever reason. So if you think it is a bug you should report it as such, with whatever info is requested and it will be looked at. 

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On my game Richard Nartey was available on a free transfer, I'm Peterborough in League One, I offer him £1.8k a week, Port Vale in league Two offer him £1.6k a week and he joins them instead :idiot: 

But I did notice that they offered him to be a regular starter whereas I offered him a contract as a breakthrough prospect so i just assumed this was the reason he chose them over me. Cause they could offer him the playing time i couldn't. 

Although saying that Peterborough are very well known in real life as being excellent at progressing young players so I would have thought that would have had an affect too. 

Edited by B3nnet7
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1 hour ago, B3nnet7 said:

On my game Richard Nartey was available on a free transfer, I'm Peterborough in League One, I offer him £1.8k a week, Port Vale in league Two offer him £1.6k a week and he joins them instead :idiot: 

But I did notice that they offered him to be a regular starter whereas I offered him a contract as a breakthrough prospect so i just assumed this was the reason he chose them over me. Cause they could offer him the playing time i couldn't. 

Although saying that Peterborough are very well known in real life as being excellent at progressing young players so I would have thought that would have had an affect too. 

Agreed playing time will have a large impact on a loan decision and will probably override the difference in league reputation

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5 hours ago, sporadicsmiles said:

The AI is bidding low to unsettle players and try to get them to force a move through. This is a pretty common thing. It is why any key player should always have at least 2 years on their contract. That way you can flat out ignore teams making low bids to unsettle a player because you do not have to worry about losing him for nothing. And players typically get over being upset about offers when a transfer window closes. The other factor to consider is contract length. This is something you should also be doing to the AI. You have to play the long game and plan your transfer activity, but you can unsettle AI players in exactly the same manner to get them for cheaper than you normally would. 

The thread linked above is a good explanation for that. Also take into account things such as promises, squad status, etc. Maybe he is being offered key player status, with several promises being made. You also are not privy to hidden clauses in the contract (I think) that may bump this up. 

I'm not sure how your save is going, but this is absolutely not true. Liga NOS is far more attractive to players because the standard is a lot higher, and Porto have a higher reputation and a better standard than any Scottish team (at the start, again I do not know your save). 

Then again, this is never something I have come up against, for whatever reason. So if you think it is a bug you should report it as such, with whatever info is requested and it will be looked at. 

this is insane! the last SI game i played fully was CM02/03😂then i got the mobile fm19 which is a joke. then i got fm 20 so the last 12 months of ownership has been a real slap on the face. this thing is so in depth now. if the AI are purposely coded to mess with you then it all makes sense haha. 


i will read the thread tomo, it's late now but thanks to the person who posted it.


as i said, I'm 8 seasons in so I've done my best to loan players to st johnstone/aberdeen/dundee. these 3 teams are only just behind the auld firm and me. we hold our own in europe so we've collectively caught up with holland/portugal. but i think it's got to be the promises promises. mason greenwood preferred porto to glasgow😂

my wage bill is on a par with the best english champ teams. and my reputation has been stuck at 3 and a half stars for 3 seasons. so these are problems also. just like real life for scotland. 

we're so close to getting into the top 6 leagues in europe on coefficients. once in 6th we get 2 champs lg places. i think that will be the catalyst for us to kick on. the scots national team are 31 in the world ha.

don't think it's a bug, just very harsh. i willplan my transfer attacks from now on. thanks for replying🙏

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5 hours ago, sporadicsmiles said:

The AI is bidding low to unsettle players and try to get them to force a move through. This is a pretty common thing

This is what were told all the time and it doesnt fit. I made a post recently where I signed a player one summer, had a 30m release clause in his contract, teams started bidding for him the next window and they were for his game value (around 10m). I refused a bunch of bids, he was unhappy. I told him that he had a release clause and still had to reject multiple bids around the 10m mark (after setting his asking price to 30m), where teams would come back in with bids for similar values just restructured differently. If I refused the first 5 offers what makes you think i'll accept the next 5 with the same overall value???


There is a clear problem with the transfer market and there has been for years. Excusing it for the AI trying to unsettle the player will, sadly, never see it fixed. 

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Hard to see it as anything other than an issue with the game rather than some long-term planning from the AI. I constantly get bids equal to or less than a player's value when they have over 2 years left on their contract. I think more interaction options with the bidding team would be helpful. I had a Chinese team bid for my second-best striker who has 2.5 years left on his contract and was valued at £31m. They offered £30m. As an opening bid, for a player who's playing regularly and isn't unsettled, that's just absurd. I decided to negotiate the offer though, and suggested £37m. They came back with...£30m.

Maybe there's some underlying strategy here or something going on in the background but if so the game needs to be better at communicating that. Even just a news item that suggests they're trying to unsettle your player would be helpful as it would give some indication if that's what's happening. In this case that wasn't what was going on. After I refused their offer they went and signed a different striker the next week instead.

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12 hours ago, FrazT said:

Agreed playing time will have a large impact on a loan decision and will probably override the difference in league reputation

Yeah I did think that tbh which is why I didn't really question it too much. I was gutted to miss out on him though as he is young and a good prospect but my fault for not offering him better playing time. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 19/01/2021 at 02:06, jimbo22 said:

This is what were told all the time and it doesnt fit. I made a post recently where I signed a player one summer, had a 30m release clause in his contract, teams started bidding for him the next window and they were for his game value (around 10m). I refused a bunch of bids, he was unhappy. I told him that he had a release clause and still had to reject multiple bids around the 10m mark (after setting his asking price to 30m), where teams would come back in with bids for similar values just restructured differently. If I refused the first 5 offers what makes you think i'll accept the next 5 with the same overall value???


There is a clear problem with the transfer market and there has been for years. Excusing it for the AI trying to unsettle the player will, sadly, never see it fixed. 

the game is clearly a bit broken. after playing some more I've had multiple instances where I've had to pull out of bidding for a player. usually because the selling team wants insane money. then they accept lower bids from other AI. i keep getting low balled on selling my players, it's unreal. my players get unhappy and unsettled for rejecting 30% of their value. wtf.

another issue i see now is work permits. i have every permit rejected. then a team from bloody SOUTH AFRICA will swoop in and seal the deal. the players take huuuge pay cuts to not sign with your team. it's so funny at this point. it doesn't matter what league I'm in, it doesn't matter what databases i have loaded. nation coefficient/league rank/world rep means NOTHING to these players🤪😂

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It’s all about if a player wants to come to you or not, or if a player wants to leave you or not. Players get unhappy, even if the bid is stupidly low for them, because they WANT to leave you. Players sign for other clubs for less money than you’re offering because they WANT to play for the other club, and not you. Some clubs just don’t WANT to sell YOU a player but will sell them to another club.

It doesn’t happen all the time. It happens enough to make the game interesting.

Seriously, if this DID happen all the time, then it would be so frustrating. But more importantly if it NEVER happened, and you always got your own way, the game would be SO boring.

It’s not a bug.

Edited by Tyburn
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 15/02/2021 at 11:19, Tyburn said:

It’s all about if a player wants to come to you or not, or if a player wants to leave you or not. Players get unhappy, even if the bid is stupidly low for them, because they WANT to leave you. Players sign for other clubs for less money than you’re offering because they WANT to play for the other club, and not you. Some clubs just don’t WANT to sell YOU a player but will sell them to another club.

It doesn’t happen all the time. It happens enough to make the game interesting.

Seriously, if this DID happen all the time, then it would be so frustrating. But more importantly if it NEVER happened, and you always got your own way, the game would be SO boring.

It’s not a bug.

it's enough to make me think shenanigans lol. the whole AI is nuts.

earlier today i had an agent offer me a player, ok i say, i put in the offer. it's accepted. the agent wants a 1 year contract for his client. i say ok but why not try 2 years? he instantly turns red after having full green patience and the contract talks are done lol. within the week the same player accepts a contract with another team on a 3 year deal🤡wtf lol.

i'm not mad it's just hilarious. if i lose a player i just move on, plenty of regens about. but the whole game is absolutely nuts. but i still love it and spend too much time on it. 

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Transfer markets also have to do with how you set the game up in the first place.

*Part* of the issue can be that there are too many players for the amount of clubs that are playable, or too many good quality players, too many high quality newgens, etc.

Then add individual club finances, and manager/club buying styles...and so on.

I routinely get 2-3 or even 8 times the listed value of a player offered and get good money for them every time. And others in past threads have had the same thing.

I still do get where players sign for much less elsewhere though....

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On 19/01/2021 at 03:07, Olas Nick said:

The transfer system perfect if you compare it with loan system :seagull:

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The loan system is a special kind of broken. Sorry, I do not buy for one second that I cannot get a single club in the entire world to make a bid on my 1st team squad player at a top 5 league club when I'm offering him out for the grand total of 0 local currency. There has to be ONE team on Earth that thinks that would be a good fix. But nope. There never is. 

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2 hours ago, TarienCole said:

The loan system is a special kind of broken. Sorry, I do not buy for one second that I cannot get a single club in the entire world to make a bid on my 1st team squad player at a top 5 league club when I'm offering him out for the grand total of 0 local currency. There has to be ONE team on Earth that thinks that would be a good fix. But nope. There never is. 

Maybe the player doesn't want to go out on loan? If that's the case then the game wont tell you, there just wont be any team trying to sign him - even if you somehow pay them to do so.

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19 hours ago, majesticeternity said:

Transfer markets also have to do with how you set the game up in the first place.

*Part* of the issue can be that there are too many players for the amount of clubs that are playable, or too many good quality players, too many high quality newgens, etc.

Then add individual club finances, and manager/club buying styles...and so on.

I routinely get 2-3 or even 8 times the listed value of a player offered and get good money for them every time. And others in past threads have had the same thing.

I still do get where players sign for much less elsewhere though....

I didn't think about this. I've been playing the same save for a year lol. if i can remember i just loaded up a regular medium database, i never intended to play for so long. so the db is small and rubbish tbh. i dunno, nothing will stop me playing it's just annoying being held back by the AI. 

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18 hours ago, Baodan said:

Maybe the player doesn't want to go out on loan? If that's the case then the game wont tell you, there just wont be any team trying to sign him - even if you somehow pay them to do so.

This is most certainly not the case, as the player's agent is saying, "My Client is very interested in talking to other clubs." And this happens even with players who demanded a loan as part of contract negotiation promises, 

And the game routinely does tell you if they aren't interested. Usually in the same feedback screen for the offer. So if all the feedback is wrong, this is beyond a bug. While I accept "some" margin of error and unreliability in communication, outright deception in every aspect in a data-driven text would render the market non-function.

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On 18/01/2021 at 20:48, MowVu said:

hi guys

so my grumble is the fact we get completely mugged off by the AI when it comes to transfers. the AI offer 30%+ BELOW market value consistently. then the other side is when putting in offers for their players, they demand often 800%+ ABOVE market value!?! what the actual??? 

also when offering wages the AI is insane in their demands when negotiating with the player. but then accept a much lower wage from a different club!? again wtf is this??

an example earlier was on a scottish save in 2027, mason greenwood's contract has ran out, i went in, he wanted 200k a week. obv I haven't got that. he then went and accepted Porto's offer of 95k a week! 

i'm thinking maybe because it's scotland? but jeez in these 8 seasons I've managed to help the other teams git gud, the scottish prem is on a par with Liga NOS in portugal. together we are doing ok in europe.


so i'm at a loss and repeatedly losing out on fantastic deals. i refuse to use exploits and add manager bs. but i love this game😕thanks for reading.


It´s a farce, nothing to do with unsettling players, it´s just that the AI is flawed. I have the best team in the world in 1944 at Wrexham, mostly 5 star players and when Bayern or Barca come knocking my players aren´t interested in them, they still bid ridiculously bids week after week while I have to pay 150+ million for any player resembling anyone in my squad.

I havn´t seen anyone in real life bidding 25 million for f.ex. Jack Grealish week after week  to unsettle him, in FM they do that. I thought it was to unsettle players when my club was in it´s infant years in the PL ... the pattern has however stayed exactly the same after I surpassed everyone. I do have the luxury now of just saying no to the endless amount of bids coming in week after week. I have only seen one realistic bid in the past 5 seasons or so, that was 130 million for a winger worth 90 million.

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When a player decides between multiple club options, I am sure there is a background factor of WHERE your club is location-wise. I remember when messing around with the date editor in long past version, you can set the desirability of the town/city where your club is. 

Portugal vs Scotland towns/cities are going to have different values - Dundee vs Lisbon - not a hard choice, but Glasgow or Edinburgh vs Braga - maybe a closer choice.



Just a thought. 

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vor 4 Stunden schrieb AurioDK:

It´s a farce, nothing to do with unsettling players, it´s just that the AI is flawed. I have the best team in the world in 1944 at Wrexham, mostly 5 star players and when Bayern or Barca come knocking my players aren´t interested in them, they still bid ridiculously bids week after week while I have to pay 150+ million for any player resembling anyone in my squad.

"5-Star-Player means that in correlation to your other team-mates, position and even a comparison with the whole league you are playing. A 5-Star-Player can be a purely amateur-player aswell, so it doesn't really tells you how good he is in general.

The "ridicoulous" bids can have several reasons which is difficult to tell according to this information. A players shown market value isn't directly linked to the amount other Clubs are offering. For example if your key-players contract has only 1 or 2 years left, the bids can be much lower as it's shown value.

vor 4 Stunden schrieb AurioDK:

I havn´t seen anyone in real life bidding 25 million for f.ex. Jack Grealish week after week  to unsettle him, in FM they do that.

You don't see it because it isn't public. But believe me, behind the scenes there is a lot of *****  similar to this example going on:lol:

There are much more criterias which are key for a player to move to another Club. This goes down from netto-salary, city-attraction, language, league-reputation, personal-preferences and so many others. 

IMO the AI is doing a pretty good job, as long as you let them do (Your db-size and detail-level has a pretty big influence on this too)



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1 hour ago, Daveincid said:

You don't see it because it isn't public. But believe me, behind the scenes there is a lot of *****  similar to this example going on:lol:

If it isn't public and is invisible, then how do you know it's happening?

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vor 5 Minuten schrieb Zoolok42:

If it isn't public and is invisible, then how do you know it's happening?

I am lucky to have some deeper insights into football business :) But even without that, it's kinda obvious IMO;)

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It's not just the derisory bids, the press reports that happen before a bid usually suggest that my players are available at a much more reasonable price than when I declare my interest in another teams players.

Quite often the press reports will say my star players could be available for less than they're worth despite no reason such as unhappiness or contract length. 

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3 minutes ago, Daveincid said:

I am lucky to have some deeper insights into football business :) But even without that, it's kinda obvious IMO;)

It isn't obvious if you don't have the insight :D it's far from ethical business, even on the lower levels, at least where I live, it's heavily involved with crime, betting cartels, drug lords, and then on the higher levels with corruption, tax evasion, and all sorts of shady business practices (none of which is present in the FM, they'd probably lose their license if it was). But I've just had West Ham repeatedly offer 1/3rd of a price for a player that is a regular in my Man Utd team, and he had absolutely zero interest in moving. The AI clubs sometimes send like 10 offers in 10 days, all identical, it's very annoying.

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Gerade eben schrieb Iakovenko:

the press

Just imagine how football-world would look like if everything is true what's written in some newspapers:D There might be journalists ingame who just don't like you, so you get bad press ;)

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vor 2 Minuten schrieb Zoolok42:

It isn't obvious if you don't have the insight :D it's far from ethical business, even on the lower levels, at least where I live, it's heavily involved with crime, betting cartels, drug lords, and then on the higher levels with corruption, tax evasion, and all sorts of shady business practices (none of which is present in the FM, they'd probably lose their license if it was).

Well of course this can't be implemented in exactly that way, but I created a mod which might be interessting for you in that regard ;)

vor 3 Minuten schrieb Zoolok42:

But I've just had West Ham repeatedly offer 1/3rd of a price for a player that is a regular in my Man Utd team, and he had absolutely zero interest in moving. The AI clubs sometimes send like 10 offers in 10 days, all identical, it's very annoying.

How long is his contract running?

Have you put in a specific price for sale or is he marked as "unavailable"?

I often get the same offer again again when I forgot to adjust the "asking price":lol:

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1 minute ago, Daveincid said:

Well of course this can't be implemented in exactly that way, but I created a mod which might be interessting for you in that regard ;)

How long is his contract running?

Have you put in a specific price for sale or is he marked as "unavailable"?

I often get the same offer again again when I forgot to adjust the "asking price":lol:

He has three years left, no transfer status and no asking price set. He is worth 31 million, they keep offering 8.25. I reject, tomorrow they offer 8.25 again. I reject again, they offer again. Then a news report that he could go to West Ham, they offer again and so on. I once clicked to see the offer and the agent says the player has no interest in speaking to West Ham. Tomorrow, they offer 8,25 again.

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vor 1 Minute schrieb Iakovenko:

Just imagine if having a have a bad relationship with a journalist knocked 20m off what another football club bids for your player

I wish I can laugh about that, but my heart is bleeding because the press in Switzerland almost destroyed "my" FC Basel for over a year:( Some negative press is well deserved but in the end, the loss of reputation, player-value etc was definetly influenced by the press

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vor 1 Minute schrieb Zoolok42:

He has three years left, no transfer status and no asking price set. He is worth 31 million, they keep offering 8.25. I reject, tomorrow they offer 8.25 again. I reject again, they offer again. Then a news report that he could go to West Ham, they offer again and so on. I once clicked to see the offer and the agent says the player has no interest in speaking to West Ham. Tomorrow, they offer 8,25 again.

Can you upload a screenshot of his transfer-status on his profile?

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vor 1 Minute schrieb Zoolok42:

I play on Switch, so not really, I need to open a Twitter account and upload screenshots there, thank you Nintendo :seagull:

It would have been nice to have this information earlier. You can't expect the same level of detail on Switch as on PC-Version :)

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vor 1 Minute schrieb Zoolok42:

I'm pretty sure everyone else in the thread is on PC, and I've had it happen there, too. Been playing this game for a very long time now, this kind of AI behaviour is nothing new.

Even if so, this forum is for PC-Version. Everything related to Mobile or Switch belongs in this are: https://community.sigames.com/forums/forum/135-fm-xbox-edition-and-fm-touch-general-discussion/

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57 minutes ago, Zoolok42 said:

He has three years left, no transfer status and no asking price set. He is worth 31 million, they keep offering 8.25. I reject, tomorrow they offer 8.25 again. I reject again, they offer again. Then a news report that he could go to West Ham, they offer again and so on. I once clicked to see the offer and the agent says the player has no interest in speaking to West Ham. Tomorrow, they offer 8,25 again.

You can just set a high asking price and put it to auto reject any value lower than that eventually they will stop. Or even better enter negotiations and put some astronomical value so that they withdraw the offer. If both does not stop the barrage of offers they throw at you, then it is definitely a bug.

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