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Constant crash dump when trying to test rules


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I'm looking to see of anybody can read a dump file and understand it in a meaningful way. I am trying to verify rules on a custom database. My rules worked fine when I added the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th tier. But adding the 7th tier is the one causing the crash dumps.

When I click Test Rules and click either 'All' or the 7th tier, the game gets to the end of the first part of the test, where it shows a date around 22nd November 2020 and the the editor just crashes.

If I reinstall the editor, I get a different error stating one my leagues doesn't have enough teams for stage 0 of the league. I have checked this league and there should be no issue getting the teams, none of my other leagues have this issue and they are setup almost identically. If I run the test again, I just get another crash dump until I reinstall it again.

I can attach a crash dump file and it is mentioning an issue with a DLL, but it's not something I can understand. Hopefully someone here can help.

Editor 2021 v21.2.0.1499636 (2020.12.31 05.25.29).dmp

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  • SI Staff
On 31/12/2020 at 05:28, Mediocre_Jake said:

I'm looking to see of anybody can read a dump file and understand it in a meaningful way. I am trying to verify rules on a custom database. My rules worked fine when I added the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th tier. But adding the 7th tier is the one causing the crash dumps.

When I click Test Rules and click either 'All' or the 7th tier, the game gets to the end of the first part of the test, where it shows a date around 22nd November 2020 and the the editor just crashes.

If I reinstall the editor, I get a different error stating one my leagues doesn't have enough teams for stage 0 of the league. I have checked this league and there should be no issue getting the teams, none of my other leagues have this issue and they are setup almost identically. If I run the test again, I just get another crash dump until I reinstall it again.

I can attach a crash dump file and it is mentioning an issue with a DLL, but it's not something I can understand. Hopefully someone here can help.

Hiya, we have a few crashes under review currently - this sounds similar to one already logged (particularly the new error after the crash), could you upload your edit file to this thread too and I can check. Thanks

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Hi, have a similar issue I think. When I test Nation Rules it's all in order but then when running "Test Competitions" it gets to the same date 16/10/21 and crashes the Editor. 

When I try and load the database in-game, it doesn't say I haven't verified the database but it also doesn't load. I have crash dump files but obviously no idea how to read them? Is it worth dumping them in here?

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