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Set Piece Instruction Bug


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Trying to set up my set pieces.  On many of the free kick options I try to arrange my back four from DL (Top), DCL (2nd Top), DCR (2nd Bottom) and DR (Bottom) with the instruction of Stay Back (SB).


As soon as a arrange them, say put DL top, SB changes to None. When I change it bavck to SB, he swaps position with someone else (Let's say DCR) and DCR is now in DL position with instruction changed to None. Each time I try to swap someone back to the correct position, the instruction goes to None and then when I set instruction back to SB, they change position. Long and short, I can't set up my defence correctly at set pieces.

This happens on a variety of set piece -  attack/defence - LR combinations. Some times I am able to easaily set up defence on Left but not Right of the same set piece. Feels like a bug to me.

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