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Would this be possible?


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I would like to create a database of classic star players going back to early 90s up to today. 

However, I do not want all players in the game immediately. 

I would like players to be recycled in as regens, both players that aren't in the game at the start and players that have retired while playing the game. 

I.e Messi retires 5 years into the game but once he leaves the game he can 'respawn'. 


Is that doable, or beyond the scope of the editor? 

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What you are thinking about is possible via

"FUTURE_REGEN" "First Name" "Common Name" "Surname" "DD.MM.YYYY" "Nation" "Favourite Team" - This command will create a new player in the future in the game called whatever name and with whatever date of birth, nationality and favourite team you decide. So you can have yourself in the game. An example of this is "FUTURE_REGEN" "Ricardo" "Coco" "Oliviera" "18.03.1994" "Brazil"" "Rangers". This will mean a regen will appear in the game in the future with those details.

Using the LNC file (see the link below)


However, this limits you as the CA/PA can't be set, that only works via the editor. In the editor you can set players ages, but the player will appear at the start of the game.
Ideally you would want a mix of both worlds, but that's not possibly in the editor or LNC file.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not sure this works any more 

On 22/12/2020 at 16:30, Wakers said:

I would like to create a database of classic star players going back to early 90s up to today. 

However, I do not want all players in the game immediately. 

I would like players to be recycled in as regens, both players that aren't in the game at the start and players that have retired while playing the game. 

I.e Messi retires 5 years into the game but once he leaves the game he can 'respawn'. 


Is that doable, or beyond the scope of the editor? 

No sure this works any more at all, I used it my self previously as an organic way of generating "sons for legends" with random PA's in the game at the players original club.

"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "First Name" "Common Name" "Last Name" "Birth date(dd/mm/yyyy)" "Nation (first nationality)" "Favourite Team" "Ethnicity" "Skin Tone" "Hair Colour" "Height (in cm)" "Weight (in kg)" "Preferred Foot" "Preferred Position" "Favourite Number" "Birth City" "CLUB ID" "CA" "PA"

Values as follows:


  • Unknown/random = -1
  • Northern Europe = 0
  1. Mediterranean/Hispanic = 1
  2. North African/middle eastern = 2,
  3. African/Caribbean = 3,
  4. Asian = 4,
  5. South east Asian = 5,
  6. Pacific islander = 6,
  7. Native American = 7,
  8. Native Australian = 8,
  9. Mixed-Race white/black = 9
  10. East Asian = 10

Skin tone:

  • a value of 1-20, lightest to darkest tone

Hair colour:

Blond = 1, Light brown = 2, Dark brown = 3, 'Ginge' = 4, Black = 5, Grey = 6, Bald = 7

Preferred foot:

Right only = 0,

Left only = 1,

Right preferred = 2,

Left preferred = 3,

Both = 4














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