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No options in Broken Promise player interaction - leading to un-continuable Must Respond loop

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A player has come to me unhappy that I broke promises made to him - but when I click on the Discuss button, there are no discussion options to select. This leads to a loop where I cannot continue past the Must Respond continue button.

Please fix asap as it has broken my save!

Screenshot 2020-12-19 at 14.57.23.png

Screenshot 2020-12-19 at 14.57.31.png

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9 hours ago, Tony Garvey said:

Hey @Alchemist I'd like to look into this, do you happen to have a save where I can see this please?


Hey Tony! I've uploaded the save game to the SI cloud - the filename is 'Tommo Rogers - Salford bug.fm'.

I have also managed to get circumvent the problem by changing the player's agreed playing time. This seems to override the Must Respond loop by cancelling the broken promise interaction and initiating a new one about his playing time that actually has clickable options. So at least I've been able to carry on with my save!

Hope you find what's causing the bug! Please let me know if you need anything else :)

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