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Followed accounts - can't edit Player Shortlist and Staff Shortlist


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In the Followed Accounts area I don't want to get any news about Player & Staff Shortlist. However when I try to untick the Social & News boxes for both under 'All Shortlists' I doesn't let me untick these. If I then try to just unfollow all the content by editing the content level after clicking on the small edit pen, I also can't change anything. This seems to work sometimes for the Player Shortlist (just untick all the content in the edit mode, but not for the Staff Shortlist.

Also it would be great if the Followed Accounts (and Screen Flow) could be somehow saved, because it always takes a lot of time for each save to edit them again.

Thanks for checking!

Attachments: The boxes that can't be unticked in the followed accounts & the Staff Shortlist edit mode, where I can't untick or change any of the content.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-12-06 um 09.35.48.png

Bildschirmfoto 2020-12-06 um 09.35.53.png

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