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Underlined shortcuts (names) in Inbox not working on iPad


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Hi, every underscored name does not lead anywhere (both player names and team names), aat least when it's about transfer/contract offers.

That's not ideal because sometimes you want to look at the player again before offering a contract, now you basically have to go straight to the offer and deal with it from there.


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On 01/12/2020 at 04:28, Harry Dunning said:

Hi @charliebigpot @doc32 & @Gujord,

This is a known issue which is currently under review with our devs and should be rolled out with a new update - i appreciate this is of some annoyance for now so apologies for this, but we aim to get a fix in as soon as possible.



any idea on when you guys expect update to be released? a week, 2 weeks, 3? today? lol

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2 minutes ago, Harry Dunning said:

Hi @gagobeats,

Unfortunately we cannot put a specific date on this at this current time - we are currently in the middle of deciding when and where a hotfix for such issues may be possible.



thanks mate, keep up the great work, looking forward to all the fixes in due time, cheers!

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appreciate the efforts in fixing this!

Is there at least an eta for the eta (are we talking days or weeks?) Asking because this is really impacting game-play adding a lot of unnecessary clicks/touches, I am hesitant to start a new save and might go back to FMT20 for the time being.

Edited by charliebigpot
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