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Blackburn Rovers, the game starts with Mark Venus doing both Assistant Manager and Director of Football roles.

Halfway through the first season I tried to employ a new Director of Football so that Mark Venus can devote all his time to being just Assistant Manager.

But the board said they wont let the new DoF start, unless I sack Mark Venus first.

There should be an option to either:

1) Ask Mark Venus to give up his DoF role and every thing else on his contract stays the same.

2) Renegotiate Mark Venus contract so he just does Assistant Manager which would then free space for the board to employ the new DoF.


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  • SI Staff

Hi @2feet

When I try and reproduce this in house - the DoF transfer is blocked but I'm given the option to remove Mark Venus as DoF - does this not occur for you? I can successfully appoint a new DoF with Venus reverting to just being assistant manager.

If this is not the case for you - could you possibly upload your save game so we can investigate? Details on how to do that can be found here - 

Have noticed that the cost of doing this is inconsistent between news items, so have passed that issue on to our dev team.



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Yes, it blocks the transfer but it asks if I want to remove Venus for a big payoff of £325,000.

But if I had clicked yes to remove him, does that mean he would have reverted to just be Assistant Manager, or would it have meant that the club would have sacked him completely?

Because I thought it was the latter, especially with the big payoff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello @2feet and apologies for the late reply.


The dual-role compensation is a known issue and one that's currently reviewed - I think right now you can even agree with it and it won't be payed through? 

As for agreeing a new DoF member, Venus will just move to his Assistant Manager job and won't be sacked completely.


Hope this helps! 


Kind regards,


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