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FM20 faster than FM21

d d

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I have been reading a lot of feedback on FM21,  a lot of people  have been saying how fast it is, but I have been founding 20 quicker, which is strange, I know Miles had said they have optimize 21, but  i have been FM20 quicker. Only when you save i find 21 quicker, but the day to day processing i find 20 quicker. Maybe its my laptop, but someone did say on there old laptop it was quick. Strange.

Has anybody else experience this or 21 plays faster?

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I play with big databases (bigger than Miles stated in his comparison). I do not expect a speedy game, but I feel there is a noticeable slower time on simulating time (hitting next).

The matches are fine and the saves are indeed faster, just day-to-day is slower than FM20.

This is however a beta, so I believe there might be further improvement.

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16 minutes ago, sporadicsmiles said:

Really? I find that odd since I have really found FM21 to be significantly more optimized than FM20. Saving takes a fraction of the time, processing is faster, I no longer hang on certain screens. Even loading the players into the player search is quicker. Maybe this is a hardware thing? 

I doubt it is hardware related. I use the exact same hardware as playing FM20.
It might be related to database size. Maybe the optimizations are specific for smaller ones but I am just speculating.

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I thought it might be hardware thing but the game is the same specs. I have a slight lag on the processing the days, and the fan is going wild. i don't get that lag on 20. Plus i  am using the same database on both games.

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Playing with all leagues and about 400k players i have to say that FM21 is much, much quicker for me compared to FM20.
Processing from day to day. Loading and saving. Screens with packed information.....it's all so much quicker for me.

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3 hours ago, Arne69 said:

I doubt it is hardware related. I use the exact same hardware as playing FM20.
It might be related to database size. Maybe the optimizations are specific for smaller ones but I am just speculating.


2 hours ago, d d said:

I thought it might be hardware thing but the game is the same specs. I have a slight lag on the processing the days, and the fan is going wild. i don't get that lag on 20. Plus i  am using the same database on both games.

I was thinking more that there was an issue with optimization on the hardware used, not that the hardware is itself not good enough to run the game. I am not an expert in this, but I know that different combinations of components could give different performances. I am definitely not the right person to ask about this though! I am a software man, not a hardware one. 

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when I saw the feedback from Miles about the speed improvements in fm21 I started thinking about changing my normal database set up and increasing the number of playable leagues that I run. Based upon a one season test apparently

Saving the game is circa 76% faster Overall, the game is circa 14% faster“

I am currently running my own tests but, based upon results so far, I am not convinced that the actual game processing time (excluding save time improvements) has improved noticeably. I initially thought that the 14% improvement referred to game processing speed but think that it actually largely reflects the benefits over a season of auto saves being quicker. Save times are definitely a lot quicker .... but actual game processing excluding saves...not convinced...

Edited by mhaffy
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That is a very good point you make there. When you do a season, its going to be naturally quicker because the quickness of the save game time. I had the same thought process as you with the 14% quicker game playing, but your right,that is only down to saving game. The processing for me, does not seem quicker. I mean they may optimize it, my fan goes more crazy than 20.

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I have finally completed my testing, comparing FM20 game processing speed (excluding the impact of auto save speed improvements) to the recently released FM21 Beta by going on holiday for a whole year. 17 Nations and 30 playable leagues with a small database were selected with both FM20 and the FM21 Beta indicating circa 65k players when the game was set up with a 2 star estimated game speed. This is the size of set up and estimated game speed that I usually have for my long term career save. Chelsea was selected in the English Premier League and when going on holiday I set "Reject all offers" and "Use Current Match Tactics".

The test results for FM20 were very consistent but there were variations in the FM21 Beta test times. The FM20 test for the year including 19/20 Season took 75 minutes with the following year covering the 20/21 Season taking 95 minutes both times the tests were run. There will be more players in my FM20 test for the year including 20/21 Season but I beleive that a more likely cause of the significant increase in the time the test took is probably due to there being additional periodic international competitions taking place in the year including 20/21. In comparing the game speed of FM20 to the FM21 Beta, I believe  that the most accurate comparison is between the years including the 20/21 Season.

Summary information of the 1 year holiday tests that I ran is as follows:


The above tests appear to indicate a game processing speed improvement of some 5 minutes over 1 year (95 minutes reducing to circa 90 minutes) - 5% improvement

Increasing the detail level from Default in FM21 Beta so that the detail in top leagues in 5 major nations (England, France, Germany, Italy & Spain) were set to "All Competitive Matches" rather than the Default in my tests of England led to the time taken being increased from 90 minutes to 104.3 minutes - 16% extra time take for an additional 4 major leagues having detail level increased to "All Competitive Matches".

I noticed a significant improvement in game save speeds with my FM21 Beta test taking 4.3 seconds to save versus 14.5 secs in FM20 - 70% improvement

 At different auto save intervals, save times over a 1 year period compare as follows:


Combining processing time and save time over 1 year gives the following:


In summary there appears to be a small % improvement in overall game processing speed with a significant reduction in the time taken to save games.

A tweet from Miles indicated an overall improvement of 14% over 1 year which is consistent with my results including weekly autosave.

I think that, based upon the above, I will probably keep my existing game setup and bank the speed improvements rather than run more playable leagues etc to maintain the same overall experience.

Type: Desktop

Model: Dino PC

CPU Model: i7 - 7700

CPU Base Frequency: 3.6GHz

CPU Turbo Frequency: 4.2 GHz


RAM Clockspeed: 2129Mhz

GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050

Storage Type: SSD but my SI directory where games saved to is on HDD

Edited by mhaffy
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Thats a pretty good test you done.

The save game is a big improvement, in terms of times. The rest of the game not much difference in speed. It could come down to the machine.

Miles test said it was 17% but yours was 5%, save game time really brings it down.

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25 minutes ago, d d said:

My other worry is the laptop fan, it get loud when you play a game on 20 but it goes quiet after that. 21 its constantly on loud all through the game and processing. It only comes down in standby mode.

For me it is quite contrary. On FM 20 fan was working even between games and CPU temperature was around 60-70 but know it is around 54 and even during the games it is pretty quiet. It might be because I reduced detail level slightly though. 

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