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What size(inch) monitor do you use to play FM2021?

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It should be screen resolution, not screen size that affects how much data appears on screen.

I have a 24" monitor for my desktop PC and a laptop with a 15.6" screen, both of which run at 1920x1080 resolution.  I don't recall seeing a difference between the two in terms of how much appears on screen.

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Resolution is more important than screen size (though a small screen with high resolution may result in the text being too small to read).

I have a 32" monitor at 2560x1440p resolution.

At 1440p resolution I get six panels on the Match Tablet, whereas at 1080p you are down to three, and 900p drops you down to two panels. (though hiding the tactics panel at 1080p will get you the extra panels).

Playing at 1080p (or above) will also generally give you extra panels on other screens such as the player profile.

(Of course using different zoom levels will also affect what is shown on the screen).

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  • 7 months later...

Old topic I know, but since I upgraded to a 1440p monitor, FM keeps crashing whenever I advance to a match. IF I spend ages switching between resolutions in fullscreen & windowed mode at various different zoom levels, it eventually settles down again at 1080p (125%) zoom or sometimes at 1440. The crashes are due to FM 'running out of memory' (which happened once in a blue moon before my monitor change on my 32gb system), even though I've got 1/2 my system memory unused.

@michaeltmurrayuk, @autohoratio - did you have to change any settings to get it working reliably for you? And have you used any other skins successfully without issues?

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