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Football Manager 2021 Early Access Beta Official Feedback Thread

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Just done my first cup draw, glad they sorted the issue of the long pause before your team was drawn. Now they all come out at the same speed when clicking next team, so keeps up the suspense of the draw. Small but important. 

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1 minute ago, MBarbaric said:

I've searched but found no info on this:

is it possible to use attributes represented by bars?


I've seen there was fm20 mod, is there such thing for FM21?


Just wait until FM22, that'll be the next change to make it more 'real'

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I must say, I'm impressed with this Beta version of the game.

The matchday UI is different and has been spoken about many times on here, I think it is a bit messy and that pass map screen is ridiculous (which I believe SI have already acknowledged) but it's just very different to 20, it needs time to get used to... and the shout button has moved, that's going to take me ages to get familiar with! One quick question though is can I add the woodwork stat in the match stats? The only way I can check otherwise (I think) is checking the shot positions screen.

Now the big one, which to me is 95% of this game, the ME. Much better, more fluid. I had to play FM20 on text only because I couldn't stand watching the games, but recently I decided to go 2D on FM20 and the ME is worse than I thought. I lost counts of how many times players pick up the ball from their own half and drove past everyone, or pick up the ball back to goal under no pressure, take the ball to the byline and skin the defender for pace.... something that rarely happens but happened too often. Seems to be toned down in this version which I'm very pleased with.

Attacking movement is much better, more incisive passing and more attempts of through balls (to be honest, we know most through balls don't come off IRL but FM20, they barely attempted it!). Defending seems a bit stronger, less likely to dive in and get caught out of position (tactic dependent).

A couple issues which I have found and I'm reluctant to raise as bugs because I don't know if it's affecting people as much as me are:

1) Centre backs missing headers from long balls over the defence. I'm playing as Spurs and one on one's happened four games in a row because of this. The defender looks well set to easily clear but he just misses the header, striker goes clean through. It doesn't happen that often at all IRL at a high level but I've seen it far too often. It could be the graphics deceiving me and the defender is actually struggling to get in a position to head the ball which could be the case, but to me it just looks like he's misjudged a simple hoof... I can provide PKMs if needed but just wanted to know if others saw it.

2) Strikers attempting to chip the goalie when clean through. Again, I've seen it quite a few times in a relatively short space of time and I don't think it's too realistic.


Otherwise, so far I'm happy with the other aspects of the game. Press conferences seem more immersive, talking to your players is much better and seems more realistic. I like the option to speak to a player's agent before bidding too.

One question I do have for people who have already got a long term save going, what are the newgens/youth intakes like? I can't remember off the top of my head but I think FM20 had an issue with newgens and their low determination initially so was wondering if there was anything like that? Can't see anything reported so I guess all is good.

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The UI is awful, still. In fact if anything it's worse.


The new teamtalk layout is a mess. The post match analysis screens are a mess. Just shooting info out at a wall and leaving it how it sticks.


Why are there 4 different font sizes in the titlebar alone?


If I had the time I would go through every single screen in the game and write an essay on how terrible the user interface is. I sincerely hope someone makes skins for FM Touch this time around.

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14 hours ago, swordy9320 said:

Kev has missed 2 pens for me already this season and spends a lot of time injured. 

10/10 realism, would buy again.

On a serious note, I'm seeing a greater prevalence of goals where the goalkeeper or defender tries to clear the ball and it hits and attacker and rebounds in.  I have a match saved where the Ajax keeper kicked it out of his hands right at Aguero and it deflected in.  It's happened three times in about 20 games or so.  Worth a bug report or is that pretty much average?

Worth posting up here, especially if you are able to provide that saved match - https://community.sigames.com/forum/776-match-engine-ai-and-tactics/ - even if it just means we can investigate and confirm it to be occurring at an expected rate.

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7 minutes ago, evilpimp972 said:

Ansu Fati just went to Chelsea for 29 millions...

The biggest prospect of Barca lol

Yeah the transfer prices are proper weird at the moment, think they've already said that they're looking into it.  On one of my saves, City sold Stones to Liverpool for £12m and United bought Sancho for £36.5m up front (£50m all in)

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2 minutes ago, Wakers said:

Transfers are broken, too.

Fati has left Barca 3/3 games for less than 30 million euro each time.

Was mentioned in the known issues thread that transfer valuations and asking prices are still being balanced.

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1 minute ago, Wakers said:

Transfers are broken, too.

Fati has left Barca 3/3 games for less than 30 million euro each time.

Are Barcelona broke in the game as they are IRL? could be a reason why their players are going on the cheap

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1 hour ago, davidmn27 said:

Im mostly encouraged by the comments on here, especially regarding the ME. 

But can people please give their views on the difficulty of the game.. I'm concerned based on numerous comments that it's too easy?? 

I appreciate that there are ways to artificially make the game harder for yourself, but you shouldn't have to


Seems to me that teams are playing too timid even when they are favorites. 


i only played a few games because of work so it's a small sample size for me...

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1 hour ago, davidmn27 said:

Im mostly encouraged by the comments on here, especially regarding the ME. 

But can people please give their views on the difficulty of the game.. I'm concerned based on numerous comments that it's too easy?? 

I appreciate that there are ways to artificially make the game harder for yourself, but you shouldn't have to


I'm getting rekt on my lower league save if that helps; and on my Alaves save after a year of playing park the bus hoofball then I almost didn't get sacked.

Oh I'd also like to say that for the first time in forever, in this match engine a solid two banks of 4 anti-football game seems possible without cheesing it and basically going gegenpressing in disguise.  

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56 minutes ago, bigmattb28 said:

As long as the match engine gets left the hell alone, I'll be happy with any patches!

Totally agreed, if people start complaining about this match engine then they're off their rockers :D

Seen so many through balls etc so far and the game just feels great.

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24 minutes ago, HUNT3R said:

Was mentioned in the known issues thread that transfer valuations and asking prices are still being balanced.

Would've scrapped the whole idea of a vastly reduced transfer system for however many seasons and focused on improving AI transfer policy instead. Just seems to be a mess. 

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1 minute ago, ajt said:

Totally agreed, if people start complaining about this match engine then they're off their rockers :D

Seen so many through balls etc so far and the game just feels great.

Its not the ME though. The ME is SOLID! its the ME UI that has been broken. Some strange decisions from SI. Hopefully we'll see in the finl release or any patches leading towards it.

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Just now, bassistuk said:

Its not the ME though. The ME is SOLID! its the ME UI that has been broken. Some strange decisions from SI. Hopefully we'll see in the finl release or any patches leading towards it.

oh I don't disagree m8, already replied to your thread.

I too liked the ability to customise last year, but I think they seem pretty set on forcing this UI upon us.

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I've not had much chance to play since release of the beta, but from the few matches I've played, I am mightily impressed with the improvements to some of the animations in the ME, chipped goals, better looking placement of shots and some really beautiful looking passages of passing play....well done to the guys in this area, its night and day differences from last year.

The UI for me is really good too, yes some things have been replaced or updated and won't suit everyone but I'm enjoying it, the gestures add to the way you can present yourself in press conferences and with players.  Equally, the way responses are 'greyed out' if they conflict with the gestures is a handy addition.

All in all, if this is the starting point for the game in the Beta stage for us then I am looking forward to the tweaks in time for release.

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1 hour ago, keon said:

I must say, I'm impressed with this Beta version of the game.

The matchday UI is different and has been spoken about many times on here, I think it is a bit messy and that pass map screen is ridiculous (which I believe SI have already acknowledged) but it's just very different to 20, it needs time to get used to... and the shout button has moved, that's going to take me ages to get familiar with! One quick question though is can I add the woodwork stat in the match stats? The only way I can check otherwise (I think) is checking the shot positions screen.

To see more match stats during the game, on one side of the touchline tablet change the drop down to match stats and then use the customise button to add the additional stats you want to see. This is what I've been doing, it just means I have repeated information on the left with the fixed match stats panel.

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28 minutes ago, Siven said:

More feedback on UI, carrying on from my previous post 

The Interview screen has so much wasted space in the prime area of the screen, the middle.

The previous FM versions used the screen space far better.


This would have looked much better if the picture had people in it like you see in real life. 

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The biggest thing for me, is that it now feels like I can see things I do tactically play out in front of me. It has been my biggest gripe for the last couple of games. I've not really started a save yet but have done a few tactical things with different teams and you can really see them play out in front of you. I hope that they keep the ME the same. We know that the slightest tinkering can offset things. It would be horrific if they made it worse for the full game, and then didn't fix that again until March. 

Overall, I have been hugely impressed and my faith is restored after FM20.

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I have to say, i did not have high expectations this year, because of all the known circumscantces etc. But after my firts beta days i have to say: Holy cow, u nailed it with this Match Engine!! It looks and feels so good and balanced, i really love it!

Also i really like changes like that u have more statistics (you allready know, that the matchday passing statistics is not readable :D ). I like the UI and the default skin. Might be the first time that i just stay with the default one.

And i personally like that new fatigue etc heart symbol instead of the old percentage rating, much more realistic

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Just now, Iwabik said:

One other thing I find quite stupid - if I want to do individual team talk after a match, the game selects ALL the players and I have to unselect all but the ones I want to talk to. Stupid.

The OP has a known issues link and this is one of the known issues. It's on the radar to get fixed.

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2 hours ago, JayArr said:

I really miss the widgets and timeline in the matchday view. I use the 2D visualisation and it means that there's a lot of blank space around the edge of the screen now that I'd like to fill up with useful information like I've been able to do for the last few years. At the very least I wish that clicking the icon in the top left to get the stats was a persistent thing that didn't close itself.

Removing the timeline just plain sucks. I know it's been done because it's not realistic that you could re-watch things on the fly, but y'know what else isn't realistic? Me being manager of Everton.

Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, but the 'Notable Events' section on the left, where all of the goals, etc. are is bascally a timeline.  Click on the minute next to the event and it will bring you to said event.

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2 minutes ago, GOODNAME said:

Please please bring back the FM 20 UI match day or at least give us the option to choose :(:(

That's never going to happen. Best we can hope for is if the modders and skinners can work their magic on it. 

Edited by Dagenham_Dave
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6 hours ago, sporadicsmiles said:

I'm going to type my first impressions as I go, so it is a legit reaction to everything I find. 

  • Nice to see tool tips added to philosophy. I think that is new? Either way it is good to know what these things mean.
  • Everything feels a lot faster than FM20. I can actually feel that I am running this on a good PC.
  • The little video to explain what players should do is a nice touch when designing a tactic. This is clever and something I advocated for. Visually seeing something is much better than reading it, and now people can make a choice of role based on this. I would note that it would be nice to see the animation change for roles that span multiple positions. E.g. a Treq in a wide position rather than the centre. Just would make this whole thing complete. But very nice. 
  • Is roaming playmaker from DMC new? I can already feel the tactical forum filled with posts on why defensive cover is poor from this role =D.
  • I can understand the decision to move away from percentage representation of the condition and match sharpness on the display, but I wonder how easy this will be to make informed choices. I also do not seem to be able to find condition and match fitness to add to custom views (that could just be me).
  • I have not gotten to interviews yet, but I like that they are apparently now split up in responsibilities in League, domestic cup, continental cup and broadcast. This is nice because you could delegate less important competitions but speak at important ones. 
  • Once again this game is very well optimised, it is very quick to process. 
  • I like the meeting screen.
  • The initial team meeting is no longer a guess the correct goal for the season mini game. This is a lot nicer. Many more options and actually feels like you are really discussing with your team your plans. And the gesture thing is going to take some getting used to but it seems fun. There is going to need to be a guide as to what these are meant to signify, I'm not sure how general gestures are or if they are culturally specific. Also talking about each competition. This is very nice, it is no longer a click and move on exercise, you actually have to think about your aims and the team aims properly. 
  • Oh the board telling me which questions I should answer in a press conference. That is also cool. 
  • Press conferences. Seeing who is there and who asks the question is a lot nicer. This setup is much more engaging than we had previously. The questions and answers are pretty much the same, but there is more engagement with the process. And feedback is nice. 
  • It is very nice to be able to choose how your intrasquad friendly is set up, who to play, who to play against, and who to manage. I like this a lot. 
  • The match screen. I do like the visuals, but I am not sure about the lack of widgets. I will wait and see, but it looks like it will be harder to grab the info you want quickly.
  • The ME looks significantly nicer at first glance. Football feels more realistic, and the animations look very good. Player movement looks nice and passing looks better. Obviously I need a better sample size to know for sure, but so far so nice. Very well done. Oh and the TV camera is making me feel motion sick, that is the dynamic zoom I think. 
  • Still seeing a lot of offsides in the wide channels which do not make a lot of sense. 
  • The half time stats thing is pretty cool to have. Someone is going to have to explain to me how xG works mind. Also for the shot map thing, there are different symbols but no key as to what they mean. This needs explaining somewhere (I did not find where if it is). xG is a nicer way than CCC as well, it actually quantifies how good chances are (I think).
  • Team talks are again set up quite nicely. I do not think it is as easy to read what is going on as before. Also for individual team talks you need a select all/deselect all option. Or to default to nobody selected. This is going to be a click fest if you want to give multiple players specific team talks. 

That was quite extensive. I will leave it there. The conclusion is that FM21 seems really nice even in the beta phase. Easily the most well rounded beta I have played. Well done SI. 

If you pop out the shot map (I think it's a double arrow icon) to a full screen version, it has a legend on what each icon on the shot map means.

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The 2D match day UI isn't as bad as people make out IMO.

I have suggested this, but I would love to be able to reduce the number of windows on the touchline tablet. Take a look at this view:


Now, if I could have only 2 windows open on the tablet, I can see the entire pitch and I still have info left, bottom and on the right hand side without getting in the way of the pitch.

Edit:   I don't play in 2D, but I'd like to have that functionality even for 3D. Right now, I don't use the tablet because it covers too much of the pitch/screen.

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I have no idea how the Match Engine team managed to move from FM20 to this, in the space of a year, having worked at home since March. It's an absolute night and day change and I bloody love it, having fallen out of the love with the game over the past 6 or 7 versions. All the "fun" and control from days gone by is back and whilst there are no doubt still some creases to iron out, I think it's a total triumph. Playing with 3 at the back is fricking awesome :cool:

In addition to that the optimisation is fantastic too. Processing, saving and loading are miles faster than recents years.

I share some of the concerns about the UI but after 12 hours or so on the game I'm beginning to remember where things are and am pacified by the knowledge that things like the uninterpretable pass maps are already being reviewed. I'm an FMT man really so I'll be interested to see if the UI in that mode is less cluttered when it launches on the 1st December. All in all, I'm utterly surprised by just how good this is.

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They should change the VAR review to BEFORE the official decision rather than after. It would add some drama in certain situations and really amp up the tenseness of close and tough games. It would be nice to see the situation from a couple angles maybe or just the one, and then showing you the result.

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