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When's the BETA out speculation thread FM 21

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7 minutes ago, Lempicka said:



I tried this thing called "sleep" yesterday. Didn't know what it was until someone mentioned it here.
I was on my couch. I closed my eyes and "WHOOSH"! Several hours had passed and i felt strange and dizzy...at first. Then i was back to normal.
But many, many hours had just passed me by, without me noticing it.
Don't care for it. I will miss the release if i continue doing that.
So i'll echo this. It's very good advice.


Edited by roykela
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1 minute ago, kiingallen said:

He did say in the livestream that it was possible for tonight

Maybes its 24 "working hours". So if he pressed the button halfway through the stream when he vanished its 24 hrs from then over Friday/Monday.

When was the stream live?


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If SI stuff is working non stop all night to have it released ASAP then I understand not saying anything, but if they are following standard office hours and already at home, we should be told that there is zero chance it will be released out of office hours and for sure not at night.

One thing is to keep us waiting and having hope and fun where there is a chance and another to keep us waiting with zero chances.

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1 minute ago, Icy said:

If SI stuff is working non stop all night to have it released ASAP then I understand not saying anything, but if they are following standard office hours and already at home, we should be told that there is zero chance it will be released out of office hours and for sure not at night.

One thing is to keep us waiting and having hope and fun where there is a chance and another to keep us waiting with zero chances.

hope this is sarcastic reply

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2 minutes ago, Icy said:

If SI stuff is working non stop all night to have it released ASAP then I understand not saying anything, but if they are following standard office hours and already at home, we should be told that there is zero chance it will be released out of office hours and for sure not at night.

One thing is to keep us waiting and having hope and fun where there is a chance and another to keep us waiting with zero chances.

Let's be honest, surely they know at least a few hours in advance... I highly doubt they just decide these things on minute by minute basis like some indie company. Beta probably isn't even the very final version of the game they have, I'm pretty sure we only get that after the first patch.

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1 minute ago, Neil Brock said:

We've all been at home for months. :D 

Like we've always said, it'll be ready when it's ready. Not really much more we can say than that at the moment. 

But will it be tonight or should we all just come back tomorrow?

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1 minute ago, Neil Brock said:

We've all been at home for months. :D 

Like we've always said, it'll be ready when it's ready. Not really much more we can say than that at the moment. 

You can say go to sleep fellas, it isn't going to be today

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2 minutes ago, Icy said:

If SI stuff is working non stop all night to have it released ASAP then I understand not saying anything, but if they are following standard office hours and already at home, we should be told that there is zero chance it will be released out of office hours and for sure not at night.

One thing is to keep us waiting and having hope and fun where there is a chance and another to keep us waiting with zero chances.

There are a lot of SI staff logged into the forums, I don't know if that's normal for this time of night but it shows that they are not keeping to office hours

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1 minute ago, Neil Brock said:

We've all been at home for months. :D 

Like we've always said, it'll be ready when it's ready. Not really much more we can say than that at the moment. 

Definitely tonight then otherwise you’d have been courteous enough to say so

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hace 2 minutos, rosque dijo:

hope this is sarcastic reply

Why should it? I understand that SI doesn’t know when they will release the beta as it will be when it’s ready, and if they are in the final stressing sprint (I’m the CEO a big tech company, I know what I’m talking about) it can be any time but if they are already at home enjoying their deserved rest, that I respect, and there is zero chance of it being released tonight, I think they should say it as they did yesterday.

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