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How an American learned to create a Football tactic in Football Manager

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I am an American and prior to 2014 my knowledge of Football, yes I have come to agree it is Football not soccer, was limited to playing a couple games 40 years ago when I was 12 (I was an Advanced Forward)  and watching some games during the World Cup.

I knew Football Manager was the premier sports management video game, so I bought FM2014, and every edition since, and started to learn about Football and Football Manager. I read articles, scoured the forums, looked up websites, and watched YouTube videos. I still do all those things as I am ever learning. So here is what I have learned.


How to Create a Tactic.

In real life a Football manager would give his players instructions on how to play. He wouldn’t tell a team that they were playing a 4-4-2 with Joe being an Advanced Playmaker. Instead he would give his players specific instructions on how they were to play, what parts of the pitch they were to cover, and how they were to pass.

In Football Manager when we create a Tactic this is exactly what we are doing. We are using the Tactical Creator to issue specific instructions to players. Football Manager has divided all the possible instructions into a couple of categories. These categories are, Formation, Mentality, Team Instructions, Player Role, Player Duty, and finally Individual Player Instructions. When you set any one of these you are giving your players specific instructions on how to play. (There is also the issue of Player Traits, previously called Player Preferred Moves.)


Now before I get into all the instruction, we give I want to talk about my #1 rule when creating a tactic.

K.I.S.S. Keep it Simple Stupid.

The wealth of instructions available to us lead to instruction overload. Many people want to pile on Team instruction after Team Instruction when just a few, or even none, would be far better. Take the Team Instruction “Pass into Space.” If this instruction is not selected it doesn’t mean players will not pass the ball for other players to run on it. This only needs to be selected if you want them to do it more than normal and that should only be determined by your tactic, your players, and your opponent.

Another instruction overload I see is in the selected roles. Take the Midfield as an example. People feel that roles such as Mezzala, Advance Player Maker, Deep Lying Playmaker, and Carrilero are better than the Center Midfielder. They will even call the Central Midfielder a more “simple role.” So, they try to fit all these specialty roles into their tactic when what they really need is a Central Midfielder. IMO there is no such thing as a more advance role or a simpler role because each role is nothing more than a set of instructions.


So how to do this.



Where a player lines up on the pitch gives him a certain mindset and a certain amount of instructions. A player lined up in the final third, such as a STC, is going to more attacking minded and less defensive minded than a player lined up in the CB position who will be more defensive minded and less attacking minded.



This is one of the hardest things to understand and I would say there are more articles written on this subject than anything else. Mentality is a scale that includes: Very Defensive, Defensive, Cautious, Balanced, Positive, Attacking, and Very Attacking.

Mentality can be basically defined as how much risk a player should take. Should they risk moving up the pitch and being out of position or do they play it safe and stay back? Do they risk making the questionable pass or do they go for it and try to make the pass?

When I set Mentality, I think strictly in terms of risk. How risky do I want my players to be? To risky and they will try to make plays that they cannot make and fail, giving the opponent an advantage. Not risky enough and they fail to make plays and give the opponent an advantage. This is why a great team can play a low-level team and lose because they have a low mentality and are not making the plays they could make. This is also way that low level team can get destroyed when they play with a high mentality and try to make plays that they cannot make.

One of my issues with Mentality is the terminology that SI has decided to use. Because of the terms people might think that a Defensive mentality means they are playing a tactic that is more defensive and less attacking. This is not true. Mentality has nothing to do with how defensive or attacking a system is. Using Formation, Roles, and Duties you can create a tactic that is very attacking, but plays with a low, Defensive, mentality (thereby taking less risk) than the same team playing a higher mentality and taking more risk. So, you can set your teams risk level by choosing a Mentality.

However, each role and duty modify this Mentality so that the player has his own specific mentality. An example of this is the CB. A CB is always going to take less risk than a STC. So, when with the Team Mentality of Balanced a CD with the defend duty will have a Mentality of Defensive. At the same time a Pressing Forward with the attack duty would have a Mentality of Attacking.

The player Mentality is also modified by the duty given to him. Above the Pressing Forward had the attack duty which gave him the Mentality of Attacking. The same Pressing Forward with the support duty would have a Mentality of Cautious and if he had the defend duty, he would have the Mentality of Defensive. All of this with a Team Mentality of Balanced.


Player Role

A player role is nothing more than a set of instruction to the player on how to play. Giving a player the role of Mezzala gives one set of instructions while giving the role of Advanced Playmaker gives another different set of instructions and giving him the role of Central Midfielder is yet a 3rd set of instructions.

What roles you choose is determined by the needs of your tactic and the players available to play that role. For each position on the pitch players have a certain suitability to the roles of that position. Football Manager has our assistant manager give us his opinion on the suitable roles a player can play based upon his attributes.

This is important to understand because managers might be reluctant or feel that they cannot play a player in a role that is only rated as awkward or unconvincing. It is important to remember that this is the assistant managers opinion and a player with the appropriate attributes can perform functionally or even well in a role they are listed as long as they have the correct attributes. There is something to be said however for the experience a player has at a certain role.

As stated above I believe player roles is one place were instruction overload occurs. Managers want to play with the fancy Volante, Mezzala, Trequartista, False Nine roles thinking they are somehow better than the Defensive Midfielder, Central Midfielder, Winger, and Advanced Forward roles. They are not better and nor are they worse. They are just Football Managers method of trying to duplicate the instructions given to certain real-life players.


Player Duty

The duty (attack, defend, or support) that a player is given is another level of instructions given to the player that alters the instructions of the player receives from their role and their mentality. Certain roles are limited in the types of duties they have because the instructions given by their role prevents certain duties.

A Box to Box Midfielder with the defend or attack duty makes no sense. The role of Box to Box tells the player to play at both ends of the pitch making runs into the attacking box and also helping defend his own goal. This is why the Box to Box midfielder is only offered with the support duty, because the instructions that the support duty would give are already given in the role and an attacking or defensive duty would be giving instructions opposite of the instructions given by the role.

Another example of this is the Central Defender. This role cannot take the attack duty because the attack duty would be giving instructions to the player that are opposite of the instructions the player is receiving from the role.

The assistant manager will give change his evaluation of a player based upon the roles they are given, but IMO this should be ignored because the instructions given the duty is more important than any evaluation.


Team Instruction

These are, as would make sense, instructions given to the entire team. Team Instructions are a good way to modify and determine how your tactic plays. The instruction of Underlap is a perfect example. This Team Instruction tells your Wide players to not look for an overlap on the outside, but instead to look to pass to the inside.

Team Instructions is another place where instruction overload occurs. Some team instructions could lessen the impact a player might have because of his role and his duty. Having the Team Instruction to attack Narrow hampers the ability of the AMR playing the Winger role that tells him to play wider and cross more often.


Individual Player Instruction

Then there is the layer of individual player instructions. Individual players can be given instructions. An example of this might be the player with poor Long Shots and poor Finishing might be given the individual instruction to Shoot Less Often while a player with high Finishing might be told to Shoot More Often.

Sometime, however, the role and duty a player is given prevent certain individual instructions from being given. An Advance Playmaker role for instance is given the instruction to Shoot Less Often. It is a role that looks to pass first. It makes no sense to give a player using that role the instruction to Shoot More Often, so it is disable and not available to choose.


Player Traits

The last level of player instructions acts like instructions, but are beyond the managers control, Player Traits, previously known as Player Preferred Moves. These are things that a player is going to do regardless of the position, role, and duty they are instructed to have. These are often ignored by manager, but are, possibly, more important than roles and duties as Player Traits determine how a player is going to play and can override instructions given in roles and duties.

An example of this might be the player given the AML position with Winger role. The Winger role gives the instruction to play wider, but if the player has the Trait Cuts inside from the left he will not stay wider, but instead will be out of position as he continually cuts inside.

A player with the Trait Gets Forward Whenever Possible is going to struggle with the defend duty that tells him to Stay Back at All times as he will be running forward and getting out of position.


Opponent Instructions

Another, last layer, is opponent instructions. These are instructions given to the entire team in regard to individual opponent players or positions. It is usually something about making sure an opponent plays on his weaker foot, is closed down more often, or is marked tighter. It might also be that an opponent is marked less or closed down less.

Opponent Instructions can be useful, but they can also be damaging to your team’s ability to win a match. An example of this might be telling your players to mark tighter and close down more on the opposing STC. This sounds good but could end up in you players being out of position as they try to follow the Opponent Instructions you have given them.

Edited by Herolover
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Amazing stuff, this will be very helpful to anyone who's new to the game, even some of the veterans!

Also the title reminded me of the best tactics threads in this forum, made by one of your countrymen @VinceLombardi. I think you'd find them very interesting.



Edited by Experienced Defender
replying to a comment I removed in the meantime
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1 hour ago, Herolover said:


I am an American and prior to 2014 my knowledge of Football, yes I have come to agree it is Football not soccer, was limited to playing a couple games 40 years ago when I was 12 (I was an Advanced Forward)  and watching some games during the World Cup.

I knew Football Manager was the premier sports management video game, so I bought FM2014, and every edition since, and started to learn about Football and Football Manager. I read articles, scoured the forums, looked up websites, and watched YouTube videos. I still do all those things as I am ever learning. So here is what I have learned.


How to Create a Tactic.

In real life a Football manager would give his players instructions on how to play. He wouldn’t tell a team that they were playing a 4-4-2 with Joe being an Advanced Playmaker. Instead he would give his players specific instructions on how they were to play, what parts of the pitch they were to cover, and how they were to pass.

In Football Manager when we create a Tactic this is exactly what we are doing. We are using the Tactical Creator to issue specific instructions to players. Football Manager has divided all the possible instructions into a couple of categories. These categories are, Formation, Mentality, Team Instructions, Player Role, Player Duty, and finally Individual Player Instructions. When you set any one of these you are giving your players specific instructions on how to play. (There is also the issue of Player Traits, previously called Player Preferred Moves.)


Now before I get into all the instruction, we give I want to talk about my #1 rule when creating a tactic.

K.I.S.S. Keep it Simple Stupid.

The wealth of instructions available to us lead to instruction overload. Many people want to pile on Team instruction after Team Instruction when just a few, or even none, would be far better. Take the Team Instruction “Pass into Space.” If this instruction is not selected it doesn’t mean players will not pass the ball for other players to run on it. This only needs to be selected if you want them to do it more than normal and that should only be determined by your tactic, your players, and your opponent.

Another instruction overload I see is in the selected roles. Take the Midfield as an example. People feel that roles such as Mezzala, Advance Player Maker, Deep Lying Playmaker, and Carrilero are better than the Center Midfielder. They will even call the Central Midfielder a more “simple role.” So, they try to fit all these specialty roles into their tactic when what they really need is a Central Midfielder. IMO there is no such thing as a more advance role or a simpler role because each role is nothing more than a set of instructions.


So how to do this.



Where a player lines up on the pitch gives him a certain mindset and a certain amount of instructions. A player lined up in the final third, such as a STC, is going to more attacking minded and less defensive minded than a player lined up in the CB position who will be more defensive minded and less attacking minded.



This is one of the hardest things to understand and I would say there are more articles written on this subject than anything else. Mentality is a scale that includes: Very Defensive, Defensive, Cautious, Balanced, Positive, Attacking, and Very Attacking.

Mentality can be basically defined as how much risk a player should take. Should they risk moving up the pitch and being out of position or do they play it safe and stay back? Do they risk making the questionable pass or do they go for it and try to make the pass?

When I set Mentality, I think strictly in terms of risk. How risky do I want my players to be? To risky and they will try to make plays that they cannot make and fail, giving the opponent an advantage. Not risky enough and they fail to make plays and give the opponent an advantage. This is why a great team can play a low-level team and lose because they have a low mentality and are not making the plays they could make. This is also way that low level team can get destroyed when they play with a high mentality and try to make plays that they cannot make.

One of my issues with Mentality is the terminology that SI has decided to use. Because of the terms people might think that a Defensive mentality means they are playing a tactic that is more defensive and less attacking. This is not true. Mentality has nothing to do with how defensive or attacking a system is. Using Formation, Roles, and Duties you can create a tactic that is very attacking, but plays with a low, Defensive, mentality (thereby taking less risk) than the same team playing a higher mentality and taking more risk. So, you can set your teams risk level by choosing a Mentality.

However, each role and duty modify this Mentality so that the player has his own specific mentality. An example of this is the CB. A CB is always going to take less risk than a STC. So, when with the Team Mentality of Balanced a CD with the defend duty will have a Mentality of Defensive. At the same time a Pressing Forward with the attack duty would have a Mentality of Attacking.

The player Mentality is also modified by the duty given to him. Above the Pressing Forward had the attack duty which gave him the Mentality of Attacking. The same Pressing Forward with the support duty would have a Mentality of Cautious and if he had the defend duty, he would have the Mentality of Defensive. All of this with a Team Mentality of Balanced.


Player Role

A player role is nothing more than a set of instruction to the player on how to play. Giving a player the role of Mezzala gives one set of instructions while giving the role of Advanced Playmaker gives another different set of instructions and giving him the role of Central Midfielder is yet a 3rd set of instructions.

What roles you choose is determined by the needs of your tactic and the players available to play that role. For each position on the pitch players have a certain suitability to the roles of that position. Football Manager has our assistant manager give us his opinion on the suitable roles a player can play based upon his attributes.

This is important to understand because managers might be reluctant or feel that they cannot play a player in a role that is only rated as awkward or unconvincing. It is important to remember that this is the assistant managers opinion and a player with the appropriate attributes can perform functionally or even well in a role they are listed as long as they have the correct attributes. There is something to be said however for the experience a player has at a certain role.

As stated above I believe player roles is one place were instruction overload occurs. Managers want to play with the fancy Volante, Mezzala, Trequartista, False Nine roles thinking they are somehow better than the Defensive Midfielder, Central Midfielder, Winger, and Advanced Forward roles. They are not better and nor are they worse. They are just Football Managers method of trying to duplicate the instructions given to certain real-life players.


Player Duty

The duty (attack, defend, or support) that a player is given is another level of instructions given to the player that alters the instructions of the player receives from their role and their mentality. Certain roles are limited in the types of duties they have because the instructions given by their role prevents certain duties.

A Box to Box Midfielder with the defend or attack duty makes no sense. The role of Box to Box tells the player to play at both ends of the pitch making runs into the attacking box and also helping defend his own goal. This is why the Box to Box midfielder is only offered with the support duty, because the instructions that the support duty would give are already given in the role and an attacking or defensive duty would be giving instructions opposite of the instructions given by the role.

Another example of this is the Central Defender. This role cannot take the attack duty because the attack duty would be giving instructions to the player that are opposite of the instructions the player is receiving from the role.

The assistant manager will give change his evaluation of a player based upon the roles they are given, but IMO this should be ignored because the instructions given the duty is more important than any evaluation.


Team Instruction

These are, as would make sense, instructions given to the entire team. Team Instructions are a good way to modify and determine how your tactic plays. The instruction of Underlap is a perfect example. This Team Instruction tells your Wide players to not look for an overlap on the outside, but instead to look to pass to the inside.

Team Instructions is another place where instruction overload occurs. Some team instructions could lessen the impact a player might have because of his role and his duty. Having the Team Instruction to attack Narrow hampers the ability of the AMR playing the Winger role that tells him to play wider and cross more often.


Individual Player Instruction

Then there is the layer of individual player instructions. Individual players can be given instructions. An example of this might be the player with poor Long Shots and poor Finishing might be given the individual instruction to Shoot Less Often while a player with high Finishing might be told to Shoot More Often.

Sometime, however, the role and duty a player is given prevent certain individual instructions from being given. An Advance Playmaker role for instance is given the instruction to Shoot Less Often. It is a role that looks to pass first. It makes no sense to give a player using that role the instruction to Shoot More Often, so it is disable and not available to choose.


Player Traits

The last level of player instructions acts like instructions, but are beyond the managers control, Player Traits, previously known as Player Preferred Moves. These are things that a player is going to do regardless of the position, role, and duty they are instructed to have. These are often ignored by manager, but are, possibly, more important than roles and duties as Player Traits determine how a player is going to play and can override instructions given in roles and duties.

An example of this might be the player given the AML position with Winger role. The Winger role gives the instruction to play wider, but if the player has the Trait Cuts inside from the left he will not stay wider, but instead will be out of position as he continually cuts inside.

A player with the Trait Gets Forward Whenever Possible is going to struggle with the defend duty that tells him to Stay Back at All times as he will be running forward and getting out of position.


Opponent Instructions

Another, last layer, is opponent instructions. These are instructions given to the entire team in regard to individual opponent players or positions. It is usually something about making sure an opponent plays on his weaker foot, is closed down more often, or is marked tighter. It might also be that an opponent is marked less or closed down less.

Opponent Instructions can be useful, but they can also be damaging to your team’s ability to win a match. An example of this might be telling your players to mark tighter and close down more on the opposing STC. This sounds good but could end up in you players being out of position as they try to follow the Opponent Instructions you have given them.

A good thread, and don't feel like you need your system tested. The testing regimes aren't perfect and you will frequently find people making exceptions to the rule. If it works for you and it starts becoming predictable then you are certainly off to the right stuff.   Some of the information that you have listed is in common with some of the best tactical threads created on the forums. It's a good beginning.

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Yes, I have scene the American Football threads.

I find them interesting, especially since I am a HUGE American Football fan. (My Chiefs finally won the Superbowl). I often, in my mind also equate Football things to American Football, but haven't taken it so far as to write anything down or think of it as an entire system. I have been to busy trying to think Football.

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