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[FM20] - Goals! Goals! Goals!


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The aim of this save is simple, I want to focus on one player, scoring as many goals as possible in his career. I think I recall seeing this in the challenge section before. Trying to emulate the great Pele's goal scoring achievements. So I am going to set my challenge at 1000 club goals. Basically when I view the clubs overall best eleven, I want the player to show 1000 goals. A lot of different factors have been taken into consideration for undergoing this challenge. I do not want to spend a few years waiting for an incredible newgen player to appear, I want to start this from match one. So the next decision was focusing on what current players are young and ready to carry out such a challenge. Immediately think of Erling Haaland and Kylian Mbappe. Next on my thinking, was what club and league. I can easily choose a team with big money to buy the player if needed. However, I also wanted to maximise the games that I could play in each season, as well as finding a league with easier opponents. So, PSG seems like a good fit, they already have the star man in their ranks, they already dominate the league.

A big factor in this challenge is going to simply be down to luck, how many games can I get the player to play, hoping no major injuries occur throughout his career. Natural fitness will play a big role in how many games he can play throughout the season as well as entering the twilight years of his career. I also like the idea of PSG as they have money, so I can continue to buy in big players around the star striker to ensure he is surrounded by talent and hopefully bags full of assists to ensure his goal scoring is high.

Obviously if after a couple of seasons I can see the player is nowhere near to making it, I will reassess my options and look to bring in a wonderkid to take up the new position as star man and try again! I will do what i can in terms of playing just one striker, giving him penalties and free kicks. Anything and everything to focus on one player, scoring as many goals as possible. Kylian Mbappe is already 20/21 so if I'm lucky I will get 15 seasons out of him, at a push. So I need to be averaging 67 goals a season... which is, maybe achievable? haha! Well... that will be the fun of it!

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Fired this up yesterday.

Anyone managed PSG before?

Teams seem to want crazy prices for players whenever I bid... must be the reputation of the club :lol:

Hope to post some updates tonight, although football is on!! But definitely, by the end of the weekend!

I haven't loaded many leagues as I want to get through seasons quickly... so with this in mind, I think I will only provide half yearly updates.

I just need to remind myself I am here literally to score goals with Mbappe!

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Season 01

Transfers In



League Table



Best XI




This was a fun season, whether or not total domination will continue to be fun as I go on with this save remains to be seen. Mbappe was our top scorer which is what we want, however he is already below the target I have set for each season to have any chance of completing this challenge. PSG won all four domestic trophies, however fell short in the Champions League Quarter Finals to Manchester City. Cups and trophies are not the aim here, although it's always nice to win them! We also completed an invincible season. The Manchester City away loss, was our only loss of the entire season! Mbappe had a few injuries which limited him to 48 games, as you can see from Navas' record, a lot more games were on offer had he stayed fit throughout. Next season I aim to bring in big players. I will basically be upgrading my worst position at a time for the best player available. I have been given £370m transfer budget... so a lot can be done with this. A few older players will be gone too so quite a big change going into season two here.

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Season 02




League Table






Best XI




PSG took the clean sweep and finally won a Champions League trophy. That is also two seasons undefeated in the League too, wonder how long that run can go on for! In terms of the challenge, the injury Mbappe sustained definitely has put a dent in our ambitions. He was on fire before the injury and he is just two goals short of the century. However we targeted 15 seasons at 60 goals a year, so he needed to be at 120 by now. I didn't consider it is highly unlikely he will be hitting 60 goals a season when he hits his mid 30s. So this is going to be tight if he is going to manage the 1000 goal target. I may be looking for a new target to step up and take part in this challenge earlier than I thought. Sad to say, another injury like that to Kylian and that will be his challenge over I fear. Another £300m transfer budget too... so I shall continue to spend and to just improve the first team as and where I can!

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