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Training Intensity

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On the rest section of training you can schedule your intensities <59%, 60-69% etc... between no pitch/gym work, low, normal or double and below that your physio gives a recommendation.

I currently have them set as <59% no pitch / gym work     60-69% Half    70-79% Half    80-89   Half   90% Double.   This is basically following my Physios recommendations in the table below on the screen in the rest tab, as what appears to happen is that after a match when the players lose conditioning even in the 80% range he tells me to keep it on half intensity.

Does everyone use this method as I am tempted to ignore the physio and put 70-79% onto normal and 80-89% onto Double as even though my players are doing ok in training alot are not and have only orange and yellow arrows and no green ones next to the attribute changes.  I have only been at the new club for 4 months though and am approaching end of season so therefore I havent trained the players yet for a full season to see the full benefits of this method.  I also wondered why there was a drop down for normal intensity when it is obvious that this would not be used if you follow the physios advice as at 80-89% and lower he believes everything should be on low.

What would the effects be if I went for a more intensified schedule in an attempt to gain more green arrows, Im guessing I may get more injuries,  Is there a type of player that this would work on ie more professional , determined, less injury prone.

Any advice / guidance on what others do to get the best attribute green arrows in training.




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