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Where is my thread?

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I created a topic asking if you'll ever fix the problem with lost goals and amount of chances/goals and instead of an answer it was deleted.
Is this really how you deal with constructive criticism?

P.s.: I'll post this again if this one is deleted too, so you may as well ban from the forum outright cause I won't quit until I get an answer.

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You've made 3 posts, this: 

And the 2 in here. 

Based on your post in the feedback thread you'd be best off going to the tactics forum and sharing more details about how you play and where things might be going wrong.

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That was ABSOLUTELY not an answer to that post.
It was a proper thread, created on "Start a new topic", had a proper title and it showed on the topic list.
And that's not a tactics issue, stop trying to hide the sun with a sieve.
It's a constant, properly and massively reported issue that seems to have no answer for more than a year by now.

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1 minute ago, Grifty said:

It's your tactics mate

So enlighten me.
What am I doing wrong to get 25 shots, 10 on target, 4 clear chances, not scoring a single one of those and losing 1x0 to a team that shot 3 times the whole game, how the dozens of people that complains about the same thing since FM19 are doing the same mistake and how is that situation even remotely realistic or acceptable for a supposed simulator?

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@Arihel it's very anecdotal but whats your heat map look like on Analysis?

I've encountered a lot of situations where the heatmap has just 2 of my players in my own half, and 1 opposition player in my half. This is always a symptom of pushing high up the pitch and massively condensing the game. You will get a lot of chances, but your players will be having to shoot through a lot of bodies, be under constant pressure and be struggling to find space. 

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2 hours ago, Arihel said:

So enlighten me.
What am I doing wrong to get 25 shots, 10 on target, 4 clear chances, not scoring a single one of those and losing 1x0 to a team that shot 3 times the whole game, how the dozens of people that complains about the same thing since FM19 are doing the same mistake and how is that situation even remotely realistic or acceptable for a supposed simulator?

But then again I managed to score 4 goals from open play with 13 shots and 5 shots on target against a team pretty much equal to me so I wonder what is the problem here?:idiot:can u post ur shots distribution map and ur full stats analysis here (with all the pass completion tackle successful numbers)?

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2 hours ago, Arihel said:

So enlighten me.


2 hours ago, Grifty said:

It's your tactics mate


2 hours ago, santy001 said:

You've made 3 posts, this: 

And the 2 in here. 

Based on your post in the feedback thread you'd be best off going to the tactics forum and sharing more details about how you play and where things might be going wrong.

go read and consider yourself enlightened. 

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As to the points made -- this "topic" hasn't actually been going on since FM 19. It has been going on for as long as this game has existed. 

There may be issues. There pretty much certainly are.



The next time somebody suggests that:

- A Team was "dominating" a match because it had x more shots chances on some spreadsheet to show come the final whistle
- Football were a sports about having x more chances than the opposition on a spreadsheet

I'm going to shoot myself. :D 

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