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If you’re finding that you’ve got a little more time on your hands than normal just now, we might have a way for you to fill those free hours. Football Manager 2020 is free on Steam for the next week, starting at 3:00pm (GMT) on Wednesday March 18th and ending at 3:00pm (GMT) on Wednesday April 1st.

If you already have a Steam account, getting access to the game is straightforward – all you have to do is head to the Football Manager 2020 page and hit the play button. The game will move to your library and will be fully playable until the free week ends.

If you don't have a Steam account, start the process by downloading Steam, then follow the instructions above. 

This free access only applies to the PC/Mac game (on Steam) and it will only be playable free-of-charge until the week has expired. After this, you can continue your journey by purchasing at any time as your career progress will be saved in either your Documents folder or the Steam Cloud.

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