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Created manager faces not looking the same in-game

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When one creates a new manager's appearance, it doesn't appear to match up well with how the manager actually appears in the game.

Take the example below. The two people you see before you are supposed to be the same person, but don't even look as though they're related to each other.


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13 hours ago, Svartica said:

I noticed this too. If you save the game and reload it sometimes changes between the two faces. It's also affecting newgen players and staff btw.

So you're saying that everyone in the game with a computer-generated face has two faces - a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde version, if you will?

If so, think I'd find that annoying and it'd be enough to make me hold off on starting a game until it's fixed.

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32 minutes ago, jckc221013jamie said:

This is happening to me as well i have to keep reloading my skin for the faces to go back to normal 

Thanks for noting that reloading the skin helps. I have been re-uploading my manager picture each time, and then doing the 3D generate. Which can be time-consuming,

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3 hours ago, Svartica said:

If you thought that was bad, look at this creature who just spawned into my new save



I always thought it was time for Michael Myers to get into the football managing industry  :lol:

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