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Loan Manager- uncontrollable?

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I have a loan manager who looks after all my squad loans ( not really sure why, but that is another story ). I have several of my reserves who  are close to the first team and with a small first team squad, was keeping them close in case they were needed.  I marked them all unavailable for loan, but he has now sent 2 of them away on loan for the season ( for nil contribution to wages and no fee! ) and I cant appear to stop the deal going through.  I have the final word on all sales throughout the club, but can see any way of controlling this member of staff.  Am I missing something in staff responsibilities?

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19 minutes ago, FrazT said:

I have a loan manager who looks after all my squad loans ( not really sure why, but that is another story ). I have several of my reserves who  are close to the first team and with a small first team squad, was keeping them close in case they were needed.  I marked them all unavailable for loan, but he has now sent 2 of them away on loan for the season ( for nil contribution to wages and no fee! ) and I cant appear to stop the deal going through.  I have the final word on all sales throughout the club, but can see any way of controlling this member of staff.  Am I missing something in staff responsibilities?

Did you checked who is incharge of U23/ Reserve/ B team's transfer goings. same for U18/ U19's. 

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Just now, ferrarinseb said:

Did you checked who is incharge of U23/ Reserve/ B team's transfer goings. same for U18/ U19's. 

Yeah- each manager has that responsibility but I have got the final acceptance on any transfer deal ( in fact I have stopped 2 of those going through as well!)- the loan deals, It appears I cant stop?

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7 minutes ago, FrazT said:

Yeah- each manager has that responsibility but I have got the final acceptance on any transfer deal ( in fact I have stopped 2 of those going through as well!)- the loan deals, It appears I cant stop?

Check this on your responsibilities screen. This is default version so loan manager and Head coaches have the authority. You need to have all sales/outgoings on your control from your intiation. 


I Changed that to 


This helped me to control the Loan manager to stop loaning the players. Also i set offer to clubs


I felt this cut down his transfer dealings 

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I personally don't employ a DofF, Tech director & Loan manager when I play as they are generally on  much larger wages and the latter two are currently regens at the start of a new game.

I like to be in control of my signings, wages, staff and loans as I still find that some of the AIs decisions are a bit off for my liking and can potentially upset my save (as you have found out).

I can see why others would use them and the feature improving over the years though.

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This is one of this year's more annoying features, IMO. The various staff responsibilities seem to have unintended consequences that you have to stay on top of. I had one of my more promising prospects sold for peanuts before I went in and changed the settings to take back control. I know it may be reflective of how real-world clubs are run, but I think it would be better if the responsibilities were more clearly outlined either at the start of the game or as soon as you employ a loan manager/DoF etc.

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I find the responsibilities section as a whole not very transparent this year.

If you take off the loan managers' finding development loans for young players option it all stops. I don't mind him finding loans I just don't want him "Finalizing" anything.

I got this problem with my dof and finalizing new staff I recruit. I want him to renew new contacts not finalize offers I made.

With so many options I can't tell what does what anymore

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2 hours ago, jere_d said:

I find the responsibilities section as a whole not very transparent this year.

If you take off the loan managers' finding development loans for young players option it all stops. I don't mind him finding loans I just don't want him "Finalizing" anything.

I got this problem with my dof and finalizing new staff I recruit. I want him to renew new contacts not finalize offers I made.

With so many options I can't tell what does what anymore

Agreed. What might be useful is just a master option on the Responsibilities screen that forces all final decisions to go through the manager. At least that would stop players leaving and arriving without your final say.

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2 hours ago, FrazT said:

I am happy with all my staff doing their jobs, but , as manager, I want the final say before any major decision is finalised.

Managed to change it? I tried every staff responsible to have the final say but for this I could not. Someone in the forum said it is like this or just take over everything.
So now I try to handle loans myself.

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