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Football Manager 2020 Feedback Thread

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5 минут назад, KlaaZ сказал:

Nothing, I was just pointing out that setting even a vague deadline will still not please or satisfy 95% of the people complaining here.

The unknown tires. Speaking about any % of people without any analyze is speculation :) 

5 минут назад, Jimmious7 сказал:

Sorry I didn't get you 

Forget it :) 

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26 minutes ago, HUNT3R said:

SI have been communicating. Neil has posted a few times here now. One of the posts, still highlighted, asks for feedback on FM20. If you want to discuss something that isn't related to feedback on the game, please create a new thread. This has (again) gone horribly off-topic and turned into people trying to run a company.

SI has taken a stance with this to say there will be an update, but they aren't in a position to give timeframes as it stands. That may or may not change, but for now, that's how it is. 

Please, we're after feedback on the game in this thread. More off-topic comments will be removed. Thanks for understanding.

If we start a thread will it be closed? I'm not trying to be funny, argumentative or nasty but what seems to happen is that threads get opened, like the Feb updates one, and they either get merged in here or closed.

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8 minutes ago, davehanson said:

If we start a thread will it be closed? I'm not trying to be funny, argumentative or nasty but what seems to happen is that threads get opened, like the Feb updates one, and they either get merged in here or closed.

If you want to discuss something other than giving feedback on the game, then yes, it's something for another thread. Whether threads stay open or not, I can't speculate on, because it depends on the thread and what's been said. Speculation about a potential update and when it's due is pointless though given that SI have been very clear in that they're working on an update but cannot commit to a release time/date.

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Wow, not been on here for a while as put FM20 away whilst SI try and sort out the issues. Reading through quickly I take it that no fix for all of the issues relating to the ME have been fixed. I find it quite sad that no update has arrived. I know that march is the normal release for patch ?.3 but surely SI can release something earlier to appease its fan base that has been incredibly loyal over many many years. All we want is value for money which means a good ME to match the rest of the game, which is great by the way. Unfortunately without a good ME the rest of the game will not really matter. Going back and playing previous versions is like getting back with an ex, feels ok at the start but then it dawn's on you why you left her in the 1st place. 

I personally think SI are struggling to fix the ME without serious knock on effects, just my opinion. I know it's not their way to give us paying customers a detailed update but in the current circumstances they should break away from that style and tell us what is going on behind closed doors as we are all in the dark ref patch update. Are we really expected to wait until march to be able to enjoy our game properly? Can we have a full update on what stage of the ME development is? Are we getting an early ME update? 

This will probably get deleted because some may think this is negative, you can't polish a turd, but hopefully in this case you can. 

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3 minutes ago, davehanson said:

Posso chiedere in un modo diverso allora. 

SI sta cercando di ottenere una patch prima del consueto aggiornamento di marzo, stai lavorando per uno al più presto o sei felice di lasciare il gioco com'è fino a marzo?

È una domanda giusta?

Come molti altri, apprezzo che tu venga qui, Neil, al momento non può essere facile.

right affirmation. It is not the end of the world to tell us if you are working on the fix directly at marzxo or you are able to release a minor pacht before 3.0

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Guys patch is not ready like it or not. You don't want another hurried patch don't you? Next patch could easily be the last one!

That being said I do feel sorry for you who bought the game. It was same last year, I stopped playing the game before last patch and never returned, splashed 50 euro for reporting in bugs forum.

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3 minutes ago, Mitja said:

La patch dei ragazzi non è pronta, piaccia o no. Non vuoi un'altra patch affrettata, vero? La prossima patch potrebbe essere facilmente l'ultima!

Detto questo, mi dispiace per te che hai acquistato il gioco. Era lo stesso l'anno scorso, ho smesso di giocare prima dell'ultima patch e non sono mai tornato, ho schizzato 50 euro per aver segnalato nel forum dei bug.

what we are trying to say is that you can't wait to play in March, these are game bugs and they can be corrected even before March. Then in March plans to update roses after the winter market but solving the product bugs can be done without problems without waiting another two months. this is the speech

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vor 2 Minuten schrieb Mitja:

Guys patch is not ready like it or not. You don't want another hurried patch don't you?

To be honest... I don't want another hurried FM !!! It's every Year the same thing. Worth starting a real Save after March Patch . Before it's just a waste of time.  Yes , i have enjoyed FM 20 for quite a time. But i got really really sick of those billion 1v1s . If someone enjoys it, please go on with it. I don't and i will not start the Game until the next Patch, and PRAY that the ME is better than the actual one.

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2 hours ago, Sharkn20 said:

The VAR is to correct wrong decisions made by referees. We are playing a computer game, for the computer 2+2 = 4. So it will always be the same decision.

Euh, no, the VAR is to check if the referees made the right decision. Sometimes they did, sometimes they didn't. Sometimes a goal is cancelled because of slight offside, sometimes the goal is awarded because the attacker was indeed not offside... So it should NOT always be the same decision.

Still haven't received a response if VAR decisions is something SI is looking at for the next/last patch...

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Can people please stay on topic, trolling or making pointless statements isn't helping. This is a feedback thread, if you don't like the game, you've said your piece and it would be good if other people's feedback can be gathered as well. However when  people start posting 5 word comments that mean nothing, it clogs up the thread. And, this has the potential of drowning up some constructive feedback. 

If you want the game to improve making it easier for the devs to get the information from a multitude of sources can only be good. But if the same people keep clogging this thread up then it just doesn't help.


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If we have an account here, do we get an email from SI when a new patch is out? If not, is there a way, a list that we can sign up to, in order to get updates? Otherwise, our only way of finding out if there is a new patch or not, is either to start the game to see if it is updating, or come to the forums, which is a concern. I think SI and moderators here are underestimating the degree of frustration that is caused by the need to come to the forums every day and not seeing an update, week after week. 

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3 minutes ago, bleventozturk said:

If we have an account here, do we get an email from SI when a new patch is out? If not, is there a way, a list that we can sign up to, in order to get updates? Otherwise, our only way of finding out if there is a new patch or not, is either to start the game to see if it is updating, or come to the forums, which is a concern. I think SI and moderators here are underestimating the degree of frustration that is caused by the need to come to the forums every day and not seeing an update, week after week. 

There's a social media account whose reach dwarfs that of the forum. And the patch downloads automatically. You don't need to come here everyday, that's a choice you make. You're not going to miss the update if you don't login for a few days. Probably do a few people here some good to take a break tbh

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1 minute ago, themadsheep2001 said:

There's a social media account whose reach dwarfs that of the forum. And the patch downloads automatically. You don't need to come here everyday, that's a choice you make

? It's choice I make because I don't know any other way of knowing about it, I thought that part was very clear in my post. Patch downloads automatically, yes but again you won't know it until you start the game. 

About the social media account, is that on twitter? 

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1 minute ago, bleventozturk said:

? It's choice I make because I don't know any other way of knowing about it, I thought that part was very clear in my post. Patch downloads automatically, yes but again you won't know it until you start the game. 

About the social media account, is that on twitter? 

https://twitter.com/FootballManager follow it, turn on a notification for it and you won't miss a thing

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I just cannot enjoy the game given the current issues with the ME.  The 1 v 1 issues, balls over the top and players ignoring the instruction to make low crosses makes most games seem too random for me. This is not about me not losing games but seeing my tactical changes make tangible differences whether it be positive or negative.

I have said before, given the complexity of the ME, a fix won’t be easy and will also require a vast amount of testing before release. That said, I feel it is necessary on this occasion, SI changes their stance on providing updates for patches even if the news is not good.

The SI team do a fantastic job and I am sure they are working as hard as they can on fixing ME and other issues. I really hope they can make some fixes soon as the game and most parts of the ME are very good.

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37 minutes ago, DJ Sir Matthew said:

Euh, no, the VAR is to check if the referees made the right decision. Sometimes they did, sometimes they didn't. Sometimes a goal is cancelled because of slight offside, sometimes the goal is awarded because the attacker was indeed not offside... So it should NOT always be the same decision.

Still haven't received a response if VAR decisions is something SI is looking at for the next/last patch...


Yep, I think same as you. After a while you can figure out what will be the decision  and most of the time I just change it to commentary only  to speed up VAR process. 

If I understand correctly, We need to wait till March  to have a complete game which we paid in November.It sounds like a new Preorder method ,others should learn from that.

I hope this does not get deleted cause I need to remember why i should not buy the game next year.




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I'll tell you another problem.

Inside forwards are useless on this game as even when I have a striker free in the box they will just stop and not cross it 😂

Plenty of times I've seen it...should of been a certain goal.. it's a easy pass for the striker "Oh lets just stop as I'm told to cross less often."😂

Only way round it is to use inverted wingers and all of a sudden they cross it.

That's silly that tbh that I have to not use inside fwds roles because they wont even make a simple pass for a tap in for a striker because of the role. 


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You know what puts the cherry on top of the cream made of strikers who can't score, defenders who can't clear, and bodies made of the same material pinball machines are?

A completely ridiculous "match performance" screen.

Did you just win a narrow game against a stronger team where you held them to only a few shots? "ah mate, not bad, maaaybe a B-, wasn't very entertaining though"

Did you just narrowly lose 0-1 against a stronger team in a game where you were constantly attacking, and both teams had a large amount of shots? "Ah f*ck you, you f*cking p*nce, you lost a game against a bigger team who is second in the league??? E!!! What do you mean I should appreciate that our play was entertaining? This isn't FIFA!!!"

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3 hours ago, DJ Sir Matthew said:

Euh, no, the VAR is to check if the referees made the right decision. Sometimes they did, sometimes they didn't. Sometimes a goal is cancelled because of slight offside, sometimes the goal is awarded because the attacker was indeed not offside... So it should NOT always be the same decision.

Still haven't received a response if VAR decisions is something SI is looking at for the next/last patch...

Semantics. The outcome is the same. Humans make errors, computers don't, therefore VAR in FM20 won't change decisions, it's quite easy to understand.

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16 minutes ago, Sharkn20 said:

Semantics. The outcome is the same. Humans make errors, computers don't, therefore VAR in FM20 won't change decisions, it's quite easy to understand.

Referees got ratings so they can make mistakes? And var corrects them?

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1 minute ago, thejay said:

Because people could test the me earlier? More updates more fine  tuning ect 

I'd argue that having too many people trying to all give feedback can be detrimental and maybe an internal beta is probably more valuable.... i'm only playing devils advocate though, only SI could tell you if that's the case.

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12 minutes ago, Welshace said:

I'd argue that having too many people trying to all give feedback can be detrimental and maybe an internal beta is probably more valuable.... i'm only playing devils advocate though, only SI could tell you if that's the case.

The vast majority of people on it didn't actually leave any feedback. Even less actually reported bugs. Only SI can say why it's not around this year but people absolutely didn't make the most of it is all I will say on that

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23 minutes ago, ianscousemac said:

How has the ME developed so poorly since FM 19? FM 19 was fine for me, not perfect but certainly simulated real football.  Don’t know how it has become so poor.


Lack of central play is so bad in FM 19, but at least it is more realistic than FM 20, the goal variation in FM 20 are better in some case, but with fullback always doing cross field pass, long ball etc, it just make the game overall worst of the series

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60,000 people playing it doesn't paint a full picture IMO. I'm still sat here playing it and frankly, as it currently stands I've never disliked the game (ME) more.....this, despite the gameplay outside of the ME being the best its ever been.

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I know posts like these aren't typically received well but I just have to vent. 

I am honestly just sick of this version of Football Manager. Part of the problem is definitely me; I just don't think I have the patience or know-how to develop a tactic that works. But I am just at the point now where every single time I try to play this game I end up hating it. 

I just cannot stand the fact that, even in matches where my team actually pulls off the tactical style I want from them, I will end up conceding thanks to one long ball over the top or an absolute belter, and then go on to miss a load of fairly straightforward chances myself. I know it's realistic but it just isn't fun for me. I don't get any pleasure in having my team play the way I want them to, and put up some fairly good numbers (I'll back this up with pictures) with that, and basically never get rewarded for it. 

The thing is, it's not as though I am incapable of doing well on a save; I have an online save going where I'm top of the league with AC Milan and performing really well. However, I only feel like I'm doing that well because I've tailored my team to the fact that deep crosses and long balls seem to be ridiculously good this year. I don't feel like I've particularly created a tactic that suits the team, or that I've got them playing lovely football, I'm just exploiting what I perceive to be an over-powered aspect of the match engine. 

I'll just provide some screenshots of a few times I've nearly blown my top recently. The first is a game against Liverpool, in which I drew 1-1 at home despite I would say being the better side. The goal I conceded to draw this game was honestly ridiculous. Mane's volley, as seen in the screenshot below, ends up looping over De Gea and in. 


This wouldn't bother me so much were it not for the fact that I missed several much, much easier chances at other points in the match which could've got me the win that I think I deserved. Below are just two examples:



I wanted to provide these screenshots to give some context to the stats of the game, which I'll provide below. I'm well aware that simply saying "I had more shots but didn't win! Wtf!" is silly, but I feel as though I am creating some decent chances (perhaps not chances you'd expect the strikers to score every time, but decent nonetheless) and my forward players (who are very good finishers) aren't sticking them away. 


I won't bombard you with any more pictures; I should say that this is far from the only game where I can't help but have felt hard done by, even though it may just have been the hardest to take given that I was really really pleased with how my team actually played. 

I apologise if I'm just rambling pointlessly; I just got to a point playing FM20 where I just needed to get this out. I'm not trying to say that the game sucks; there are loads of aspects to FM20 that I think are great, and honestly the Football Manager series as a whole has probably provided me with some of the most enjoyment of any video game. Again, probably the main problem here is me and the fact that I don't have the patience needed to think properly about the tactical decisions I'm making, or really understand player roles and instructions. 

It feels like I've rambled here without providing any hook for people to latch on to so I guess I'll just end by asking if anyone else reading this feels this way about FM20, or has ever done about any other FM and if so what did you do to sort it? Sad as it may sound, I don't want to just give up on the game; when I enjoy FM I tend to really enjoy it. At the same time, though, at the moment I am really quickly falling out of love with the game... 

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Scouts reports better in FM20. Even in FM19 I play with players in starting XI which had a scouts rank 59, 65 etc. For now if I bought any player with no green rank, almost all of them did not bring a benefit :thup:

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11 часов назад, Toonrock сказал:

Over 60,000 people playing is 60,000 people desperately trying to figure out a way to have their tactics "fit in" with the way bugs occur in the ME.


part of them using exploit tactics and their knowledge of football is so low that they even not see any issues of ME. This is not an insult or a negative in their direction.
I check how many downloads of this type of tactics happened in few famous resources - 5k-25k downloads for separate goodrated tactic.

Just a remark who use argumeent about 60k online as measure for something

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A very strange thing I’ve found is that the ME on FM online seems to be different to the ME on normal career mode?

There are chances and goal scoring opportunities that simply will NOT happen online but happen all the time on career mode. This is with players of lesser ability too scoring from angles and creating chances that higher level players on an online ME can’t do. 

This online save was made before the last patch so I have a theory that the online saves do not update unless they are created after a patch but I’m not sure if that theory holds any weight. Just find it very strange how different the ME is for me and my friends offline. All say the same thing, especially 1on1s 


online save chances conversion rate with top team: 6%
career mode save chances conversion rate with 4-8th place level team: 19% 

It’s a huge difference. Anyone experiencing this? 

Edited by Cursedyou
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11 hours ago, KlaaZ said:

The game has been out for less than two months. 'Almost half of that period' may be a 'slight' exaggeration. :) 

is it though? 

Based on the current dev responses, it seems like a true fix can only be expected in the march update, which is actually 5 months after release.

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17 minutes ago, diLLa88 said:

is it though? 

Based on the current dev responses, it seems like a true fix can only be expected in the march update, which is actually 5 months after release.

That's not been whats said at all. Please stop spreading misinformation

To quote:


We are working towards an update with the aim of improving the experience of FM, be that through gameplay, performance or match. We hope to do this as soon as we're able to, but given the complexities of certain areas of the game this isn't something we can rush. We don't want to come out and say 'we will release an update on x date' then our Dev or QA team finds an issue which prevents us from meeting that deadline. As always, as soon as we're in a position to update the game we will do so.

 Clearly no date has been set in either direction. Given this has now been repeated several times, we'd have to assume that beyond this point people are deliberately spreading misinformation. Please don't do that, it will only get you in trouble.

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48 minutes ago, Mr U Rosler said:

All the '60,000' users proves is there is a massive appetite for a Football Management game, and currently there is only 1 game in town.

I'm one of the 60,000, doesn't mean i love this version of the game, it just means i don't have any choice other than to stop playing (which is not a choice!). 

I mean, it is a choice. As I've learnt before with tabletop roleplaying, it's often better to not be in any game group playing a campaign than it is to be playing in a bad one that causes stress or aggravation.

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