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new to the game; prospect development question

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I'm new to this game and I'm working on my overall knowledge of the sport, but I love the look of this sim.  So far I've set up mentoring for my young guys, bringing up some guys from the youth squads who can benefit from it and play sporadically.  My question is, is it more beneficial for my prospects to come up and be mentored, playing only a bit, or is it better for their development to stay with their youth squads?  And is there anything else I can do to help them improve?  

Actually, one other question comes to mind; Do most people let the AI coaches set the practice schedules?  I don't mind setting it but I'm skeptical whether I'd be able to create a better one...

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As far as the AI coaches go, it really depends on how much you want to get involved as well as the quality of those coaches.  I've just moved on from a successful four-year stint at one of the worst teams in the game -- lousy facilities, no money, braindead coaches and all the rest.  I handled most everything except training, particularly youth training.  The reason I didn't handle training is that our facilities were so poor that it wasn't worth the effort.  My success at the club came as a result of bringing in a metric ton of new talent over the four years and largely ignoring the kids coming up through our system.  In short, you will likely do a better hands-on job than even the best of coaches; the real question is how much time and effort you wish to put into it AND whether the results will be worth the investment.  It can be rewarding but it can also be a lot of work, setting up and maintaining and adjusting the schedules.

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If you are at a big club with top coaches, then I suspect that you could happily leave training to them and only input when asked.  If you have poor coaches, you could [probably do a better job but it needs some extra work this way.

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Welcome to the forum :).

6 hours ago, casperthegm said:

My question is, is it more beneficial for my prospects to come up and be mentored, playing only a bit, or is it better for their development to stay with their youth squads?  And is there anything else I can do to help them improve? 

Two things are crucial for player development at any age: effective training and playing matches at a relevant level.  However before the age of 18, Training takes precedence.  From 18 and up, playing at a relevant level becomes more important.  So unless you have a 15/16/17 year old who is just about ready for the first team, you are usually better off leaving them in the youth team for a year or two.  Keep an eye on their individual coach reports as they give an indication of the level of matches they may be suitable for.

If you have a particularly bright prospect or two, they could be the ones to target to move into the first team for mentoring and development purposes.

6 hours ago, casperthegm said:

Actually, one other question comes to mind; Do most people let the AI coaches set the practice schedules?  I don't mind setting it but I'm skeptical whether I'd be able to create a better one...

As you're new to the game I'd advise let your assistant manager handle General Training while you deal with Individual Training (set this in the Staff > Responsibilities screen).  General Training can become quite in depth, so while you're still getting the hang of things I'd let your assistant set it up (he can actually be quite good at it too).

Individual training is more straight forward and allows you to specifically target player attributes to focus on during training.  Your assistant doesn't really "know" how you want your players to play, therefore keeping this side of training to yourself helps you to tailor player development more to your own requirements.

If you want to know more, head over to the Tactics & Training forum.  Plenty of guides are pinned at the top of that forum and you can always ask more detailed questions there too.

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In my experience, your Head of Youth Devolompment will start recommending the youth players that are ready for first team and that usually happens when they are around 2 and a half stars of perceived CA. If they are younger and still not on that level just leave them in youth squads as training is more important before age of 18.

That being said, I have played a young 2 star player out of necessity, in the first team and he did well because he was playing in a strong team. He was around 7,30-7,40 average rating in 20-25 games. Then next season I loaned him to PSV as a key player and he played badly with average rating of 6,55 and barely progressed. Now he is back in my team again and plays well again. Just don't overdo it. If you promote to many players who are not ready and give tham playing teame you can significantly weaken your team.

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