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In the Year 2525...

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Well, I don't know, I stopped at 2518 because the laptop I was running this experiment on was taking forever just to advance a day...

But that said, I Inherited a laptop, and I figured why not have some fun with it, so I loaded FM19 onto it, created a coach, and went on Holiday.

First, for 100 years, where the 2000's were dominated by...West Ham?



Save attached in the details section of the video.  




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250 years in, we've seen some movement.  With just the top 5 leagues in the English Pyramid loaded, I was hoping that a team from the Vanaram would make it's way to the Premier League, or that a team from the Prem could fall that far down, but I think there's to much behind the scenes coding going on to allow that to happen on a regular basis.  Instead, the surprising results are going to be in the Continental Competitions, as some teams you may have heard of from smaller Leagues are making their precense known.

Also, Crystal Palace has not won the Premier League at this time.  PArt of me is tempted to load this up as a save and see if I can't win it...I mean Doncaster has won the League, well, not in this part of the save but shortly there after.  Instead you can look and see how Leeds and Birmingham fight it out for 20 years, with Southampton trying to be a part of the conversation as well.  Or Newcastle winning 8 times in 12 years....if only....


Link to the save in the details!




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  • 2 weeks later...

500 years, well 499 years have gone by.  Has the English football pyramid changed radically?  Has any team from the Vanarama made it to the Prem.  And has Palace won it all yet?  It's been 500 years, surely we have a chance.

Thanks for watching!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey I enjoyed watching these but a few things I would do differently -

I think 10-15mins per video is long enough for this kind of thing, just my preference though.

It's fun to see the eras but with so many years progressed at once we never get to see the teams or the players. As an idea, instead of say covering 200 years of seeing who won what, you could perhaps autosave every year and then once 50 years has run, do a couple of short videos focused on the most interesting teams and their star players during those eras.

Just my thoughts, but nice idea :)

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