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JoseRR's FM09 Big Euro Nation Challenge!

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meant to say this morning that we have started the new season so to speak, and i have told the board that i expect us to avoid relegation this season. As a result i have a transfer budget of £170k (our actual profit is currently £1.7million) and a wage budget of £51k p/w. this is double the budget of last season, so gives me plenty of room to play with.

Have already bagged a highly promising AML, and am currently working on another couple of transfers. We are now able to scout the whole of Europe, as well as Argentina, Brazil and a few other nations further afield. i can now also have 2 non-EU players which is a bonus.

i have also got some good youth prospects through the youth academy, and one, a 16 year-old striker is rated as having the potential to be a good top level striker!! :eek: the future looks bright. i will post a screenshot of him tonight.

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Ok changed to the Flex skin and now Albano can be seen in all his glory!

Looking forward to those screenshots rlipscombe! Get that youth player into Neps youth thread - he sounds very promising.

that's better.... i was thinking of doing that. I was reading today that David Villa was born in Oviedo... maybe he'll be his heir so to speak!! :D

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Yeah I think you have Benjaminoo - he's a good prospect by the looks of it, and on a free too!

I have one game remaining against 6th place. I'm in 4th and just a point above them. We're away and they have to beat us to make the playoffs. This is a HUGE game for my youngsters!!

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Phew. The young Savonisti destroyed Andria Bat 3-0 :D

Love these kids!! (In a purely managerial context though :o)

EDIT: Playoffs here we come. We have Igea Virtus in the Semi's. Our results against them this year have been a 3-0 win at home and a 0-0 draw away so we're yet to concede. Wish us luck!

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Oh yes, the youngsters have smashed Igea Virtus 4-0 in the 2nd leg. We have the final against Alghero who beat SPAL in their semi, resulting in the SPAL manager getting sacked. To be honest I'm pleased with that as SPAL were by far the strongest team in the division. However our record against Alghero is weak - we drew 2-2 at home and lost 3-1 away. Gonna need two big performances. First leg is at home and if we end up drawing on aggregate we lose out because they finished above us in the league. Not a nice rule imo :thdn:

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it is a bit of a bugger that rule iacovone... look forward to reading if you made it in the morning.

As for Oviedo, i have adopted a similar policy to yours in that i am looking to sign good young Spanish talent. hopefully it will pay off for me as well as it has you. I'm happy with our midfield and attack, i just need to work hard on our defence now. Attempting to sign a couple of young stikers who are rated as potentially better than 'King' Rodruguez of Spain!! :D

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No-one is better than King Rodriguez of Spain!!

We won the first leg at home 2-0 :D

It's all done to our strength away from home. C'mon!!

There's something quite amusing going on before each playoff game - my Benin international David Biaou keeps warning the squad against complacency. One problem. He's in Africa hundreds of miles away from the squad :D He must be writing them letters or something :cool:

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iacovone's End of Season Savona Update - 2011/12

Well let me firstly start with this little screenshot - Ta da!! - Promotion well and truly secured with a battling display away from home. The goal was scored by young Salvador, the Spanish kid who demanded the team be built around him! Well now it just might be - what a goal it was! 30 yard run and screamer into the top corner!

So overall my ambition at the start of the season was justified. These youngsters did me proud. There were a few bleak days in which they underperformed but that is understandable given their lack of experience. However on the whole they were a breath of fresh air to Serie C2/C and should probably have been champions.

Without further ado, the squad (at least the ones that matter):

Giordano Liguori - replaced Salerno as number 1. An excellent keeper and still so young.

Luca Lubrani - A solid season from the right back, Mr. Consistent.

Daniele Magliocchetti - signed in the summer, did want to play him CB originally but he was switched to LB to accomodate Rossi and Stefanini. Did very well. 26 years old making him the 'experienced' head of the defence.

Gianluca Stefanini - Quick, young, solid CB. Can he do it in C1 though?

Pasquale Rossi - Very good season from Rossi. Made the leagues team of the year. Has very few weaknesses. Slight disciplinary issues but overall that should clear in a couple of years.

Ferdinando Guariniello - Vice Capt of the club but for the majority of the season he was the on-field Captain as 'Sabs' got very few games. My Italian Beckham, he gives us goals, lots of assists and consistent performances week in, week out. Fans POY, C2/C POY, he also has the club records for best av. rating, most assists and most MOM awards. What a prospect. :thup:

Ivan Caldarelli - Bought in Jan and did very well on the left wing.

David Biaou - Our one full international! He was very solid in the DM role and scored the 2nd best goal of the season from 40 yards! One of the very few experienced men here.

Alessandro Lanzoni - Moved to AM this season from LM and despite not averaging a great rating, he greatly improved in my eyes. He learnt the dribble through the centre PPM too. Good prospect.

Davide Raffaello - Davide stepped in this year and banged the goals away. It was nice to finally have a decent goalscorer at the club. He also ended up Top Goalscorer in C2/C. Well done bigman!

Antonio Conti - 2nd season up top, scored more goals - perhaps getting better with age. May not play as much next season.

Squad PlayersAngelo Fatello - Versatile left sided player, trains well and does a job when required.

Attilio Donati - Played a lot in CM and did well, very promising player.

Salvador - The Spanish boy wonder. I wonder what he can do in C1?

So the other stuff:



Best XI

Best Ever XI

2nd Manager of the Year


C2/C Team of Season


Club Aims:

  • Stay Up
  • Keep the 'Buy Young Italians' philosophy
  • Develop my 4-4-2 tactic

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Seems that way this season Benjamin, but it will come you just have to keep taking it as it comes and you will see the light sooner or later :) And think of all the building as experience. Just as an example of how much better several seasons at the bottom is check out my teams progress after 10 games of 30 gone this season I am sitting in 5th with 17 points, the top 4 have 20, 20, 19, 18. Meaning I am just 3 pts shy of the promotion spots, but I am already 9 clear of relegation, the climb up the order once you make it up is a lot easier if you have taken your time getting there, of course I would love to go up quickly now, but I think better for the long term of my clubs chances would be 2-4 seasons stuck in mid table of Liga Vitalis before I gain promotion in 2015/16 or so :) But really I will keep fighting no matter what happens. By the way Portuguese Cup 3rd Round was a 6-0 away thrashing of a lower league club.

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iacovone's End of Season Savona Update - 2011/12

Well let me firstly start with this little screenshot - Ta da!! - Promotion well and truly secured with a battling display away from home. The goal was scored by young Salvador, the Spanish kid who demanded the team be built around him! Well now it just might be - what a goal it was! 30 yard run and screamer into the top corner!

So overall my ambition at the start of the season was justified. These youngsters did me proud. There were a few bleak days in which they underperformed but that is understandable given their lack of experience. However on the whole they were a breath of fresh air to Serie C2/C and should probably have been champions.

Without further ado, the squad (at least the ones that matter):

Giordano Liguori - replaced Salerno as number 1. An excellent keeper and still so young.

Luca Lubrani - A solid season from the right back, Mr. Consistent.

Daniele Magliocchetti - signed in the summer, did want to play him CB originally but he was switched to LB to accomodate Rossi and Stefanini. Did very well. 26 years old making him the 'experienced' head of the defence.

Gianluca Stefanini - Quick, young, solid CB. Can he do it in C1 though?

Pasquale Rossi - Very good season from Rossi. Made the leagues team of the year. Has very few weaknesses. Slight disciplinary issues but overall that should clear in a couple of years.

Ferdinando Guariniello - Vice Capt of the club but for the majority of the season he was the on-field Captain as 'Sabs' got very few games. My Italian Beckham, he gives us goals, lots of assists and consistent performances week in, week out. Fans POY, C2/C POY, he also has the club records for best av. rating, most assists and most MOM awards. What a prospect. :thup:

Ivan Caldarelli - Bought in Jan and did very well on the left wing.

David Biaou - Our one full international! He was very solid in the DM role and scored the 2nd best goal of the season from 40 yards! One of the very few experienced men here.

Alessandro Lanzoni - Moved to AM this season from LM and despite not averaging a great rating, he greatly improved in my eyes. He learnt the dribble through the centre PPM too. Good prospect.

Davide Raffaello - Davide stepped in this year and banged the goals away. It was nice to finally have a decent goalscorer at the club. He also ended up Top Goalscorer in C2/C. Well done bigman!

Antonio Conti - 2nd season up top, scored more goals - perhaps getting better with age. May not play as much next season.

Squad PlayersAngelo Fatello - Versatile left sided player, trains well and does a job when required.

Attilio Donati - Played a lot in CM and did well, very promising player.

Salvador - The Spanish boy wonder. I wonder what he can do in C1?

So the other stuff:



Best XI

Best Ever XI

2nd Manager of the Year


C2/C Team of Season


Club Aims:

  • Stay Up
  • Keep the 'Buy Young Italians' philosophy
  • Develop my 4-4-2 tactic

congrats iacovone!! well done. good to see the kids performing for you. As for your players, a few comments:

Stefanini - like the look of him. confident he can cope with the step up.

Guariniello - quality player. with more pace he'll develop into a great little player

Lanzani - could become a really good AMC

Raffaelo - good to see you get a good goalscorer. hopefully he can make the step up.

Salvador - if he can be kept in line, a good prospect.

good luck next season. hopefully the kids can do the business and develop the solid base you've got.

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Des - i would agree with your comments. I agree that the steady rise up the leagues can be the better route to go, as you become more settled and a stronger squad. i had almost prepared myself to do it that way until we got promoted. Fear we may struggle next season because of it, but only time will tell....

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Cheers guys \o/

To be honest I expect us to struggle in C1 as I'm not inclined to make too many changes. I genuinely want to see this team grow and mature together meaning I am pretty much against spending Amir Cohen's money. I may spend a little up front (300k) but again this is for a young Italian striker. The other 2 players I've bought have been young a Italian midfielder and one 34 year old midfielder to give us a bit of experience in the dressing room. Hope it works. :)

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I love that my board is delighted with my underspending on wages 6k under budget, but is worried that I am stopping talent joining the club. Oh on a side point I have the largest crowds in the Liga Vitalis am WAAAY under wage budget and still we are losing money, but that may be because our ticket prices didn't increase :( But who knows how I can recover money, still playing around at -500k.

And yeah my team has perfect squad harmony, I have been buying only 3-4 players a transfer window and it seems to have some great effects of course if I gain promotion again I may be out of my depth and have to do some bigger moves, but my squad is pretty good and I have 3 or 4 Youth Products who will push into the squad next season.

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not good if ticket prices haven't changed... i might have to check mine. In that case it looks like you may only be able to raise money through prize money, cup runs, or transfers.... I take it you aren't losing any more money though now...

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Yeah ticket prices have not gone up and my team is still leaking funds, not as badly as in previous seasons, but still by about 50k a month which is just disastrous, of course my finances are flat at 500k negative as the board just keep injecting money, I should have a look back through all my saves and see if I can figure out how much the board has actually propped me up by, I could get a rough estimate by assuming the months where my graph goes up that in reality I dropped by the same amount as the month before and then add up the shortfall ;)

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Fingers crossed rlipscombe, that'd be devastating if it is game over for King Rodriguez!

tell me about it! i have tried as max said and holidayed past it to 31st July, and have saved it there. it was too late by time i tried it to progress the game last night. i guess either tonight or tomorrow when patch is out i'll know..... :confused:

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Quick update in C1/A for Savona:

We have a record of 3-2-0 so far. Magliocchetti (our 26 year old LB) has been a rock at the back - we've conceded just 2 goals. Alessandro Lanzoni has started to make the CM role his own this year with some dazzling displays. The only negative has been the interest in Capt. Guariniello (the Italian Beckham). Unfortunately his head has been turned by the huge amount of interest in him and he's annoyed at me for rejecting bids :mad:

I'm considering replacing him as captain as his performances have suffered (6.70). Thoughts??

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First of all Good start mate. You could use a temporary captain and place Guariniello on the bench for a few games. Have you tried changing the transfer settings to reject all offers. I remember that stopping players geting unhappy in previous Fm's. I suppose you could loan him to a bigger to see if it helps any. you could also change his squad importance settings o see if that helps.

Good luck mate


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C.F. Portugalete End Of Season Review 10/11

League Table - Predicted-18th


At last my team has seen some improvement on the seasons results. The season started off quite slowly even though new talent was there, we were never dominated out of a game but the finished product wasnt apparent. After a few changes to tactics this was sorted out and we went on a really good run with a few loses and draws here and there but the wins were coming thick and fast.

The new players i had were excellent and really helped the team achieve the position in the league, hopefully with some of the new signings for next season i will be even better. Inaki was the pick of the bunch and he was a top performer after i picked him up in january. Also my star striker Arce got golden boot runner-up and is attracting interest from Alaves but a new contract has made sure i'll keep on to him. When i joined the club they did not have any favoured personel but a player that appeared after my first season Villalba went on there and he has won his third Player of the Year title in three years from the fans.

Since the start of the season we have also had the training facilities at the top level, shame that youth facilities are still at basic (but these are being upgraded again)

Finally a big shout out to the most patient chairman ever, Neil Pritchard, he is the most perfect chairman a manager could ever imagine, plus his millions makes my life all the more easier, with £17m transfer budget for next season.

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Well done Flashman good season there should be pushing for promotion next year. 17 million should be able to buy some top spanish talent with that good luck.

Ben hows your season coming along.

Ive signed some good players for my team and have some good players in each posistion

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Solid season there Flashman. I think however, my chairman Amir Cohen would have to be in with a shout for best chairman ever! Also very patient :D

Max, cheers for the ideas, he's picking up his performances now, just needs to forget about the lure of the big leagues!! January will be tough though...

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Solid season there Flashman. I think however, my chairman Amir Cohen would have to be in with a shout for best chairman ever! Also very patient :D

Max, cheers for the ideas, he's picking up his performances now, just needs to forget about the lure of the big leagues!! January will be tough though...

Good to here his performances are picking up. Your right January is going to be tough good luck mate.


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Grrr a pathetic performance against C2/A side Pro Vercelli saw us slump out of the Serie C Cup 2-1. Made a few changes but we just did not show up. My forwards are again the problem this year, nowhere near enough goals. Raffaello (last year 21 in 40 has 2 in 14 this year) has not looked up to C1/A standards at all.

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