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The Last American Frontier-Soccer


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Well hello, its a pleasure to write for you all. My story begins like any other story coaching career with the end of another career. In my case as Eric Wynalda former US International who became commentator; my ended with a terrible verbal mistake on another co-worker's career.

My game is played in a 8.0.2, all leagues with an American playing in it, so the majors plus Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Switzerland. First and Second leagues. We also have the Mexican and USAmerican first divisions. Plus Argentina and Brazil's first divisions all playable.

This is the 2008 season, my second in charge of the New York Red Bulls; but it's my first full season in charge. I took over from Bruce Arena mid-season and was able to take them to the playoffs, however we lost first round against the KC Wizards. My coach is named Eric Wynalda, a former American international who has played in Germany, Mexico, and of course the US. Until this year Wynalda and his 34 goals were the US' best until Landon Donovan tied it and will most likely beat it this year. Wynalda in 2007 was famous for telling American sports pundit and a known anti-soccer supporter Jim Rome to go "suck his d....". Due to this in real life Wynalda lost his job as a commentator at US sport giant ESPN, however in the game I started him after Eric's infamous quote. The writing starts about 8 months after accepting the position in June.

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Well hello, its a pleasure to write for you all. My story begins like any other story coaching career with the end of another career. In my case as Eric Wynalda former US International who became commentator; my ended with a terrible verbal mistake on another co-worker's career.

My game is played in a 8.0.2, all leagues with an American playing in it, so the majors plus Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Switzerland. First and Second leagues. We also have the Mexican and USAmerican first divisions. Plus Argentina and Brazil's first divisions all playable.

This is the 2008 season, my second in charge of the New York Red Bulls; but it's my first full season in charge. I took over from Bruce Arena mid-season and was able to take them to the playoffs, however we lost first round against the KC Wizards. My coach is named Eric Wynalda, a former American international who has played in Germany, Mexico, and of course the US. Until this year Wynalda and his 34 goals were the US' best until Landon Donovan tied it and will most likely beat it this year. Wynalda in 2007 was famous for telling American sports pundit and a known anti-soccer supporter Jim Rome to go "suck his d....". Due to this in real life Wynalda lost his job as a commentator at US sport giant ESPN, however in the game I started him after Eric's infamous quote. The writing starts about 8 months after accepting the position in June.

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January 10th, 2008

Putting my head back against the chair rest was as enjoyable as it was relaxing. Time in the off-season can't go any slower with no practice, no meetings, no time killing. Yes spending time with the wife and kids is important and truely a blessing; but without socer life is as slow as it is empty. My GM, former teammate and good friend Jeff Agoos left me a note on the desk.

The note truely reflected the idea of best of both world's, first it told me the best of the best. Our star striker and America's best future project, Jozy Altidore would be returing after being given a senior contract and $1,450 per week. The contact was sent to my E-Mail and in big signature letters, Altidore's John Hancock was beautiful placed on the line. In terms of art, the Mona Lisa, and Madonna were beautiful paintings that were timeless but not as important or deciding as the art of Altidore's contract. Included was a new car for the recently street legal 18 year-old and more importantly a deal that would keep him at the club for another 3 years.

For me anyway Altidore knows telichenetically that a MLS Cup and a berth in Sudamericana means a transfer overseas without much interference from the club. We all as American fans as well as players want Altidore to lead us to World Cup glory and having Jozy stay in a stagnant league like MLS only hinders his ability, with a good proformance from this league year Altidore knows he goes overseas.

Thankfully in November we picked up American and New York native Gabriel Ferrari from Sampdoria at a hefty but fair price, a getting a player like Gabe only adds to a younger nucleaus which is something I have to go for seeing I was left with a squad who's avereging 30.

While Altidore was wonderful and overdue news; Celso Borges accepting a $1,000 dollar offer for 3 years at Costa Rican superclub Saprissa kind of proved to us where his loyalty lies. While Saprissa is a great club for native Ticos, MLS could of offered him more and given him that magical transfer to Europe. For us it's upsetting as my 4-4-2 diamond needs a strong attacking middie, and while Reyna is a good midfielder, he is not suited for the role.

For me and Richie, my assisstant Celso's rejection was a unneeded blow, but one that had writing on the wall for us after modeling Saprisa's new Reebok kits. I got his number and called it; not in anger but in hope giving him a message from my Mexican Spanish wishing him luck, telling him that if he chooses to leave we at Red Bulls would love to have him.

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January 15th, 2008

This morning I made sure I called the Nanny, and told me wife that the cell would be off till 4. Why? Training is back is session and we finally get to guage our new singings as well as the old guys.

First off Jorge Zaldivar was added to sure up a backline that lost a kep right winger in Hunter Freeman. While Zaldivar was a Centerback, it allowed us to forc Leitch outwide where I feel he's strongest and bring in Romanian born Alex Zotinca from Chivas USA for a free.

Zotinca adds to the backline and allows us as a team to feel more vetran secure; it does go against my idea of younger is better but we needed a multi-tasker and having Zotinca was the best bet at that with his abilty to play all Positions on the right side minus striker.

In the center American international and first round pick of the 07' draft Maurice Edu was added to give us the best Deffensive Midfield option after going out of the running early for Ever Benegra. Edu would play alongisde Renya in deffensive positions but in attack would drop off and only support the play.

Doing this allowed 5 players for attack and 4 players back for counter, however if we needed Edu would push up creating a mismatch in the center.

Overall we were missing players due to the holidays and other events but for the most part our team was ripe and ready for all the great friendlies and pratices we had set up for them. I'm told the rest of the squad will arrive tomorrow for the full team practice and that today was just a formal hello and oil change.

The smell of a championship season is growing ever bigger in my nostrals.

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I hope your story rekindles my affinity for Wynalda. IRL, he was the first (and only) commentator who inspired me to watch soccer matches with the "mute" on. His arrogance and criticism of the players' efforts and decisions on the pitch was second-to-none. I look forward to seeing if his affinity for managing from the commentary booth can translate to success on the pitch, particularly with the draft system the MLS offers. (Rant over, best wishes with the story).

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January 16th, 2008

And so with the mid-winter's light all our new members have finally and thankfully arrived. The first one of my new recruits was Jorge Zaldivar, a quiet and serious player from Hondurus. After's last year's deffensive woes Zaldivar adds the young no-fear attitude and speed to the back line. I like many others like Jeff Parke and feel his story of being last in the draft to first team player is a magnificent tale. However, that doesn't excuse him from losing his spot in the roster, and some games last year were mind-blowing to say the least.

Zaldivaradds to a strong central backline which must in my 4-4-2 Diamond stay deffensive minded at all times or otherwise face mass extinction in MLS' offensive attacks. Another first timer was Mexico's Erasmo Solorzano, a former Houston and Chivas USA player from where he was from. Chivas sent him to their American school for training and after being let go of his Chivas contract MLS allowed a transfer to Houston who had him and let him go on free.

Both former coaches Preki of Chivas USA and NYRB Bruce Arena at Houston felt that Solorzano had talent but was too Denilson and more of a YouTube highlight then a soccer player. To me, he adds the crossing ability our Dane Richards lacks, and the flair needed to change a game around. However Erasmo knows that Richards is there and hungry for a chance to start over him.

Alex Zotinca, former Goat himself came back from native Romania today, and is excited to put on the uni's of the club he strived to play for in Europe. SV Salzburg, now Red Bull; was a club Zotinca followed besides his childhood Dynamo Bucharest; a club that for him was what he hoped to play for. Zotinca at 31 isn't any younger but is a great tutor for Chris Leitch, as both are versatile defenders and both can add to the attack. While I was happy with the new, we also had to say goodbye to the old.

Blake Camp and Clint Mathis left due to disagreements over their contracts. Clint also wanted to ship off back to Europe for one last go. John Wolyniec a native New Yorker as well, was getting old for the squad at 30, and felt that with little to no playing time here he needed to move on. Santino Quaranta, a Bruce Arena project left after we went over 18 senior contracts and his wasn't one of them. Jeff the GM as we call him, kinda catchy felt that Santino leaving could come back and bite us in the 'sun don't shine parts'; but he was a headcase.

And finally the biggest one of all, Maykel Galindo. Maykel a Russian name on a Cuban child, caused more headaches to me and my staff. After a superb start from his signing, he went down hill after 5 games, first not getting along with Magee, a solid backup striker who can start. Then to our young star Altidore with a shove in training.

Then finally the biggest bust up, van den Bergh. Look I like a solid well rounded striker but the attitude and just plain old narcissim he had for himself took down the team ten-fold. Another Dutch, coach Jean Paul van Gastel felt that Galindo could be given away and a young talented striker brought in.

Thankfully the session was light and a good social catch up for the players. We named our Captains, and just talked about turkey dinner on Christmas more so then anything else. Tomorrow our trainers will be in full force as we expect some bruises from the first work-out session.

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January 18th, 2008

Curses and words never so colorful were used all across the pitch today after news that starting winger Dane Richards would be out till late March with an ACL sprain. Thankfully it happened in the off season but the problem now is that we have no-one who could upset Erasmo from his position and we noticed after Dane's horrific collision with Stammler that his production and drive wore-off. For the first part of the season we are now stagnant at the right side of midfield position with no one to breath down Solarzano's neck, we might be faced with terrible options from the right wing, however who knows.

Agoos came down from the seat he sits at to check in on me; to give me a pat on the back as though I just lost a family member. I like my players a lot, but for me this is more then death. This could collaspe my dream of possibly taking over in Europe. Surely people know that if an American is to succed overseas as a manager, he must have an in somewhere. My in is a MLS Cup or CONCACAF Champions Cup and I won't get either without solid results.

Richie Williams my assisstant gave me a list of names to go after if we decide to drop Dane from the team. My eyes watered a bit hoping for an easier solution; but I decided the answer was no and still is no. Dane will play and play well. I fell it.

Besides Dane's injury the rest of practice was marred by cuts and bruises and solid work all around. We ended with a quick finishing drill and went to our places of rest. In the next week we have games against Sydney FC, Saprissa, Hammarby and a boat load of USL-1 sides. For thoes USL once; Richie will go with our team as he needs the experience, but for the three big ones I'll be there. I need to learn how to coach internationally if I am to succed in the Champions Cup.

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January 23rd, 2008

First Training Game

New York Red Bulls vs. Sydney FC

Sydney Football Stadium

Attendence: 20,000

Match Official: Mark Walterburg

Sleep and time were two things lost over on the long 15 hour trek across the Pacific. While we could of easily have left from New York, our staff and physios felt a day in LA before the long haul flight would allow us both rest and some relaxation before the long trek.

Sadly it only caused more confusion at the airports and one player was even accused to be a terrorist. However we were able to move along to our destination quickly enough.

My family was allowed on the trip and my two girls did add some glimmers of joy through long thinking processes built on trying to know your opponents. The Galaxy had a trip down here this month as well to visit the Gold Coast and their future affiliated club; but also to visit Melbourne and go up against two time A-League champ Melbourne Victory. For us this trip was to serve as a market brand awakening but more sinisterly a trip to coax Newcastle Jets, and Aussie international Joel Griffiths for a move to MLS.

The game itself however was to be played in font of a decent crowd, one that was hoping for a victourious win for the Sydneysiders. One that we as a Red Bull side were utterly tired and useless. The game got off to a flying start with new boy Solorzano and young gun Altidore combining for a shot over the bar. Altidore pulled his leg up too soon and didn't drive the ball otherwise the shot was near perfect. However we continued for the first 15 to constantly push the Blues backwards until the darktimes. After a foul on one of their new Brazilians, a fellow by the name of Jorge (George), the Sydneysiders drove up the field right at Zotinca and plopped one in the back of helpless Dan Campo's net.

Everyone on our side from Des McAleen to Richie, to myself were all crucnched back to our seats because we as a unit told our team before that if they go one up, its over. The A-League likes to bunker against teams from better leagues and guess what; presto or whatever magic word you like the game was over. It did take all of 90 minutes to get there but no offense and all midfield play led to a upsetting 1-0 defeat. To top it all off, Joel Griffiths was going to go on-loan to a Japanese club to get time in during the A-League off season.

We thought we could kill three birds with one stone, but like an Australian boomerang; it came back to slit our throats.

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Sorry guys I had to jump the story to a more present time, my apologies but I need to get close to where I am now; due to memory; real life job; and a host of other reasons. While I played both Hammaby and Saprissa, we won against Saprissa 2-1, and tied with Hammarby 1-1. A huge reason for the tie is Paulo Guranan*; intelligent striker

March 3rd, 2008

After a number of successful frendlies, it was time for a tour around Europe. After Red Bull's brand association trip to Sweden, land of the vikings; we decided that a stop at the center of the empire; Salzburg was in order after all. While the Red Bulls of Salzburg could not scrimmage due to in season games; they did meet with our players to discuss tatics, training, and mentality.

Some of our stars impressed some of the Salzburg staff which made coach and Italian manager Giovanni Trapatoni call me over and as a manager to manager ask how much is Altidore. Inadvertenly I calmly replied; he's not for sale and Traps talked about other more pessing issues like how he feels I can be a great manager given time. I myself do have an ego and he fed it giving me a bubble almost too big to pop. I was smart enough to keep myself calm but as a former Mexican and German League player; Austria could be my kick off point in Europe; and Salzburg could be the starting gate. Time will tell.

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