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The Official Waiting For The Mac Patch Thread

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hi, Steve

CAn i check with U.

I also using MacBook, thinking whether to buy the game.

So, after installing it, do u need the disc to run the game ?

Or u can play without the Disc?

Many thanks


You need the disk to start the game or to use the main menu once the game is running.

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Another issue like someone stated above that there is no where on the football manager website telling people that the Mac Patch isnt available i know people who have downloaded the patch from the link on the website thinking this will work.

The communication between SI and Mac users is rubbish!!!

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i would prefer if theres a way to play without a disk as i have a macbook air, not a big issue as i have a external drive, but you know, convience and all.

I read somewhere on the forums that they're working on a solution for the MacBook Air, although I don't really see what that would be.

I'm guessing they'll have an authentication system in place for the Mac next year.

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You need the disc in the drive when you start up the game (but you can eject it once the game is up and running). Same as before.

Thanks, Bro

U guys are quick !


Guess, I can buy the game.

Is it nice ?

Everybody is like waiting for the patches...

Is it so bad, b4 the patch ?

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Thanks, Bro

U guys are quick !


Guess, I can buy the game.

Is it nice ?

Everybody is like waiting for the patches...

Is it so bad, b4 the patch ?

Depends on ur platform, I have brand new MBPro and runs a dream, some peoples machines, even 6 months old suffer the bugs. I occasionally get the unexpected quits, but the main problem pre patch is the injuries, it is just annoying though.

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your point stands because you said it and i respect your opinion but seriously if i was to launch a massive product like FM then i would think it prudent to have everyone on standby to work the weekend just incase something like this happens.

now lets not get away from the fact that SI have seriously let every mac user down and dont seem to be doing much to solve it.

they should be in constant contact telling us what the problems are and why its taking so long

Please Stop Moaning, delivering anything as complex as FM to a set of customers is not EASY even with 3 years to work on it. What SI are suffering from is that we have all come to expect better of them as their track record for delivering a high quality game year on year has been excellent.

What you have to realise is that SI is going through a large change cycle at the moment. They have become more and more ambitious as a company but i don't think they have changed the way they work to deliver games to match this new level of ambition. They also have a larger variety of games/hardware issues to support in the shape of the FML MMO and a 3D match engine so maybe the people that count at SI are being spread too thinly? I can only speculate really as i have no idea how many new heads they have taken on to support this new product?

What you have is an organisation that is growing and changing. It can take sometime before the changes are bedded in and the organisation can start delivering to their customers in the way that have done previously. That sort of cultural and attitude change takes time to filter through an organisation and sometimes it needs a few train wrecks like the PC/STEAM activation and MAC patch fiasco to get everyone looking at how they deliver and how they do not repeat the mistakes again.

At the moment they will have set processes for making sure that any FM game is delivered on time and fairly bug free, but this is the FIRST FM game that has:

1. A 3D match engine

2. Is supported via a third party vendor STEAM

I'm not surprised that there have been mistakes in both the content and delivery of the game. As companies are always resistant to changes in the way they work until something goes horribly wrong. This friday will have been an eye opener for both the creators and publisher and they will be as keen as the user community to get back to levels of service we have come to expect.

So before you start saying that SI have let all MAC users down think about all these major new factors in delivering this years FM to our doors.

Plus they don't HAVE to be in constant contact and if they have bad news to report it will only make things worse. I suspect that we may not see a mac patch until later in the week and i also anticipate that this will be the most patched version of offline FM ever. I just hope that the patches fly out at the right speed and quality for us all to enjoy the game.

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Thanks, Bro

U guys are quick !


Guess, I can buy the game.

Is it nice ?

Everybody is like waiting for the patches...

Is it so bad, b4 the patch ?

By the time you get back home after buying the game the patch might be out anyway. :-)

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i'm offended that SI have a bloody thread advertising how to win a can of DEODORANT as a sticky but find it unnecessary to clearly inform its paying customers when they are going to be able to play the game 3 days after they bought it... nice one.

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yes that happens on mine as well with data editor, its really annoying. in reality, if they would have released the game in october like they usually do, the first patch would have been due round about now. But the fact that they've sorted all the issues with the pc and steam releases before doing anything about the numerous errors us mac users are having to put up with just feels unfair on us. I hope this patch is out sometime before 12 today

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i'm offended that SI have a bloody thread advertising how to win a can of DEODORANT as a sticky but find it unnecessary to clearly inform its paying customers when they are going to be able to play the game 3 days after they bought it... nice one.

It does seem slightly contrived and off topic doesn't it. Still, at least we won't have to smell while we wait!

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yes that happens on mine as well with data editor, its really annoying. in reality, if they would have released the game in october like they usually do, the first patch would have been due round about now. But the fact that they've sorted all the issues with the pc and steam releases before doing anything about the numerous errors us mac users are having to put up with just feels unfair on us. I hope this patch is out sometime before 12 today

I opened the data editor fine on my game?? what OS you running it on? Tiger or Leopard?

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Please Stop Moaning, delivering anything as complex as FM to a set of customers is not EASY even with 3 years to work on it. What SI are suffering from is that we have all come to expect better of them as their track record for delivering a high quality game year on year has been excellent.

What you have to realise is that SI is going through a large change cycle at the moment. They have become more and more ambitious as a company but i don't think they have changed the way they work to deliver games to match this new level of ambition. They also have a larger variety of games/hardware issues to support in the shape of the FML MMO and a 3D match engine so maybe the people that count at SI are being spread too thinly? I can only speculate really as i have no idea how many new heads they have taken on to support this new product?

What you have is an organisation that is growing and changing. It can take sometime before the changes are bedded in and the organisation can start delivering to their customers in the way that have done previously. That sort of cultural and attitude change takes time to filter through an organisation and sometimes it needs a few train wrecks like the PC/STEAM activation and MAC patch fiasco to get everyone looking at how they deliver and how they do not repeat the mistakes again.

At the moment they will have set processes for making sure that any FM game is delivered on time and fairly bug free, but this is the FIRST FM game that has:

1. A 3D match engine

2. Is supported via a third party vendor STEAM

I'm not surprised that there have been mistakes in both the content and delivery of the game. As companies are always resistant to changes in the way they work until something goes horribly wrong. This friday will have been an eye opener for both the creators and publisher and they will be as keen as the user community to get back to levels of service we have come to expect.

So before you start saying that SI have let all MAC users down think about all these major new factors in delivering this years FM to our doors.

Plus they don't HAVE to be in constant contact and if they have bad news to report it will only make things worse. I suspect that we may not see a mac patch until later in the week and i also anticipate that this will be the most patched version of offline FM ever. I just hope that the patches fly out at the right speed and quality for us all to enjoy the game.

Nice Speach but taking all that into consideration we as the consumer dont give a monkeys about all the changes to SI as a buisness they should still deliver the goods change or no change i can speak for the majority of the football manager mac fans in saying we would have preffered the release date to have been put back untill the game is 100% finished instead of getting every1s hopes up the kicking us in the proverbial by having the disc infront of us but unable to access a bug free version of the game.

All companies go through change and get more and more ambitious especially in the current financial climate but i know for a fact that if other companies didnt meet the demands of there consumers there would be uproar so SI are going to have to deal with the "flack" they are recieving just like every other major organisation would if they released an unfinished product. Its like bringing out a toilet that wont flush.

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part of me would like them to fail to deliver it today, just so i can enjoy peoples reactions in this thread.

im a sad bastard i know

( btw i got fm09 with me and havent even bothered to install it yet, still in the box, hows that for being keen )

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I'm running a MacBook, 2Ghz Intel Core Duo, 1GB RAM and the only couple of times I've played the game so far I've had random crashes. Just a complete wipeout of the game. Anyone else suffered the same fate? I've played FM08 loads and had no such problems at all.

I've had exactly that, I just set my autosave to weekly and it hasn't happened since. Still, if it does at least my data will be saved this time lol. I'm guessing this is a stability issue that will be addressed in the upcoming patch.

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I'm running a MacBook, 2Ghz Intel Core Duo, 1GB RAM and the only couple of times I've played the game so far I've had random crashes. Just a complete wipeout of the game. Anyone else suffered the same fate? I've played FM08 loads and had no such problems at all.

Might be a RAM issue. I'm on a 2.2Ghz MacBook with 4Gb RAM and have no problem with crashes at all. Also, try clearing your caches with a shareware app like Leopard Cache Cleaner.

What kind of graphics card do you have? I have the X3100, but I understand the GMA950 might have problems with 3D.

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I'm going to add to the general bitching about the lack of patch for us Mac users and far, far more importantly the lack of communication from anyone in charge about when it might be available.

Not only is it pretty unacceptable to release a game this full of bugs, but then to expect users to have to download a patch of several hundred meg to fix avoidable bugs (and I'm not talking about data updates etc, that is the users choice) is bang out of order. Its ok for those of us with a reasonable level of disposable income, age, technical ability and patience, but for those younger, poorer or less technically savvy users, this kind of mix up and confusion is terrible.

If I treated my clients in this way, I would be unemployed in short order.

I therefore hope to god the coders responsible for this were stuck in a hot sweaty office all weekend to make up for the release-day disappointment for the rest of us.

And for the PR 'gurus' responsible for this god awful ****-up and complete lack of official communication (except if you dig around this forum), you better be buying them caffinated drinks and pizza out of your own wallet to keep them working. And a few beers after the fix is out wouldn't be out of order if it all works well.

And then a grovelling apology to your users wouldn't go amiss either, its about the least we deserve!

Your disgustedly of Western Australia.

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I suspect, as many others, that they simply could not have overseen these issues when BETA testing. But, as they still are present in the full game, there has to be another reason for them being there. And my guess is that this is the "new" way of adding DRM. Just release an unplayable game full of bugs and issues, and shortly after you release a fix which is very hard for pirates to get working. It sucks bullocks, I know, but it's a possibillity.

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As I think I said earlier, it's entirely possible that the bugs were introduced late on in the development process, and while I'm not defending QA - certainly the ctrl+click should have been picked up - as such it's feasible that they slipped through the net, particularly in the case of ctrl+click as other methods of right clicking do work.

Some of the conspiracy theories in this thread are getting hilarious though. I'm enjoying reading :)

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damn that lousy tooth fairy! I put my baby fm09 box under my pillow last, and I woke up this morning and the lazy cow didn't replace it with a working one.

A brand new game that doesn't work? Next someone is going to tell me that Santa isn't real!

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If a bug is in the game it doesn't mean the testers missed it. I know from my time doing some casual off-site beta testing for past versions of the game that often bugs were reported and then not fixed prior to release.

Basically they go on a list to fix and if SI don't get that far down the list by release time it doesn't get fixed.

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If it's not released today then I won't be buying another game from these idiots. On Friday I was furious but in the end found waiting isn't too difficult, but a patch released 4 days after a PC one would really **** me off. I buy a game for it to work out of the box, in its current state it does not.

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If a bug is in the game it doesn't mean the testers missed it. I know from my time doing some casual off-site beta testing for past versions of the game that often bugs were reported and then not fixed prior to release.

Basically they go on a list to fix and if SI don't get that far down the list by release time it doesn't get fixed.

Well, surely the ctrl-click issue would've been fairly high up on that list cosidering it's a very important issue?

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