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I just want to garner opinions, having spoken to several mates of mine, most of which are United fans

1) They said that they would prefer neither Liverpool or City to win the title (for obvious reasons) and would rather Chelsea win it - I get the impression that most others would prefer Liverpool over City and I just wondered why?

2) Feel sorry for Moyes in a way but that was never the job for him - however, Ferguson must take some blame surely?

3) Mourinho must surely be banned for those sarcastic comments the other day after his side lost to Sunderland?

Just wondered what all you FMS'ers thought?

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I just want to garner opinions, having spoken to several mates of mine, most of which are United fans

1) They said that they would prefer neither Liverpool or City to win the title (for obvious reasons) and would rather Chelsea win it - I get the impression that most others would prefer Liverpool over City and I just wondered why?

2) Feel sorry for Moyes in a way but that was never the job for him - however, Ferguson must take some blame surely?

3) Mourinho must surely be banned for those sarcastic comments the other day after his side lost to Sunderland?

Just wondered what all you FMS'ers thought?

I think there are a few reasons the general public want Liverpool t win the title. 1) Because it is someone different. 2) That they are winning games in style albeit the last few where it has just been about getting the result. 3) Because there is no other person in the Premier League that deserves a winners medal than Steven Gerrard. Even some United fans I've spoken to have said to me they want Liverpool to win it for Gerrard. 4) The way that Liverpool are going about this season. We haven't spent big money unlike city and Chelsea, we've focused on good coaching and developing young players. Liverpool have won the hearts and have the general backing to win the league. I've not heard of anyone neutral wanting City or Chelsea to win it simply for the money they spend or they just don't like Mourinho.

I agree Fergie has to take some of the blame. He certainly knew what he was doing when he retired and left his poor mate with the dregs. Moyes has neither the experience, reputation or the mentality to manage a big club. It was a move to a big club too soon for him. Leaving Everton I think was a good move for him as he couldn't take them any further. Going to a club such as Tottenham or maybe a club abroad in the Europa League to build up that experience with better players and earn more respect. That being said he made some terrible mistakes, many of which have been well documented. If anything i'd say he believed the hype that he was 'The Chosen One'.

I do quite like Mourinho as he brings something different to the game that other manages don't. That being said though his comments at the weekend were disgraceful and very bitter. He does need to learn when to keep quiet!

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I just want to garner opinions, having spoken to several mates of mine, most of which are United fans

1) They said that they would prefer neither Liverpool or City to win the title (for obvious reasons) and would rather Chelsea win it - I get the impression that most others would prefer Liverpool over City and I just wondered why?

2) Feel sorry for Moyes in a way but that was never the job for him - however, Ferguson must take some blame surely?

3) Mourinho must surely be banned for those sarcastic comments the other day after his side lost to Sunderland?

Just wondered what all you FMS'ers thought?

1) I am no fan of any of those clubs. But I would prefer to see Chelsea win it even though I can't stand John Terry or Frank Lampard for reasons I've documented before. The reason for this is Mourinho, who I feel should have been United's choice. From where I sit, people like the romance of Liverpool winning for the first time in forever.

2) Yes. SAF evidently advocated hiring the Eric Djemba-Djemba of Manchester United managers.

3) Absolutely.

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1) For me I would prefer Chelsea to win it as for mainly I like Mourinho. Man.City is of course because they are our City rivals and plus I really dont like them. With Liverpool its just because it would shut this one annoying little runt that I have to work with who has only started talking about Liverpool since they have been at the top of the League. The only reason I would want Liverpool to win is to see S.Gerrard picking up a Premiership medal. He is one Liverpool player that I would have loved to see in a United shirt (I know that would never have happened)

2) Moyes was never the right man for the job, I bet if you did a poll of users in this forum the majority would have said at the start of the season that Moyes was the wrong man for the job. I knew wouldnt win the League this year and possibly not next year. However I didnt expect us to be so dire as we have been. Yes Sir Alex needs to take the blame for some of it. He has far too much influence at the club at board level. Yes he a god to the club and what he has done will probably never be repeated at any club but in my opinion he should have walked away from the club when he retired. Its a big enough shadow to get out of without him being over your shoulder in the directors seats staring down. I reckon Moyes will either take a year out of something like that or he will go to Aston Villa if they ever sack that useless prat they've got their

3) Mourinho will get charged for his comments theres no doubts about that, you cant go round blaming referees for your teams form. Yes the referee's probably got a few things wrong but they have also got things wrong in favour of Chelsea. I think the saying is six of one half a dozen of the other. It will however be quite a lengthy ban due to this not being the first time he has done this

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I just want to garner opinions, having spoken to several mates of mine, most of which are United fans

1) They said that they would prefer neither Liverpool or City to win the title (for obvious reasons) and would rather Chelsea win it - I get the impression that most others would prefer Liverpool over City and I just wondered why?

2) Feel sorry for Moyes in a way but that was never the job for him - however, Ferguson must take some blame surely?

3) Mourinho must surely be banned for those sarcastic comments the other day after his side lost to Sunderland?

Just wondered what all you FMS'ers thought?

1) Personally I'm not fussed but Liverpool winning it would be a novelty for me. I do know of some of my fellow Arsenal fans who actually want Man City to win though, because they feel that (some) Liverpool fans are as insufferable as Man Utd's and a title would bring out the worst in them. Chelsea, of course, we don't quite like from an Arsenal perspective.

2) Probably, but like I've mentioned before, Moyes failed to step out of Fergie's shadow and impose himself on the team. Man Utd's players are not like Everton's players; when you've spent many seasons winning trophies year in year out you develop a certain character, and these characters need a strong leadership figure to lay down the law and tell them where to go. Moyes did not do that.

3) Perhaps, but debatable. That's the beauty of sarcasm; he can always say he meant it.

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2) Probably, but like I've mentioned before, Moyes failed to step out of Fergie's shadow and impose himself on the team. Man Utd's players are not like Everton's players; when you've spent many seasons winning trophies year in year out you develop a certain character, and these characters need a strong leadership figure to lay down the law and tell them where to go. Moyes did not do that.

From Alex Shaw's fine article on espnfc regarding why Moyes had to go: Ben, Shaw agrees with you.

1. The incessant negativity

Quite simply, David Moyes did not speak like a Manchester United manager. Where Sir Alex Ferguson once dubbed Newcastle United a "wee club in the northeast," Moyes seemed fearful of a side that had not won at Old Trafford in 41 years. Ahead of Alan Pardew's visit in December (to the home of the champions, no less) Moyes said he would try and "make it difficult" for Newcastle. In so doing, it showed that he continually struggled to shake the shackles that defined his Everton tenure -- that of the feisty underdog.

Back then, his primary object was to "get out of Old Trafford alive." Contrast that to Roberto Martinez relishing the trip to Old Trafford in December and urging his players to show they belong on such a stage. Needless to say, Everton and Newcastle both triumphed at Old Trafford. Following a damaging 2-2 draw at Cardiff in November, Moyes laughably claimed that he would have taken a point at the newly promoted side if he was offered it before kickoff. A point. Against a newly promoted side in the grip of damaging boardroom unrest.

But perhaps the most damning public statement arrived when Manchester City wiped the floor with Moyes' United at Old Trafford. Following the abject 3-0 defeat in March, Moyes said: "We have played a very good side, playing at the sort of level we are aspiring to. We need to come up a couple of levels ourselves because at the moment we are not there."

Supporters need a rallying call in dark moments, something to cling to so they can face the next few games -- or even chiding chums at work. But when Moyes opened his mouth, more misery often ensued. He warned that "more blows" would follow in the aftermath of the 4-1 defeat to Man City in September, a declaration that left many fans punch-drunk.


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1) I would probably prefer Liverpool on the basis that they haven't just thrown money at the problem, but actually played some very good football. I think Rodgers is a very good manager and I don't think it'll be his last winners medal.

2) Totally agree with Ben and 10-3's article on this. You are Man Utd. You proclaim to be the best in the world. Act like it. Could SAF have known? Possibly. He knew what state he'd left the team in. Have to say though, I don't think having Woodward at the club has helped them any.

3) Yeah, he probably should get punished, but he's the only manager I can think of with the panache to pull it off.

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1) Liverpool, but then I would, wouldn't I. Failing that I'd rather Chelsea than City. Despite not liking Mourinho or Terry I am actually pretty ambivalent to Chelsea, and I don't like City, not since they became the big 'I am'.

2) I blame the Glazers. To let an employee, albeit an overwhelmingly successful one, choose his own successor just smacks of rank amateurism in terms of business management. SAF was bound to pick with the rose tinted specs on and so shouldn't have been given the chance. Still sorry to see Moyes go, it's been a rare opportunity to gain an upper hand in the office bantering, so I'm sorry to see him go for that reason.

3) Absolutely, you can't do that.

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I, for one, quite enjoy Jose Mourinho and his trolling ways. Keeps the focus off the players and team (their performances have been horrible lately, minus the defence for the most part) and I'd begun to miss the days when everybody hated us. Things were far too boring. Ban him, fine him, doesn't really matter. Either way, he works with the team every day and we're near the end of the season, you'd have thought the team would be well drilled whether he's on the touch line or not. Now roll on all those lazy 'MOURINHO 2 MAN U' headlines, cause I've missed those as well!

Seriously though, fair play to Liverpool. I've mentioned many times in the past that they're my least favourite Premier League team but, despite my best efforts, I do feel a small tinge of happiness for them for some strange reason. Oh and I'm enjoying telling all of my fellow Chelsea fans how I was right all along about how good Sturridge could be!

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I just want to garner opinions, having spoken to several mates of mine, most of which are United fans

1) They said that they would prefer neither Liverpool or City to win the title (for obvious reasons) and would rather Chelsea win it - I get the impression that most others would prefer Liverpool over City and I just wondered why?

2) Feel sorry for Moyes in a way but that was never the job for him - however, Ferguson must take some blame surely?

3) Mourinho must surely be banned for those sarcastic comments the other day after his side lost to Sunderland?

Just wondered what all you FMS'ers thought?

1) Personally, I want none of them to win it. I loathe them all. City and Chelsea are likely to continue to dominate trophy-winning in England due to their massive financial advantages. Basically the only reason one of them haven't run away with it this season because Mourinho refused to buy a striker in the summer (Interesting how Wenger gets lambasted for killing Arsenal's title bid by failing to buy a striker, when arguably the lack of a striker has been an even bigger impediment to Chelsea's title challenge. At least Arsenal has a 20-goal striker on their books), and City because their key players keep on getting injured (Kompany, Aguero, and Toure to a lesser extent).

Liverpool however will be deserved winners. They are the only team that had managed to put a consistent run of form together. They have had a bit of luck with no major injuries to their rather bare offensive/midfield stocks and have played with great drive, passion and commitment. I will say I don't get people saying they didn't throw money at the problem. They have. Net spend in 2013-14 is £22m, £43 in 12-13 (which is when they obtained a number of their key players for the current season). Obviously a lot less than Chelsea, City and United in the same time (but no one else can compare with them), but it's a lot more than many of the other teams can compare with (Spurs are net positive over the last two seasons, as are Everton, which are the two other teams closest to challenging for Champions League). Even for Arsenal, it's now clear that they will need to spend roughly £30-40 per season in order to just keep up (Arsenal's net spend last two season is £50m-ish, but obviously most of that is on one player, whether or not that's good strategy or not is another issue). So in terms of net spend, Liverpool should be about 4th/5th in the league. They are 'overachieving' in that sense, as will any team not United, Chelsea or City who wants to win the league these days, but they are not 'small' spenders either.

Anyway, long story short, I don't like Liverpool any more than I like Chelsea or City, or United (although at least I could respect Fergie), and I will simply view any of them winning the league as another win by a ******* club. :p

2) Fergie should absolutely take some of the blame, although it appears he will again be involved in picking the next manager. He picked Moyes but left him with an aging team and otherwise did little to help him make his own mark on the club. Otherwise, I agree with Ben in that Moyes never helped his own cause. His tactics were often wrong, too negative, and he simply did not appear confident enough in his own ability to take the club forward. I think he would still be in the job if United had at least shown some promise, but there was no sign of improvement, which is why he got the chop. Too much blaming others as well, although this is a common trait amongst managers these days. One thing though: the debacle summer transfer business was not his fault.

3) I don't know so much about the sarcastic comments after the Sunderland loss, but given he is effectively stating that he is willing to throw the game against Liverpool (http://www.theguardian.com/football/2014/apr/23/jose-mourinho-chelsea-liverpool-abramovich), surely this is far more worthly of suspension, simply due to bringing the game into disreput and damaging the integrity of the competition. Sure, after a 0-0 draw away from home, Chelsea are in a great position to get to the final, where their chances of winning a trophy are much higher relatively to their league position, and yes, the scheduling due to TV influence is ridiculous, but to come out and say you're willing to throw the game? Especially when a win would also put your own team in the title race? That is ridiculous, and another example of the massive ego that this man has, and his willingness to try any dirty trick he can think of in order to get his own way.

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1) I'd prefer Liverpool, it would be Chelsea but I hate Mourinho more, I'd hate Mourinho to be at Man United, I can't stand him at all, quite possibly the biggest w**ker and self centered piece of s**t manager that I can remember, yeah he get's the wins, but still you can win and lost with style and dignity and he does neither. There's also a reason that he doesn't stay around at clubs as manager for to long, not many can take him in large doses.

2) Fergie has to take some of the blame, for me I was happy that Moyes was given the chance, yeah it went wrong, but oh well. I hope someone gets it with attacking minded play and not just when you have 500 million to spend on players, it would be hilarious if United went for Martinez at Everton!

3) You would hope so!

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We've hit 10,000 views on this thread. Can a mod start a new one? Maybe the thread could be titled something "quippy" like "FMS Community Thread/The Chosen One" or some other such nonsensical sarcasm...?

Oh wait, does it have to be 10K entries?

Apparently, like Moyes, I'm in over my head and don't know it?

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There are many wins to win matches and to use the players at your disposal to do things within the confines of the game. While Mourinho's players did many things that skirted the spirit of the game, including messing with the ball himself, Mourinho has proven time and time again that he's willing to be creative in seeking out ways to collect three points. His post-match interviews are outright disrespectful and it diminishes the goodwill of the game, but I also understand that many in the media attempt to generate rises out of managers in extremely difficult circumstances too. While I love what he can do with tactics in a match to win, I don't always like what he has to say to the media. When Mourinho gets crabby, I miss the days of DiCanio.

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From my point of view, the whole issue of supposedly 'fielding a weakened side' and the whole rigamarole about playing Hilario in case something 'happened' to Schwarzer was pure theater and frankly great stuff. There's no doubt at all that he put eleven players out there who he expected to get a result and the whole line about supposedly tanking the match was simply to lower expectations. It was great stuff and I'm sure his private words to the squad were a lot different than his words to the press.

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I agree that fielding a weakened side was a supreme bit of gamesmanship. His 2nd string is still a lot better than many of the Bottom 13's starting lineups. In fact, I'm sure Everton and Liverpool feel pretty good about the strikers who weren't good enough for Chelsea arrived at their clubs in the form of Lukaku and Sturridge accordingly.

I also agree that the team heard a much different speech all week at the training ground from what the media got to use for their sound bites. Is his strategy working? I'd say so because the headlines I see are all about him instead of individual players like at some other clubs who are also sitting in the Top 7.

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I agree. He really knows how to get the best out of his side, no matter who he puts on the field. You can see it really riled Brendan Rodgers too, complaining about 2 buses being parked. I feel a little sorry for Gerrard (In hindsight, I laughed a lot at the time), the man has won everything but the title and he goes and slips to give Chelsea the lead. I really want to see Atletico get to the final in midweek though. A nice 1-0 win would be good.

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I've always said there is no right or wrong way to play football and there never will be. Mourinho deserves the plaudits for a job well done and if they get to the Champions League final, it will have been a perfect week for Chelsea. Football is a results business at the end of the day and Chelsea got the result they needed, fair play to them. Rodgers was naive with his tactics and showed we didn't have a plan B for that match. It's our own fault we lost it and Chelsea got the luck they needed.

However the football purist in me completely detests they way Chelsea play. I cannot for the life in me see how it is good for the game if a team that sets up to not win the match deserves to win anything let alone the top competitions in the world. Time wasting from the kick off, not even trying to attack just relying on mistakes. If this was a lower league team or even a team battling relegation in the Premiership then maybe you can understand. But this was 1st vs 2nd and even this so called weakened team Mourinho put out would get in the bottom 13 teams in the league. Maybe i'm just bitter but for me if Chelsea win the league or the Champions League it would be bad for football. That style of play is a poor advertisement for football and against the spirit of it. It's against everything we should be teaching kids to play football.

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Say whatever you like about Jose Mourinho, but what I just saw at Anfield was a masterpiece of the 'mind game'.

Yes, it truly was. Boring, lame, or whatever else it has been called, it worked against a strong Liverpool side. Liverpool only have themselves to blame.

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Hello all, just a quick message to say I won't be around much for the next few days (weeks) as this morning my wife gave birth to our little baby daughter Ava. So I'd imagine between sleepless nights and endless nappy changes, I won't have much time to visit here, let alone write (sorry Outcast fans).



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Congrats on your new child! I wish you the very best with being a parent and helping out your wife. You must be very proud. Can we assume, then, that we can take you off the bookie list for being the next manager of Manchester United?

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On a new note...did anyone think like me that Financial Fair Play might actually be a real, enforced set of rules? Apparently, I had higher hopes for Platini than what I have for Blatter in regards to being more than a figurehead and actually being a leader for making football better for everyone on the planet, not just the mega-rich. After reading this article, I'm beginning to realize that Platini may not be that much different from Blatter after all. http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11679/9288370/manchester-city-offered-settlements-for-breaching-financial-fair-play-rules

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First up congrats WLKRAS, is this your first child ? If so, welcome to your new life, it all changes from here. I'm not saying that's not going to be the most fun, enlightening and satisfying thing you've ever done, it almost certainly is just that, it's just all going to be different from now on.

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First up congrats WLKRAS, is this your first child ? If so, welcome to your new life, it all changes from here. I'm not saying that's not going to be the most fun, enlightening and satisfying thing you've ever done, it almost certainly is just that, it's just all going to be different from now on.

She's number two. I'm vaguely aware i had some sort of life before number one, but i don't remember much from it haha!

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Second, FFP. What's the point of FFP ? It's my belief, and let's face it, I may be wrong, but I thought FFP was there to provide a level playing field, to stymie those clubs that want to buy the title. So they set up a set of rules and now they test against those rules to see who has broken these rules.

So here's my question ? If City and PSG and 20 other clubs have broken rules, and in City and PSG's case at the very least have pretty obviously flouted those rules does that not make them cheats ?

It's pretty obvious what I would want to happen to Man City if found cheating, and that's pretty self-serving I know, but the question remains, if you want financial fair play why not punish those who break the rules by just plain ignoring them ?

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Well done WLKRAS. With this being your 2nd child, I assume you're already well versed in the art of rocking the baby cradle with a foot while resting laptop on your lap and playing FM? Its multitasking at its best. Plus, you can hit space to continue with an elbow as you feed the little one.

As for FFP, I believe both City and PSG had their "sponsor" income investigated to ensure it wasn't cheating. They still failed on the FFP and should be sanctioned accordingly. I can't see how expulsion from the top European competition would ever work, the competition commercial sponsors would have a say I think. The loss of those clubs could mean less exposure of their brands. They'd argue that it would devalue the competition as a result etc. Its stupid I know but those companies finance the competition in the end.

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Congrats WLKRAS.

Well done WLKRAS. With this being your 2nd child, I assume you're already well versed in the art of rocking the baby cradle with a foot while resting laptop on your lap and playing FM? Its multitasking at its best. Plus, you can hit space to continue with an elbow as you feed the little one.

As for FFP, I believe both City and PSG had their "sponsor" income investigated to ensure it wasn't cheating. They still failed on the FFP and should be sanctioned accordingly. I can't see how expulsion from the top European competition would ever work, the competition commercial sponsors would have a say I think. The loss of those clubs could mean less exposure of their brands. They'd argue that it would devalue the competition as a result etc. Its stupid I know but those companies finance the competition in the end.

I'm not sure on that really, sure it's a blow but the rules are there and must be used, everyone knows the rules, sponsors included, but clubs still try and get around them. As far as sponsors does it hurt their brand that United won't be playing in the CL next season? They are out on merit, but if go and spend 300 million on a club and know that I am allowed to spend 100 then I know I'm cheating and should be out because the rules merit it.

For me its black or white on this, you abide by the rules or you don't, if you don't suffer the consequences, but then when will Qatar ever face consequences?

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No I get what you mean with that. United are out on merit, but that was apparent early on I guess. To exclude two big players in world football brands for breaching FFP in its debut season as rules wouldn't ever happen. I think they'll receive a sanction of some sort though. Financial penalty for a lack of finance always seems an odd and counter intuitive punishment for me.

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Hello all, just a quick message to say I won't be around much for the next few days (weeks) as this morning my wife gave birth to our little baby daughter Ava. So I'd imagine between sleepless nights and endless nappy changes, I won't have much time to visit here, let alone write (sorry Outcast fans).



Congrats mate.

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She's number two. I'm vaguely aware i had some sort of life before number one, but i don't remember much from it haha!

I'm up to number three myself, WLKRAS, but rest assured the second is easier than the first in terms of not having to learn how to do new stuff (changing nappies, bathing, feeding, etc, etc,etc) without killing the fragile little thing you are trying to change, bathe, feed, whatever.

You'll also know what works and what doesn't, and that makes everything a bit more straightforward. You will shock yourselves at some point when you realise you just don't bother with alot of the things that you thought were absolutely essential for number one. Don't worry that's normal. My youngest, number three, has pretty much had to raise himself, he's just turned five, he's fine.

But there is one thing I want to share with you today.....a little thought to consider if you or your missus ever consider going for number three..... Child Number One, perfect in every way, the apple of your eye, is God's way of encouraging you to have another child, but Child Number Two is God's way of telling you to stop, as they will be funny, delightful but exhausting. And Child Number Three is God's way of punishing you for not listening to him about Child Number Two.

Don't say I haven't warned you.

P.S. Bal, you are right to be terrified. With kids your life will change. It will change in a way and a scale that you cannot possibly understand. So terrified is correct. It's like standing in the aircraft door about to do your first parachute jump. Terrifying, but fun once you do it.

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Meanwhile, back to football for a bit. Am I the only one who doesn't get why Chelsea/Mourinhio are being slated in the press ?

OK so time wasting isn't pretty, but Chelsea came to Anfield with a game plan, to deny Liverpool any space behind them, executed it well and won the match.

Man City, Arsenal, Spurs have all discovered that you can't outplay Liverpool in terms of attacking play, so to win you must try something else, that's what Mourihnio did.

You know it pains me to say it but on the day Chelsea were the better side and deserved to win. Brendan Rodgers is supposedly a manager who adapts his tactics to counter perceived threats, I hope and believe that he will learn from this and Liverpool will become a better, more rounded, team as a result of it.

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Well, what a crazy season this is turning out to be. To be honest, I felt that Rodgers was playing with fire with his attempt at the mind-games. It didn't make sense to me to talk about how he thought City would likely still slip up when his own team was yet to play, and obviously chasing a big goal-difference deficit. That kind of tactic might work well if Liverpool had already played and won convincingly against Palace, but not prior to that game.

Then the game itself, crusing at 3-0 up, why not slow the game down, shut up shop, see how City respond and then really go for it at home to Newcastle (who, while defeating Cardiff, have been abject for the second half of the season and likely easy-beats)? Instead, Palace pull a goal back and the reaction appears to be 'score more goals'. Crazy. While obviously City still needs to win to take full advantage, it makes Liverpool's task all the more harder. As another interesting side-plot, defence has clearly cost Liverpool this season. They have conceeded 49 goals. Arsenal, in fourth, have conceeded 41 (with 17 of those in the three away games against the teams above them). Liverpool have clearly been regularly shipping goals in pairs or triples, which seems to be what has cost them the title. That said, a lot of credit to Palace and Pulis. I can't stand the man for his style at Stoke, but he's taught Palace to play some decent stuff as well as tightening them up at the back. He's done a great job this season.

One more piece of news I'm finding very interesting, that Chelsea will consider selling Oscar and/or Hazard. Seems a bit bizzare. Oscar was arguably their best player in the first half of the season, and for the most part, all I seemed to hear was the press and Chelsea fans lauding Hazard as a genuis. Is it just Mourinho up to his usual games, or could at least one of them really be on the way out? I reckon Chelsea could probably do without Oscar, but I'd be shocked if they sold Hazard.

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Well, after watching Palace and Liverpool, it just sums up the season. In my view, Liverpool bottled it last night. At 3-1, they needed to shut up shop

City have a huge game on Wednesday and a huge game on Sunday. Must win both. And yes, I'm bloody nervous!!!

On a side note, Pulis must be a contender for manager of the year for the terrific job he has done at Palace

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Wouldn't it be just ace if City slip up (read: lose) tomorrow? Then we'll have a hell of a final day.

For what it's worth La Liga is equally tight this season. If all three contenders win their games before the last matchday, we could have Atletico Madrid on 91 points, Real Madrid on 89 and Barcelona on 88. Add the fact that Barca plays Atletico on the final day and we would have a bloody cracker of a finale.

I would definitely watch that.

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And Pulis for Manager of the year. For me Rodgers has made two mistakes which have lost Liverpool the title (assuming no Andy Carroll inspired miracle does happen tomorrow), one is alluded to above, as in when Palace got a deflected goal the thing to do was shut up shop and take the 3-1 you had, not to try and improve the goal difference, so one mistake there.

The other was to try and win against Chelsea, the thing was they didn't need to win that game, but what Rodgers wanted was the record of 14 straight wins to end the season. If Liverpool had parked the bus as well as Chelsea, we'd most likely have had the dullest 0-0 draw ever, but there's a chance Chelsea would have come out a bit more and Liverpool have shown how good they can be on the break. So another mistake there. In fact don't make this one and you wouldn't feel you had to make the other one.

So a frustrating end to what has been a mighty good season, the real challenge now is for Liverpool to perform at this level (and not the one just below they have been inhabiting in recent years) next season and for seasons after that. For me it's only if he manages that could Brendan Rodgers be considered manager of the year.

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Yeah I agree mate. Been a Liverpool fan for 30 years and can't remember being as gutted as I was on Monday.

You are absolutely spot on with those mistakes, and the Chelsea one the was game changer. This is the closest we have got since winning it (the second place under Benitez never felt like we were in the running), and feels like we threw it away. Such a shame as should be proud of this season.

Still time for a miracle but I don't know if I can even watch it on the final time. Still full of hate for Mourinho (mostly for saying Terry was out for the season as I dropped him from my fantasy football team).

I was talking to a mate before the Liverpool game and I did say to him that I wondered what the least amount of clean sheets a title-winning side had. And that sadly all points to what went wrong for me this season; you have to play defensive when it counts.

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Yeah I agree mate. Been a Liverpool fan for 30 years and can't remember being as gutted as I was on Monday.

You are absolutely spot on with those mistakes, and the Chelsea one the was game changer. This is the closest we have got since winning it (the second place under Benitez never felt like we were in the running), and feels like we threw it away. Such a shame as should be proud of this season.

Still time for a miracle but I don't know if I can even watch it on the final time. Still full of hate for Mourinho (mostly for saying Terry was out for the season as I dropped him from my fantasy football team).

I was talking to a mate before the Liverpool game and I did say to him that I wondered what the least amount of clean sheets a title-winning side had. And that sadly all points to what went wrong for me this season; you have to play defensive when it counts.

I don't necessarily think you need to play defensively, but you have to play intelligently, thats for sure. Thats where Liverpool fell down I think, especially in the Chelsea and Palace games. They let naivety get the better of them in both, first for being frustrated against Chelsea and for being rash against Palace. Rodgers will learn from this, but whether his lads can replicate their form this year again next is I suppose yet to be seen.

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I think his constant suggestion of not knowing what was going on was leading to his downfall. He has done very well, but Spurs are an odd club at times. Levy makes a lot of snap decisions, but also runs the club very well at the same time.

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He does very well from a business sense, but from a sporting sense, I'm not so sure.

I wonder where we go from here. I really hope we don't appoint Benitez and I'm not that impressed with Pocchetino either. With Van Gaal probably going to United, I'm hoping for De Boer.

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