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Switch or 8" Tab?

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Hi looking for some feedback on the UI of the Switch and suggestions on which system the game runs better on?

I own a S2 8" which I played FMT17 on but it felt a bit small and accessing drop down menus is frustrating. I also own a Switch but I'm not convinced that the game would suit the system as such. Does it make it easier to navigate around? Can you cross-save on the Switch as well?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I haven’t tried cross saving between my Steam version and Switch version yet. But I can say the controls take a little getting used to on the Switch. Some of the buttons are mapped to certain things, which helps. But sometimes you still need to use the joystick to move a cursor when playing docked. But it’s worth it to see it on a big screen! In handheld mode, the touch controls on the Switch are not as responsive as my iPad Pro. But I imagine that’s a hardware thing, and due to the smaller screen. If I had to pick, I’d stick to the iPad Pro version because I carry that around the most. But the Switch version is my most-played at the moment because of the ease of being docked, watching it on my TV, and then taking it around the house. 

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