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Effect of editing a player's CA or attributes?


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I think I get the impact of PA value. I struggle with the CA value. If I think a player is generally underrated and I increase his CA#, will the game adjust his stats over a period of time to give him better attribute stats that correspond with the higher Current Ability? Or do you have to manually adjust individual attributes regardless of wheter or not CA goes up?

Conversely, is there a known formula for how much you have to increase the CA in order for a manually increased attribute score to "stick", rather than declining back down again? I assume it changes depending on the importance of the stat for the player's position and the level of the stat.


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Are you talking about the games editor or something like FMM?

There is (aparently deliberately) something hard coded in the game to stop you giving a player 20 for all attributes (for examle) they just "default" to standard, usually crappy numbers. Ive noticed this with just increasing the ability a little too. Generally, i just increase the potential ability (if said player is young) and the current ability a little too, that tends to work out. Apart from that, i leave the others alone (well, maybe apart from Injury Proneness :p)

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I was referring to an in-game editor like FMM. I know that you have to increase a player's CA if you want to adjust attributes up and not have them decline again over a period of a few weeks. I'm not trying to make superhuman players with all 20s. I'm just wondering if anyone ever worked out just how much you have to increase the CA for given levels of attribute increases.

Also, I'm wondering if I think a player is way underrated (no specific player in mind), can I just increase his CA and have his attributes quickly go up the same way they quickly go down if I increase his stats but leave the CA value alone?

For example, if a player has CA = 100 and I think he should be a top flight player, if I increase his CA to 150 (with PA also >= 150) will he quickly have a big jump in a number of skills?

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If you increase a players CA then his attributes should rise automatically after a short period in the game.

SI have not released an exact formula of how it works, I don't think.

I know 1 thing and that is that not all attributes are affected by the CA. For example set piece attributes are not affected and other attributes not relevant to the position (like tackling for a striker).

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