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Using the editor to get a massive transfer kitty


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I like to give myself a bit of a boost when I start a new season so around 50 - 60Mil transfer kitty as well as setting up 1 or 2 transfers before hand. But in the past when I have played with the finances they havent always worked out so I was wondering if someone here can give me tips on the best way.

Should I just select something ridiculous like 400Mil for the clubs balance? (Im going to start as Aston Villa BTW). Or should I also increase the size of the stadium to bring in more money for tickets? I know this is cheating but im sure some of you can still offer some tips for this.

And for future income is that the money that club will earn in the future? Is that right? If so how can you predict how much a club will earn thats like predicting what silverware they win right? So do I need to tamper with that also?


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If I do that does the clubs expectations then go up? I tried that with 08 with Portsmouth and the minimum they expected was to win the league!!!! Mind you I did also put myself in qualification for the Champions League and give myself a high European Cooeficient. Could that explain the clubs demands?

What about if I make the stadium bigger also so that more money is generated. Would that help as well as the sugar daddy thing?


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Generally all you need to do is increase the clubs balance and they will give you a large transfer fund, or put up the money when you ask for it for other transfers. In 08 i edited Milan so i got a huge transfer budget (something like 150mil) and then spend the lot, but i forgot to up the clubs balance and as a result, the went bankrupt lol. SO be careful, id say just edit their Balance. If it makes you feel better, just pretend they have been bought over my a Sheikh lol.

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