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I broke your game

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Hi there,

I started playing football managers 20+ years ago...bla bla bla.

I adapted my unbeatable tactic created for FM16 to this new FM19. Tested the tactic with liverpool playing first 2 seasons on 2 different saves to check for consistency and fine tuning. 

I won all trophies except FA cup in first season and everything in second season.....7 trophies.

Here is some feedback about this fm:

- same old issue with low crosses; wing backs do their thing anyway so I changed to mixed and the result : salah and mane scored a stupid amount of goals with headers.

- same old issue with existing players development; played Solanke as first team 2 seasons and he was top goalscorer every season. He was a 2.5* wonderkid and died a 2.5* striker. I wished player performance could boost his development just a bit. Makes sense after all.

- if your player misses a penalty he will play bad all game. Doesn't matter if he's an average player or super star. Oh...this only applies to your players. GAME BUG.

- press conference can give you the edge over the opponent, assuming you know what to say. Works until one game, the game you are destined to lose. How do you? Simple, you don't have that option anymore. When it happens? After a good run, 8-9 wins in row. Nice to have game "feature".

- Of course a game lost every 8-9 games won stop you so game has to do something about it. And I'm talking about games you lose every now and then because your players simply play their own tactic. I wouldn't mind losing to a strong team but it happens against poor teams with poor form, poor morale. You might say it's complacency but i know how to handle it and I also play heavy rotation which worked until this FM.

- Injuries. Every now and then a player gets injured, it's normal. Some players are prone to injuries, I know. But it can not be coincidence when you lose a huge number of players in a very short time. Every season. When you are unstoppable by game AI. I'm not talking about 1-2-3 weeks injuries. Always 3-4 months or more. Always at least 2 key players for your tactic. Again I'm using heavy rotation and they don't play that many minutes.

- hang overs. there are 2 types. European or after winning a game or some games. Easy to deal with. Just click in press conferences on " I don't pay attention to other matches" or " we are used with this situations". Second type of hang over is champion hang over, after you win the league. Here you don't really have positive options and AI gets the edge over you. Always they will start better and the press conferences try to knock you down or to decrease morale of your players.

- Game AI. Is bad...no it is very bad. If AI finds a way to counter your tactic you won't experience the press conference and injuries issues. At least not that often. How to beat AI in terms of tactics? It is quite simple. Your tactic has a strength or should have. It may have several but in this case you are not very strong in a particular area and you might get countered by the AI. I developed my tactic to be very strong in an particular area. How do I know that? Because AI told me, aka assistant manager. If your assistant manager told you that your tactic is very strong it means game AI also noticed that and will try to counter that. The trick is to have the real strength in a different area. Players ppm and settings will help you to that.

Assistant manager suggest to change something in my tactic, like passing style, mentality  or something like that. What to do? Ignore him. He's AI. I have found useful assistant suggestions related to "ease on tackles" or closing down certain players, assuming he has tactical knowledge. Don't man mark midfield players even if your 20 tactical knowledge assistant told you so. It's a trap. That player will get instructions to drift from his position leaving a hole in your defensive system. It will be exploited by the AI and you will be punished.

-gegen pressing. How to avoid notorious gegen moronic pressing? First of all it is caused the huge amount of opponent instructions. The best way to solve this is to have a 20 tactical knowledge guy who handles opponent instruction. This is not enough in some games and in all big games because you will notice that there are very few instructions. Typically you need close down wingers and offensive or support full backs, wing backs. Don't look if they have crossing or not. Nathaniel Clyne has 9 crossing and he was fans player in first season despite being second choice after Alexander Arnold, who's a beast by the way. I'll let you guess why.

Will you win all games? Obviously not. But will win you most of the games and in the end will give you trophies.

And there are many more things like that.

In the end my personal opinion is: FM 2019 is the worst FM manager to date. They didn't fixed major flaws of the game. They made the game theoretical more difficult and supposed to be "challenging" by implementing some hidden "features" to make your life harder instead of improving game AI. Thinking you're the best developer doesn't mean you are actually the best and certainly doesn't help you in long therm. Not paying attention to gamers/buyers feedback won't help you either. 

Until winter update I'm done here.

Have a nice FM experience!!!

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I have got to say that I do find a relation to press conferences with certain games/ results. If it’s about “being complacent” or “motivating players” or something like that. 9/10 I get battered by a much smaller team. Happened on FM17 as well.

I know when I get such questions I’m really in for it, even if my responses are “we are well up for it”, “won’t take them for granted”, or similar responses.

It does wind me up endlessly.

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There's a feedback thread here. To answer some of your arguments, though:

14 minutes ago, RedHot said:

- if your player misses a penalty he will play bad all game. Doesn't matter if he's an average player or super star. Oh...this only applies to your players. GAME BUG.

Not necessarily the case. I had a player who missed a penalty but still managed to put in a decent performance and get a goal later on.

Also, the match engine does not differentiate between human-managed teams and AI-managed teams. That is the truth.

14 minutes ago, RedHot said:

- Injuries. Every now and then a player gets injured, it's normal. Some players are prone to injuries, I know. But it can not be coincidence when you lose a huge number of players in a very short time. Every season. When you are unstoppable by game AI. I'm not talking about 1-2-3 weeks injuries. Always 3-4 months or more. Always at least 2 key players for your tactic. Again I'm using heavy rotation and they don't play that many minutes.

If you are getting several major injuries in a short space of time, I would seriously look at the intensity of your training schedules and/or your tactics, as well as your players' injury risk. In two seasons of my first FM19 save, I had a grand total of TWO injuries that kept players out for two months or longer.

14 minutes ago, RedHot said:

- same old issue with existing players development; played Solanke as first team 2 seasons and he was top goalscorer every season. He was a 2.5* wonderkid and died a 2.5* striker. I wished player performance could boost his development just a bit. Makes sense after all.

Don't forget that star ratings are relative to your team. If your team is significantly better than it was a few years ago, but a 2.5* player is still rated 2.5*, that doesn't necessarily mean he hasn't improved. Have you noticed his attributes increasing in the meantime?

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28 minutes ago, RedHot said:

Game AI. Is bad...no it is very bad. If AI finds a way to counter your tactic you won't experience the press conference and injuries issues. At least not that often. How to beat AI in terms of tactics? It is quite simple. Your tactic has a strength or should have. It may have several but in this case you are not very strong in a particular area and you might get countered by the AI. I developed my tactic to be very strong in an particular area. How do I know that? Because AI told me, aka assistant manager. If your assistant manager told you that your tactic is very strong it means game AI also noticed that and will try to counter that. The trick is to have the real strength in a different area. Players ppm and settings will help you to that.

The AI can't specifically counter a tactic.

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31 minutes ago, RedHot said:

Injuries. Every now and then a player gets injured, it's normal. Some players are prone to injuries, I know. But it can not be coincidence when you lose a huge number of players in a very short time. Every season. When you are unstoppable by game AI. I'm not talking about 1-2-3 weeks injuries. Always 3-4 months or more. Always at least 2 key players for your tactic. Again I'm using heavy rotation and they don't play that many minutes.

Playing the 8th season, never had more than one long-term injury at the same time and no more than 2 per season. Worst situation: about 4 average (up to 2 weeks) injuries at the same time. Two full line-ups, extremely heavy rotation (up to 50% in the second half of the season), often rest few days. I'd check coaches/intensity in your case. And consider getting rid of players who break down often.

In general, I understand your frustration. I have things I really hate in FM (woodwork, goal droughts, pep-talk goals etc). AI should perform much better, true. But seriously, don't complain that game is too easy when you playing top club.

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Should probably enter the Hall of Fame for all the conspiracy theories here.  I particularly like the one where your own assistant manager works for the opposition AI, giving you in match recommendations which the AI will then exploit.  That's a new one and scores a well deserved 10 for imagination :thup:.

Anyway, if you believe you have found some bugs then please open a thread in the Bugs forum detailing what they are and upload match pkms / game saves for SI to take a look at.  But please don't start a bug report about your AM working for the AI; forced injuries to stop you winning; the AI learning your tactic; or the game artificially stopping winning streaks.  Because that's not coded into the game.

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8 minutes ago, herne79 said:

the AI learning your tactic

But that would be actually great and realistic. The age of AI has already started, so game "AI" could use some. If SI would hire me, I can work on that. :>

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I don't complain about game being too easy. I am not frustrated, after all I overachieved. I am complaining about "hidden features".

I don't do training, never did. I also checked if assistant is following the advice received from physio and he does it. Training intensity is as per recommendations. I find very hard to believe that same story happened every season from a total of 4 seasons in 2 different saves. This is not just a coincidence. 

Game AI maybe is not countering your tactic at the beginning of the save or if you're lucky in the first season, but make no mistake after you win the league all the big teams will try to counter you. They will try to counter what they perceive as strength in your tactic. Probably the best coach in countering your tactic in this FM is Mourinho at Man United. What I feel as game bug is the fact that when Mourinho played a defensive (MR and ML) tactic against me he was less successful than playing his normal tactic with AMR and AML.

I know how the star ratings work. I played Solanke first team 2 seasons and he was top goalscorer every season. Improvements? +1 to 5 or 6 attributes. He improved very little reason for which he remained a 2.5 stars striker. But this is nothing new, take for example Alexander Arnold on other FM. Maximum +2 on several attributes, ending up far from his initial potential regardless of played games or performance in those games.

I didn't chose Liverpool because of great players; Liverpool has squad depth and is average considering my tactic. Salah is inside forward on right side and Mane is winger on right side. I don't use inside forwards or wingers. I play wijnaldum as AP recipe for disaster and he is responsible for at least 20% of goals scored against me. Firmino is average as striker. Van Dijk depends on the save can be consistent on some or quite bad on others. Basically I don't have players for 4 positions and I bought only 3 players: Cutrone for squad depth, Thierney because I forgot to renew Alberto Moreno's contract and Sergej because he's a 70 mils bargain.


Should probably enter the Hall of Fame for all the conspiracy theories here.  I particularly like the one where your own assistant manager works for the opposition AI, giving you in match recommendations which the AI will then exploit.  That's a new one and scores a well deserved 10 for imagination .

It must be some sort of communication/ language barrier problem. 

First of all I think you completely misunderstood me. Second of all I find your reply offensive. As a moderator you should be careful when insulting others making comments subject to interpretation. 

What I tried to say is very simple and is the way AI works. The reason I made some comments is because it happened to me on several occasions. I have one example in my mind, in a game vs Man United. Recommendation was something like that " Pogba is pulling the strings in midfield and we need to specifically mark him". After 10 min and a goal from Man United I received another recommendation  something like " Pogba drifts away from his position pulling the marker with him and leaving us exposed ..." 

Herne79, I would like to report you. Since I'm new here, could you please explain me how to do it? 

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5 minutes ago, RedHot said:

I know how the star ratings work. I played Solanke first team 2 seasons and he was top goalscorer every season. Improvements? +1 to 5 or 6 attributes. He improved very little reason for which he remained a 2.5 stars striker. But this is nothing new, take for example Alexander Arnold on other FM. Maximum +2 on several attributes, ending up far from his initial potential regardless of played games or performance in those games.

Considering that you see attributes rated on a 1-20 scale (though it's actually a 200-point scale underneath the hood; we just don't see the decimal points), this rate of improvement seems normal to me.

It sounds like you're expecting to see Solanke and Alexander-Arnold with 18s, 19s, 20s across the board after a few years, which is simply not realistic.

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3 minutes ago, RedHot said:

Herne79, I would like to report you. Since I'm new here, could you please explain me how to do it? 

Sure.  You use the "Report Post" function in the top right corner of any post you don't like and give your reasons in the text box which appears.

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2 minutes ago, RedHot said:

Game AI maybe is not countering your tactic at the beginning of the save or if you're lucky in the first season, but make no mistake after you win the league all the big teams will try to counter you. They will try to counter what they perceive as strength in your tactic.

They will NOT specifically counter a tactic though. They will adjust based on reputation and form, plus the same sort of advice you get as well, such is TIs or OIs. The AI isn't advanced enough to counter a tactic yet.

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4 minutes ago, HUNT3R said:

They will adjust based on reputation and form, plus the same sort of advice you get as well, such is TIs or OIs. The AI isn't advanced enough to counter a tactic yet.

You can say this is sort of counter.  

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24 minutes ago, RedHot said:

You can say this is sort of counter.  

It isn't at all. They're going more defensive because you are seen as a better club than before and/or you are on an good run. The TI/OI thing is very general as well, as you would see in your own advice/matches.

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It's worth pointing out that SI could, at any time, code the match engine to be able to beat human players. In fact, it's the easiest thing out there many game developers have spoken about - making something in a game unbeatable. It'd be something horrible to put into FM. The biggest challenge of FM for SI is likely to make something that loses in a convincing manner and doesn't just stomp players into the ground. 

I do like the suggestion that SI have their own equivalent of deepmind and it is what is helping the in-game AI learn your tactics and counter them. 

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6 hours ago, RedHot said:

First of all I think you completely misunderstood me. Second of all I find your reply offensive. As a moderator you should be careful when insulting others making comments subject to interpretation.

Herne79, I would like to report you. Since I'm new here, could you please explain me how to do it? 

Not sure if this fits as trolling, drama queen or missunderstanding of what can be reported on the forum. If a pinch of irony is now insulting then we can all go home.

P.S. I always find the "FM is broken" threads the most hilarious ones.

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7 hours ago, CFuller said:

Considering that you see attributes rated on a 1-20 scale (though it's actually a 200-point scale underneath the hood; we just don't see the decimal points), this rate of improvement seems normal to me.

It sounds like you're expecting to see Solanke and Alexander-Arnold with 18s, 19s, 20s across the board after a few years, which is simply not realistic.

I am not sure you actually played the game. What I'm talking about is:

At the start of the game:

Solanke, 20 years old wonderkid, 2.5* ability and 3.5* potential with last star black

Alexander Arnold, 19 years old not even wonderkid,  3* ability and 5* potential with last star black.

Joe Gomes, 21 years old center back, 3* ability and 4.5* potential with last star black

 fast forward 2 seasons, all of them first team starters:

Solanke, 22 years old striker, 2.5* ability and 2.5* potential. Stats improvement minor, +1 some mental attributes maybe 2 or 3, physical and technical pretty much the same 

Alexander Arnold, 21 years old, 3.5* ability and 4.5* potential with last star black. Stats improvement slightly better compared to Solanke's. Probably will lose black star and remain 3.5* potential.

Joe Gomes, 23 years old elite center back, 4* ability and 4.5* potential. Basically all 14s and 15s from the start of the game are now 16s.

Take for example a 5* real potential regen and see how much he improves every season.

Now the real question for you, what's that normal rate of improvement you were talking about? You literally have no clue, you just trolled this topic just like muttley84 ( dar el e doar un agarici si stie asta)

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That's roughly how I would expect Liverpool's young players to develop over the course of two seasons. For instance, Joe Gomez has some good attributes at the start of the game, but he isn't going to become Sergio Ramos by the time he's 23, no matter how well he plays or trains.

I'm currently managing Fiorentina - a club with great facilities and a good coaching set-up - and this just what I'm expecting with my best players. Compare Alban Lafont at the start of the first season:


To him at the start of the second season (minor note - I changed skins in the meantime):


Steady improvement - a good sign at this early stage in his career. I'm not fussed that Lafont's important attributes are only increasing by 1 full point per season (if at all), because it's realistic growth. If they were improving by 3 per season and Lafont became godlike by the time he was 23, then I'd be raising serious questions about how this aspect of FM works.

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vor 20 Minuten schrieb RedHot:

Now the real question for you, what's that normal rate of improvement you were talking about? You literally have no clue, you just trolled this topic just like muttley84 ( dar el e doar un agarici si stie asta)

There are very few talents who "explode" in one or two years, most of them improve bit by bit, because they started already with good attributes at 16. 

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Isn't there also something to do with when players reach their peak years? Like how strikers peak earlier than defenders and goalkeepers or something like that?

Also, arguably - wouldn't it be technically harder for a player to go from 16 to 17, given than 16 is already really good, compared to say, 12 to 15? Like just thinking about improvement on a curve and how the difference between good and great players can be really tiny, minute things. So for them to go up an attribute point from 15 to 16 in my mind would be a pretty big deal, as compared to a young 16 year old going from 12 to 15 in two season. 

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8 hours ago, RedHot said:

At the start of the game:

Solanke, 20 years old wonderkid, 2.5* ability and 3.5* potential with last star black

Alexander Arnold, 19 years old not even wonderkid,  3* ability and 5* potential with last star black.

Joe Gomes, 21 years old center back, 3* ability and 4.5* potential with last star black

 fast forward 2 seasons, all of them first team starters:

Solanke, 22 years old striker, 2.5* ability and 2.5* potential. Stats improvement minor, +1 some mental attributes maybe 2 or 3, physical and technical pretty much the same 

Alexander Arnold, 21 years old, 3.5* ability and 4.5* potential with last star black. Stats improvement slightly better compared to Solanke's. Probably will lose black star and remain 3.5* potential.

Joe Gomes, 23 years old elite center back, 4* ability and 4.5* potential. Basically all 14s and 15s from the start of the game are now 16s.

Take for example a 5* real potential regen and see how much he improves every season.

Now the real question for you, what's that normal rate of improvement you were talking about? You literally have no clue, you just trolled this topic just like muttley84 ( dar el e doar un agarici si stie asta)

I assume that when you say "3.5* potential with last star black", that you mean that 2.5* stars are yellow and 1 (or really 2 half ones) are black, then 1.5 grey?

If so, let's see, Solanke's potential is the same (2.5* vs. 2.5*), it's just that the uncertainity that the black stars represented now are gone, TAA's potential has actually gone up (from 4* to 4.5*), meaning that some of the uncertainity has been confirmed being real. The same goes for Gomes, he's proven that the uncertain potential was real.
For the current ability rating, Solanke has neither improved, nor deteriorated, TAA has improved, and Gomes has improved significantly.

Furthermore, those stars are your coaching staff's assessments of the players, depending on your coache's JCA and JPA, they could be dead wrong about it, or not. Besides, as pointed out, the stars are also relative to your squad, so if you improved the squad significantly in the meantime, the star ratings should actually decrease for a player who hasn't developed, because he's now - relatively speaking - "worse" compared to the rest of the squad.

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I had planned to open a topic but changed my mind after seeing this one.

Before I start, I must say that I can't understand some of the members ferociously defending the game. Everybody wants the same thing. A stable and logical game which we can have fun.


First things first. I am also a fan of the series (like most of you) for more than 20 years and pre-order the game each year without a blink in the eye.

(just this year, I waited for pre-order until the announcements as I did not appreciate the fact that SI has launched the pre-order without any hint about the game)


When released, I play the game madly until mid January or let’s say February and then lose interest. And by August, I wait for the announcements for the next release and get excited etc.

This is a routine that is happening for a long time. But this year, after spending nearly 140h on the game, I finally gave up being positive about the game. (which is a first for an FM game)

And as a loyal fan, I must say that I am disappointed with FM 2019 so far and I agree with the OP. I think that this the least stable FM version of the series. Because of several reasons below :

 (these are just my observations making a comparison of several ex-versions of the game)


  • Game is ridiculously easy. (Sunderland. Champions. 114 points in League One / Parma. Finished 5th in Serie A. Lost CL spot to Napoli on the final day)
  • Incredible amount of human player shots comparing to AI. (my average 23,9, opponents average 8,3. Sunderland – League One. no single game opponent making more attacks than me)
  • ME mechanics still not at an acceptable level. Here are some examples :
    • Defenders pressing illogically. 3 players press on one guy while another player is completely free to score
    • Passing. Long term error. Pass is addressed to playerA but not executed good. It drops near to playerB but B doesn’t pick up the ball but wait for A to sprint 25m to pick it up
    • Midfield play. When a player has the ball with opponents around, no help given by a hardworking or any midfielder to the person who has the ball
    • Strange Attacks. Once in every 5 games. Pass hitting a teammate, drops off to opponent that leads to a goal. (should be once in every 30 games)
    • BBM. They are very effective. I agree about their importance in modern day football but I don’t accept the fact that they shoot from far whenever/whatever


  • Team not respecting the tactics (long balls, defence pushing high even intsructed not to)
  • Too many goals from crosses
  • Too many goals from corners. Routine far post flick-in that leads to goal
  • (very) Frequent contract renewal requests
  • Transfer flaws.
    • Even though not listed, teams offering just/barely the value for a player. (non-negotiable offers)
    • As pointed out as several other topics, very high amount transfers from like Scotland or Holland etc  


  • A lot of penalties. And a lot of missed penalties. (Chris Maguire – Sunderland – Penalty Taking 17. Scored 5/9 penalties)
  • Strikers not effective. One on one scoring ratio too low.
  • Goalkeeper ratings. Not so critical but should be altered. I often see, more than 10 saves in a single game. Rating 6.9
  • Meaningless throw-ins given away that leads to an opposition attack
  • Licence problems. (There is SEGA behind this game. So, when you say we couldn’t get the licences, as a consumer I can accept that in year1, say right in year2, reasonable in year3, well…OK in year4 & 5 but not OK in year 14. I believe that you need to figure out a way to move along for this problem. I don’t have the answer for it. You should be the one to solve the matter after so many years)

All in all, I am confident that SI would correct the majority of problems hopefully with the 1st full patch, if not with the 2nd.

But with this resources and testing period, I am sorry but this shouldn’t be the final product. There is much work to be done in order to make the game enjoyable again, for my point of view.

Please take this post as a constructive criticism (as intended). And whatever the outcome, I have nothing but gratitude to SI for the wonderful series over the years.

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The OP is an inch perfect demonstration that understanding this game, no matter if bad or good (may be very bad actually which is besides this point) and winning on this game aren't necessarily mutually inclusive. A thing, that, as its developer, I'd be somewhat concerned about...

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17 hours ago, CFuller said:

Steady improvement - a good sign at this early stage in his career. I'm not fussed that Lafont's important attributes are only increasing by 1 full point per season (if at all), because it's realistic growth. If they were improving by 3 per season and Lafont became godlike by the time he was 23, then I'd be raising serious questions about how this aspect of FM works.

In one season Lafont got +1 to something like 15 attributes and you say it's normal. After another season he will get for sure another +15 at least. I don't have a problem with that at all. Basically after 2 seasons your Lafont will get more attributes than Joe Gomes which is ok with me. It's not the point.

What was strange is that after 2 seasons Solanke as first team got +1 to 5 attributes. And at Liverpool I have much better training facilities and coaches.

The point I was trying to make and I already mentioned is that player performance on pitch, at least first team should count a little in his development. As it is in real life.

The funniest thing in this FM is 15 acc and 15 pace for jesse lingard. 

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4 minutes ago, RedHot said:

The point I was trying to make and I already mentioned is that player performance on pitch, at least first team should count a little in his development. As it is in real life.

It does.  The biggest single factor in player development for players above the age of 18 is match time at a relevant level.  It's far from the only factor, but important nonetheless.  It should also be noted that progression is not linear and players can improve at many various rates - some may be late bloomers; others may peak early; others may show peaks and troughs; some just won't develop well no matter what you do.  And it all relates back to how much potential each player has, where their development is in terms of that potential and their other restrictive factors which may prevent them from reaching that potential.  We can't just expect lots of match time + great facilities to equal lots of development, it's far more complex than that.

But regardless of all of that, it's a player's performance on the pitch is what actually matters.  So Solanke "only" increasing +1 to 5 attributes in 2 seasons may seem low, but as noted above there are a huge variety of factors involved and as you say yourself, his performance on the pitch has been great.

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On 25/11/2018 at 09:21, enricoix said:

Licence problems. (There is SEGA behind this game. So, when you say we couldn’t get the licences, as a consumer I can accept that in year1, say right in year2, reasonable in year3, well…OK in year4 & 5 but not OK in year 14. I believe that you need to figure out a way to move along for this problem. I don’t have the answer for it. You should be the one to solve the matter after so many years)

This one is fairly straight forward. There's a reason why companies can't just release star wars games despite the fact it would make money for everyone involved including Disney. There's a reason why only Projekt Red get a say on the Witcher games. Exclusive licenses. 

Even if the licence isn't exclusive, at the same time you aren't going to be held to ransom. Your point seems to forget that it's a 2 sided thing, and if the rights sellers value it too highly there's nothing really that can be done about that. Perhaps maybe offer up the suggestion to SI to do crowdfunding for the licences that they're priced out of currently? It would get pretty pricey having to redo that every year or couple of years though. 

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I've never understood the bald insecurity that is always shown when people deal with people disagreeing with them with desperate cries of "fanboy" or "overly defending".  

For the avoidance of doubt, you can vehemently disagree with someone who thinks point A is bad about a game, while also thinking that point B is bad.  Wailing about some imagined bias always makes you look pathetic.

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  • SI Staff
On 24/11/2018 at 13:11, RedHot said:

- same old issue with low crosses; wing backs do their thing anyway so I changed to mixed and the result : salah and mane scored a stupid amount of goals with headers.

- Report examples in the match forum, there's already threads for this.

- same old issue with existing players development; played Solanke as first team 2 seasons and he was top goalscorer every season. He was a 2.5* wonderkid and died a 2.5* striker. I wished player performance could boost his development just a bit. Makes sense after all.

- This would be a very exploitative system, besides, if he's top goalscorer every season it sounds like he's already extremely good as it is.

- if your player misses a penalty he will play bad all game. Doesn't matter if he's an average player or super star. Oh...this only applies to your players. GAME BUG.

- Not true at all on both counts. ME makes no distinction between AI or human, and players can miss a penalty and still play well.

- Of course a game lost every 8-9 games won stop you so game has to do something about it. And I'm talking about games you lose every now and then because your players simply play their own tactic. I wouldn't mind losing to a strong team but it happens against poor teams with poor form, poor morale. You might say it's complacency but i know how to handle it and I also play heavy rotation which worked until this FM.

- The game NEVER decides to 'make you lose every now and then'. You just do. That's football.

- Injuries. Every now and then a player gets injured, it's normal. Some players are prone to injuries, I know. But it can not be coincidence when you lose a huge number of players in a very short time. Every season. When you are unstoppable by game AI. I'm not talking about 1-2-3 weeks injuries. Always 3-4 months or more. Always at least 2 key players for your tactic. Again I'm using heavy rotation and they don't play that many minutes.

- "But it can not be coincidence when you lose a huge number of players in a very short time" - It can and likely is. Use the medical centre to monitor your player's injury likelihood.

Thinking you're the best developer doesn't mean you are actually the best and certainly doesn't help you in long therm. Not paying attention to gamers/buyers feedback won't help you either. 

Where have we said this? The fact that the dev team regularly respond to issues raised on the forums suggests that you're wrong here. Not many games companies do that. Out of curiosity I checked your post history to see if you'd raised any issues that hadn't received a response, but you haven't posted any at all...

Just clearing some things up here ^ . Another reminder that the game never 'decides' to make you lose, and the ME doesn't treat you any different from the AI. Any potential issues should be raised in the match forums with PKM examples. Thanks

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On 25/11/2018 at 00:45, RedHot said:

I am not sure you actually played the game. What I'm talking about is:

At the start of the game:

Solanke, 20 years old wonderkid, 2.5* ability and 3.5* potential with last star black

Alexander Arnold, 19 years old not even wonderkid,  3* ability and 5* potential with last star black.

Joe Gomes, 21 years old center back, 3* ability and 4.5* potential with last star black

 fast forward 2 seasons, all of them first team starters:

Solanke, 22 years old striker, 2.5* ability and 2.5* potential. Stats improvement minor, +1 some mental attributes maybe 2 or 3, physical and technical pretty much the same 

Alexander Arnold, 21 years old, 3.5* ability and 4.5* potential with last star black. Stats improvement slightly better compared to Solanke's. Probably will lose black star and remain 3.5* potential.

Joe Gomes, 23 years old elite center back, 4* ability and 4.5* potential. Basically all 14s and 15s from the start of the game are now 16s.

Take for example a 5* real potential regen and see how much he improves every season.

Now the real question for you, what's that normal rate of improvement you were talking about? You literally have no clue, you just trolled this topic just like muttley84 ( dar el e doar un agarici si stie asta)

I think you haven´t understood how the star system works..

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42 minutes ago, Jack Joyce said:

Just clearing some things up here ^ . Another reminder that the game never 'decides' to make you lose, and the ME doesn't treat you any different from the AI. Any potential issues should be raised in the match forums with PKM examples. Thanks

Responding with logical answers.

Always impressed with how devs and SI take time to respond. 

Not sure if the OP will believe but hey its worth a shot.

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1 hour ago, Jack Joyce said:

Report examples in the match forum, there's already threads for this.

I've spent 55 E buying the game. I won't do testing for you. BTW I couldn't buy it from your site so I had no choice but going to steam.


1 hour ago, Jack Joyce said:

This would be a very exploitative system, besides, if he's top goalscorer every season it sounds like he's already extremely good as it is.

Yes, I agree this could be very exploitative but if you give a % that counts, you can adjust this % to a realistic level. If a player is goalscorer doesn't mean he's extremely good, it's tactic, position related from my point of view. 


1 hour ago, Jack Joyce said:

Not true at all on both counts. ME makes no distinction between AI or human, and players can miss a penalty and still play well.

There was only one exception, when he scored from rebound and this happened only once. Every time my players missed a penalty the rating before being substituted ranged from 5.9-6.1

1 hour ago, Jack Joyce said:

The game NEVER decides to 'make you lose every now and then'. You just do. That's football.

So you say GE never decides that, ok. There are games you lose because none of the players respect tactic or actually play football. Yep this happens in real life. To say I decide to lose a game is just stupid.

2 hours ago, Jack Joyce said:

Out of curiosity I checked your post history to see if you'd raised any issues that hadn't received a response, but you haven't posted any at all...

Like I said I am not doing testing for you. This is my first topic started and will be the last. The amount of tolerated trolls is too high to my liking. Take for example Solo171013. You labeled him as a part of fan base, I labeled him as one of many ass-licking morons.

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