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FM09 Demo...is terrible?

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Yet another person with the same sentiments as so many before. Now apart from the extreme fans who see FM through rose tinted glasses, why doesn't anybody from SI see that the game is not 100% right?

Argh :mad: Now this is the kind of thing that gets peoples noses up. Si have stated on numerous occasions that they understand the shortfalls of FM09, if you read through the forums you would see this, instead of making ridiculous statements. Is it not obvious that SI know there are issues, sicne they are releasing a patch the same day as the game is released :rolleyes:

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Im 23 actually, and you want constructive feedback, well here it is then.

The 3D mode is awesome, runs smooth, no problems at all. And if you read the other threads, you could see that some ppl are having problems with it. SI is investigating this atm. And it will probably be fixed in the patch.

About your 10 sec delay, you dont have to play 3D mode if you think 3 to 10 sec is such a long time. If you dont like waiting, just go for the 2D then.

Your assman is never happy? Thats strange, because if you do what he says, and adjust the things like he want it, he shouldnt be moaning about your tactic anymore. But then again, you are the manager, so why listen to the assman?

The injury bug is already known, and will be fixed in the patch. So stop moaning about it.

If you cant win a game, there prolly is something wrong with the tactic you are using. Try to use ur friendlies to improve your tactic.

About the media thing, if you think it gets boring fast, then keep sending ur assman. That also saves your precious time.

Basically he is totally correct(In my opinion)! the only difference is im not 23 and injuries dont occur for me so bad!! ha

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I have only few minutes to answer you so sorry if some of my answers are similar or double posted. But I want to share my view as it seems that you are Villa fan as me :)

3D match engine - it depends on machine specs quality, it was little jerky for me, but I have turned off the stadium and everything is smooth on high details. Also the speed of setting the match is directly connected to machine specs. Poor machine - long loading and vice-versa.

I like 3D match, it is great to have it. One of the main possitives is that you can clearly see wrong offside decision (I have complained and FA was silent about my criticism) but 3D brings much more realism to the match engine. I can not imagine not using 3D now. 3D is fine.

AssMan feedback - it is good to have it, you can use it if you want, there is no penalty for not using it in ME. I like it, seems helpful to me.

It is possible to score more than 1 goal, my results with Villa were in pre-season from 4:0 to 0:1 and in the league 2:2 and 0:1. May be your players have problems with you as manager if you set your Manager Experiences as Sunday League Footballer (as me :) All of my players are unhappy that I have not enough experiences to move them into the next level. Their morale is low, they are playing not as good as I want and they are scoring less goals. But it is connected to my Manager Experiences set when I created myself as a manager. You just need to convince them, that you are good as a manager.

Injuries - it is known problem - lower training schedules, do right pre-season training etc. or just wait for full release and patch. I do not have so obvious injury problems in demo (except Ashley Young beeing injured for 3 weeks).

Press Conferences - I like it. It adds realism and you can play with players morales through it. It is needed if your squad is playing with poor morale based on that you are unexperienced manager.

Give FM09 chance, it is worth of it. I consider it as best FM.

Up the Villa!

I will give it a chance, but only after the first patch!

It's funny you mention morale, most of the team have 'poor' morale, maybe that is it after all? When I get home tonight I will use tactical knowledge gained form an earlier post and try changing my previous experience to international footballer and see what happens!

Glad that the injury problem is a bug, I'm abit perplexed that it is even there though? after how many years of doing this thought they would get the basics right by now :confused:

My PC is great, no problem with any game, (dual core 3ghz, 4gb Ram) I suppose I'm just impatient when it comes to loading, just feel the game is badly written if it has to 'set itself up' everytime you do something!

Up the Villa Champions league here we come!!! :cool:

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Argh :mad: Now this is the kind of thing that gets peoples noses up. Si have stated on numerous occasions that they understand the shortfalls of FM09, if you read through the forums you would see this, instead of making ridiculous statements. Is it not obvious that SI know there are issues, sicne they are releasing a patch the same day as the game is released :rolleyes:

Well that's more like it, least they seem to be getting their act together (kind of) Don't get how the injury problems were missed in testing though?? very odd, but then again different setups and all that :)

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I can't believe people are saying the match engine has not been improved. It's the first one that has looked anything like real football and is by far the biggest improvement made in the game. More importantly, tactical changes actually make a real difference, I'm using the opposition instructions far more and even then it is actually a perverse joy watching your game plan come undone because of one moment of quality - that's one thing that totally shines out in this year's game.

Just for the record, I am one of those extreme fans, but I don't for one minute think that FM is 100% perfect. There are plenty of valid criticisms to be made of the game and one or two real dissapointments, but the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

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I will give it a chance, but only after the first patch!

Me too :) but it will be on the release day.

It's funny you mention morale, most of the team have 'poor' morale, maybe that is it after all? When I get home tonight I will use tactical knowledge gained form an earlier post and try changing my previous experience to international footballer and see what happens!

It seems to be related to you as new manager and your previous experiences, but I have not had time to prove it, may be you can.

Glad that the injury problem is a bug, I'm abit perplexed that it is even there though? after how many years of doing this thought they would get the basics right by now :confused:

It could go through testing, I can imagine it. For example I do not have this injury problem (may be training sets are related to this, I am using my own)

My PC is great, no problem with any game, (dual core 3ghz, 4gb Ram) I suppose I'm just impatient when it comes to loading, just feel the game is badly written if it has to 'set itself up' everytime you do something!

Be patient :) it is the same with Villa, we can not be Prem champions overnight...

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Woah! What happened to this thread? It was bobbing along nicely and then I go away for lunch and when I come back, it's a bitchfest!

I was disappointed in industrial_villa's reference to people seeing the game through 'rose-tinted specs.' Firstly, someone having a different opinion doesn't necessarily mean they see it through rose-tinted specs. And plenty of people who seem like hardcore FMers round here have been critical of the demo. SI have admitted to it's shortcomings, too. On a personal level, I can't be especially critical of the demo because my experience of it has been pretty damn positive. Once the release day patch comes out, I think the game will be in great shape. That's just my opinion. Sorry if it's too rose-tinted for some of you.

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Woah! What happened to this thread? It was bobbing along nicely and then I go away for lunch and when I come back, it's a bitchfest!

I was disappointed in industrial_villa's reference to people seeing the game through 'rose-tinted specs.' Firstly, someone having a different opinion doesn't necessarily mean they see it through rose-tinted specs. And plenty of people who seem like hardcore FMers round here have been critical of the demo. SI have admitted to it's shortcomings, too. On a personal level, I can't be especially critical of the demo because my experience of it has been pretty damn positive. Once the release day patch comes out, I think the game will be in great shape. That's just my opinion. Sorry if it's too rose-tinted for some of you.

I merely used to term 'rose tinted glasses' for the diehard fanboys, that every single thing on this earth has. The sort of people who always see the good things in whatever they love. I wasn't using it in a bad term! but I think people seem to think I have, So I apologise.

Maybe there should be a 'bitch about FM thread'?

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Me too :) but it will be on the release day.

It seems to be related to you as new manager and your previous experiences, but I have not had time to prove it, may be you can.

It could go through testing, I can imagine it. For example I do not have this injury problem (may be training sets are related to this, I am using my own)

Be patient :) it is the same with Villa, we can not be Prem champions overnight...

I'll attempt it tonight and see what effect changing experience has on my results.

If you do use your own training, then maybe that's it because I generally ignore the training side of things in FM.

Of course I will do my testing before and after the UEFA Cup game tonight ;)

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Sorry, but everything he is saying has been said for over 100 times already.

You've got to accept that this is a discussion board, not a board designed to express a single point of view. You've got to actually allow people to express an opinion, however much you may disagree with it, and throwing around insults such as "pathetic moaner" is equally as unconstructive as those you're accusing of doing the moaning. If you're 23, then start acting like a 23 year old.

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He obviously only registered on Tuesday. I haven´t read all the complaints on all these pages about the yet as of yet, but he raises a few fair points. I agree with the match engine. The setting-up process is very frustrating, not to say annoying, and without taking the other doubts I have about the new ME into consideration, this alone will probably leave me turning the new 3D off alltogether.

Agreed the load time for the match hopefully will be fixed, i wouldn't agree with the original poster to say the demo is terrible, loving the addition of the press conferences but i will probably stick to the 2d match engine, haha i dont like change!

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I merely used to term 'rose tinted glasses' for the diehard fanboys, that every single thing on this earth has. The sort of people who always see the good things in whatever they love. I wasn't using it in a bad term! but I think people seem to think I have, So I apologise.

Maybe there should be a 'bitch about FM thread'?

Ha! I think there's enough of those around here already! :D

I'm sorry I misinterpreted what you meant by 'rose-tinted specs'. There was a discussion not so long ago among some of the regular posters about how much we dislike being accused of being 'fanboys'. We're a little sensitive to it, you might say. The problem is that a lot of people use that term when they feel like they're losing an argument or just when you disagree with them. But you don't seem like that, so I believe that you weren't doing anything that.

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I've been playing football management games since they came on the market. I never thought that one day I'd be watching in 3D and that there would only be a 10 second delay before the match started. Can I recommend that all the complainers play a season of the original Championship Manager and perhaps then they will realise how brilliant the recent releases have been?

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Agreed the load time for the match hopefully will be fixed, i wouldn't agree with the original poster to say the demo is terrible, loving the addition of the press conferences but i will probably stick to the 2d match engine, haha i dont like change!

The demo is terrible compared to the proper game if all the bugs etc are fixed ;) I never said the game itself is terrible! :eek:

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Im 23 actually, and you want constructive feedback, well here it is then.

The 3D mode is awesome, runs smooth, no problems at all. And if you read the other threads, you could see that some ppl are having problems with it. SI is investigating this atm. And it will probably be fixed in the patch.

About your 10 sec delay, you dont have to play 3D mode if you think 3 to 10 sec is such a long time. If you dont like waiting, just go for the 2D then.

Your assman is never happy? Thats strange, because if you do what he says, and adjust the things like he want it, he shouldnt be moaning about your tactic anymore. But then again, you are the manager, so why listen to the assman?

The injury bug is already known, and will be fixed in the patch. So stop moaning about it.

If you cant win a game, there prolly is something wrong with the tactic you are using. Try to use ur friendlies to improve your tactic.

About the media thing, if you think it gets boring fast, then keep sending ur assman. That also saves your precious time.

This is the first of your posts that I can actually follow, well most of it anyway. The rest is just mumble jumble text speak that I had to read three times to get, and before you say I must be old,it I am a similar age to you!

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I suppose what I'm getting at is not having FM without tactics but rather a dumbed down pick and play version, an 'arcade' version call it what you will, with simple options regarding defence and attack.

For example: choose a formation from the list, in this example 4-4-2, then a style of play from a list, for example defensive counterattacking. Done.

As all preset tactics have some settings in there already. So I'd say it's already there to some extent. :)

Of course, SI can not introduce win-all-tactics as preset ones. They'd rightfully be flamed for that.

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The tactics that are standard in FM, leave alot of gaps between midfield and defence.

They also tend to use backward arrows on the DC's. This increase the gap even more.

Just make sure you set the mentality of the players yourself. For example starting with DC at 7 and ending with FC at 12.

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I cannot stand the wait for matches to setup, it can take quite a noticeable length of time for my PC which stretches just beyond acceptable. It is irritating.

Can this match setup (is it calculating something or loading in assets for the new 3D engine?) be handled earlier in another screen where we're tinkering with opposition instructions etc before match kick-off? At least we could be doing something then. Maybe have a progress bar down the bottom.

If it's loading in graphical assets, maybe have this cached on machines with plenty of memory?

Anything to change the situation for at present its not very slick having to wait quite a while for each match to start.

*cough* and bring back match speed/highlights sliders *cough*

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oh no- a sad boy who is too worried about graphics that the game isnt important to him anymore!

graphics arn't great but what can you expect the first time round!

when i started i got bad assistant manager feed back when i started- after i altered it according to what he said- its good feed back now!

i understand that there is a fair few inhuries but not for a couple of months- more like a week!

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Fine the don't buy it you moron. Why the hell do you bother us with this ****? Basically you're saying:

"I don't know how to play this upgraded version of Football Manager and since I have the attention span of a guppy I won't devote some time to adjust my tactics."

The 3D match engine - the 10 second pause 'setting up' before every game is going to get incredibly annoying after a while. It is too jerky, the graphics are really bad and all I get is a piece of green in the middle of a sea of grey. It's a pointless gimmick that adds nothing to the game in my opinion. After two games I turned it off.

Only idiots expected stupendous graphics. So that makes you an -blank-?

No matter what I do with my tactics my assistant managers 'feedback' is never happy.

Have you tried doing better?

I don't score more than one goal in a game, playing as Villa against some unknown team from eastern Europe in the Intertoto it is ALWAYS 1-0 EVERYTIME!! And then against Leicester in a pre season friendly I cannot beat them at all. I have used my own tactics, preset tactics and I even downloaded some that people say, 'work'.

Have you tried doing better?

Every game at least one player is injured for a few months, example - First game in intertoto, Agbonlahor and Barry both injured and out for two months, second game against Leicester - Carew injured and out for 3 months, And just to make sure it wasn't a one off, I have restarted the game three times just to see what happens. Each time the same thing happens, with different players obviously.

A bug that's being looked into. Patch is expected on release date.

Another new feature, the media questioning bit, great at first then I set my assistant manager to do it because yet again another gimmick that grows old quickly.

That's all? You have so little to complain about that you actually need to complain about a new feature?

Nice to know I just want to share my experiences and get called a pathetic moaner!!

10second delay, yes time is money for me as I work full time and have a family so I cannot afford to waste my life over trivial things, I'm not a kid with loads of spare time! surely if it was written better it should only have to do the 'setup' once? And no my PC does not 'sux' as it was put. Dual core 3ghz with 4gb of RAM.

Yes I am not a tactical genius because I like to play games for fun? The game is written for the fanatics not the general public anymore, it started in FM2007 and is getting gradually worse. Keep telling people to go play FIFA Manager and you'll moan when there's no FM anymore because everybody is playing something else!

If you don't want challenging games shouldn't you be playing solitare instead? "Boohoo it's not fun if I suck at playing" - Either learn or stop wasting our time. The game is not written for fanatics, it's written for people who love football and want to realise their dream of managing a professional club <- If this is your definition of fanatic then most european guys aged 10-50 is a fanatic.

On a last note: I don't mean to be an ass towards you, but I'm just fed up with this. People who has the nerve to come in here on SI's official forums and virtually take a dump on SI. SI work hard on these games and they put their pride and hearts into their projects. Then ****ing morons comes waltzing in crying about this and that being wrong (Things that a really shallow parts of the game) and punishing everybody by stating "I am NOT going to buy this game HAH!" <- Either tell SI or tell your friends. We don't care anymore. I don't run into every forum designated to the demos I play and tell people in there how I'm not planning on buying a game. Why the **** would I bother them with that? I don't invade the Viva Piñata forums saying "I'm NOT BUYING VIVA PINATA HAH!!!" <- Get the point?

I don't care if I'm getting a ban from this.

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To be honest i think that when i started to play the demo it sucked, but i got the 2d running really well (smooth) and it really is a good game...wen the new patch comes out it will be even better.... i like how wiv arsenal my players pass nd move quick and often stand wiv the ball dead nd wait till the defender comes to em :D although the patch is deffinately needed for some aspects but not a bad demo :)

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Nice reply Socdk, you think the same as me.

Both of you completely miss the point. I am a casual gamer, I don't devote my life to FM. At the start I just gave my views how I see it, which suddenly makes you all get on the defensive (not sure why? it's not as though I'm critisizing you personally) and then I am asking why not do something for the casual gamer.

But of course because I have a life, I'm wasting your valuable learning time on FM :rolleyes:

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Nice reply Socdk, you think the same as me.

Seriously, are you applauding this rant? While I have some sympathy (I too am bored of the same old moans and complaints being voiced time and time again) I find this kind of abusive rant equally depressing. Please refrain from abusing people, it belittles the whole point of having public forums.

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Do we really need to get into who has a life and who doesn't?

The thing is, it seems industrial_villa is complaining because SI make a game that doesn't exactly suit his life. They can't please everyone. My personal opinion is that the game is nowhere near as complex as people make out, and the basics are quite simple to grasp. FM is what you make of it.

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Both of you completely miss the point. I am a casual gamer, I don't devote my life to FM. At the start I just gave my views how I see it, which suddenly makes you all get on the defensive (not sure why? it's not as though I'm critisizing you personally) and then I am asking why not do something for the casual gamer.

But of course because I have a life, I'm wasting your valuable learning time on FM :rolleyes:

You just became more immature than me in my post. Nice job. I even used swear words, you only used lame assumptions. *clap clap* bravo.

So what you're trying to say is that you're either- A) A casual gamer who can't play football manager for **** since you have the IQ of a doorhammer, or - B) An FM fanatic who doesn't have a life and spend 20 hours a day playing Football Manager, 1 hour a day drinking blended food trough a straw and 3 hours a day sleeping...?

Whadda ******. That you're riddiculously lame at something doesn't mean that other who are not are nerds. Most FM-players are regular guys who watch football with their friends on weekends, go to bars, have jobs, have families. All the sorts. We are pretty much your average Joe's. But go ahead and tell yourself that you "have a life" and we don't if it makes you feel better.

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Seriously, are you applauding this rant? While I have some sympathy (I too am bored of the same old moans and complaints being voiced time and time again) I find this kind of abusive rant equally depressing. Please refrain from abusing people, it belittles the whole point of having public forums.

Ow so ppl can moan on public forums as much as they want. But they cant tell that they dislike the moaning?

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Those of you who complain about the 3D being jumpy and jerky, leave it, put up with it and it will sort itself out. Mine was so bad I was seriously thinking about turning it off but I put up with it and persevered and now I am in Nov and the 3D runs 99% perfect! Very VERY rare do I get a jump or a jerk but when it does it's 2 maybe 3 in quick succession and then I won't get anything for a few games!

Take my word and you will be pleased, if not then stick with the 2D and waste a great opportunity obviously it's up to you!

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You just became more immature than me in my post. Nice job. I even used swear words, you only used lame assumptions. *clap clap* bravo.

So what you're trying to say is that you're either- A) A casual gamer who can't play football manager for **** since you have the IQ of a doorhammer, or - B) An FM fanatic who doesn't have a life and spend 20 hours a day playing Football Manager, 1 hour a day drinking blended food trough a straw and 3 hours a day sleeping...?

Whadda ******. That you're riddiculously lame at something doesn't mean that other who are not are nerds. Most FM-players are regular guys who watch football with their friends on weekends, go to bars, have jobs, have families. All the sorts. We are pretty much your average Joe's. But go ahead and tell yourself that you "have a life" and we don't if it makes you feel better.

Did i say YOU don't have a life? I said I (me, myself and I) has a life where i cannot devote all my time to playing?

Of course I'm the bad guy again, why is everybody on these forums so defensive over nothing? :confused: christ.

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Ow so ppl can moan on public forums as much as they want. But they cant tell that they dislike the moaning?

There are just ways to conduct yourself. Would you speak to people like that in the street? I don't think it should be different on here.

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Did i say YOU don't have a life? I said I (me, myself and I) has a life where i cannot devote all my time to playing?

Of course I'm the bad guy again, why is everybody on these forums so defensive over nothing? :confused: christ.

Only Socdk is getting especially defensive. The rest of us are simply disagreeing with you.

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There are just ways to conduct yourself. Would you speak to people like that in the street? I don't think it should be different on here.

Why are you referring to me? The only thing I said was that his moaning was pathetic. Because all of the things he said were already explained in other topics on the forum.

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Did i say YOU don't have a life? I said I (me, myself and I) has a life where i cannot devote all my time to playing?

Of course I'm the bad guy again, why is everybody on these forums so defensive over nothing? :confused: christ.

Don't give me that bullocks you sad being. You know fully well what you where saying. Let me quote you:

"But of course because I have a life, I'm wasting your valuable learning time on FM "

So you're trying to convince me that this is not a stab? Nice try :thup:

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common sense finally! :)

You do realise that I was exposing your own lack of common sense? You claimed everyone on the forum is defensive when, in fact, only one person is being that way. I never take kindly to generalisations like that.

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Yeah well I haven't had a smoke all day and I'm edgy.

That doesn't really excuse your response. There really is no need to call people names, swear at them and tell them you hate them because they commented on a computer game.

I don't agree with the guys assessment of the game, but he is entitled to his opinion.

Some people have families and limited time and it affects what they want out of the game. He's not a 'special needs person' as you put it, just because he doesn't want to spend time to go into depth. I'm sure he'd love to spend the time if he had it. Hopefully the work of wwfan and others will make it easier for him and others to play the game the way they want.

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I've just noticed the bit about Assistant Manager feedback; I always thought this was feedback to help you with your tactics, so if he is just telling you how wonderful your tactic is it would be pointless, it is there to show you what you could improve...

my first game is always jerky in the first half but improves afterwards... even before it only jerks occasionally

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That doesn't really excuse your response. There really is no need to call people names, swear at them and tell them you hate them because they commented on a computer game.

I don't agree with the guys assessment of the game, but he is entitled to his opinion.

Some people have families and limited time and it affects what they want out of the game. He's not a 'special needs person' as you put it, just because he doesn't want to spend time to go into depth. I'm sure he'd love to spend the time if he had it. Hopefully the work of wwfan and others will make it easier for him and others to play the game the way they want.

Well said sire.

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You do realise that I was exposing your own lack of common sense? You claimed everyone on the forum is defensive when, in fact, only one person is being that way. I never take kindly to generalisations like that.

I meant since him! AGHHHH if there's one thing I hate about the internet, people read into things what they like!!!!! :(

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That doesn't really excuse your response. There really is no need to call people names, swear at them and tell them you hate them because they commented on a computer game.

I don't agree with the guys assessment of the game, but he is entitled to his opinion.

Some people have families and limited time and it affects what they want out of the game. He's not a 'special needs person' as you put it, just because he doesn't want to spend time to go into depth. I'm sure he'd love to spend the time if he had it. Hopefully the work of wwfan and others will make it easier for him and others to play the game the way they want.

Thanks for the honest assessment :)

On that note, I'm going to not give my thoughts again, incase this happens again!! :rolleyes:

Noticed the injuries thread is huge though!

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Both of you completely miss the point. I am a casual gamer, I don't devote my life to FM. At the start I just gave my views how I see it, which suddenly makes you all get on the defensive (not sure why? it's not as though I'm critisizing you personally) and then I am asking why not do something for the casual gamer.

But of course because I have a life, I'm wasting your valuable learning time on FM :rolleyes:

i have a life as well mate, but you do realise that 10 seconds waiting for a game to load, or a 30second press confrence wont add too much time to a game! etc.

you make it seem like you rush through a season at 100mph- the games a lot more fun when you take time to explore the game etc.....

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