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Tactical help for a beginner

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First off i would need some tips for my bournemouth tactic. something i noticed against liverpool was that most of liverpools goals was simple passes in to my box where i had at least double the players than them and it's starting to annoy me why my players aren't trying to stop the ball. i have tried switching some roles out and changing ti's and pi's but i can't work something out.

now you probably noticed that i'm fairly new to fm so i wondered if there is some guides that actually shows how every role move and does and show off the ti's and what they actually do because that and analysing the opponent's weakness is the hardest things with the game for me. I watch a lot of bustthenet and he has some very good guides especially the once explaining what the role does and how they move and act when attacking and defending. but even some of the things he is trying to explain with example analysing opponents is to hard for me.


It could be because of my lack of knowledge about real football terms and tactics so if you have tips on any guides or courses about real life football that would be really appreciated.




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I'm no expert at all, but initially, I don't see a reason to have both full backs on defend. With your right wing on support, I'd put that fullback on attack to support your front men and possibly overlap - your winger now might be getting doubled up on by opposition winger and fullback.

Secondly, a poacher is very aggressive and static as a role, just going to be on the last shoulder of the defense, likely be isolated by himself.  If you still want him as a main runner/goal threat, try DLFa he'll drop deeper in buildups, but still then drive forward into space. Or at least try an AFa who runs the channels

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Think the thing first is decide what you want to do tactically. What your philosophy, your idea is. Are you trying to emulate Bournemouth in real life for example? spend time defining what your idea is first of all. Pressing, defending, creating, scoring etc, how you will, who will be responsible.

Then you need team instructions and player instructions to compliment this.

Just looking at your tactics at the moment, a few things stand out to me:


Youre using an attack mentality? is this wise? this will see you getting the ball forward quickly and looking for more direct passes and higher tempo, which leads to my second point of:

Is Jermaine Defoe isolated up front? hes playing as a poacher so playing on the shoulder which he does in real life, but theres no one up and around him.

You've ticked "pass into space" but also "work ball into the box"..... pass into space means looking for more through balls and balls over the top, work ball into box means shorter passes, threading a needle and having all your players trying to intricately find space. I think id just take both of them off to be honest I don't think either will help your tactic.

If youre utilising a more patient approach id take your defenders off ball playing defender, and just put them on defender, but use a PI to pass the ball shorter. Ball playing defenders look for direct passes but I think in this formation you could lose the ball a lot.


Also your full backs aren't joining in with the attack, would you not want them to offer a passing option and extra width going forward?


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  • opfo changed the title to Tactical help for a beginner

Just having numbers back doesn't mean you will defend well, there attributes will still dictate how well they defend.

How good is there marking, positioning etc vs quality players like Salah who are good off the ball?  Especially on a high risk mentality so those defenders won't get a lot of help from the forwards, even less so when the forwards are attack duty.

ps. don't bold all your text, it makes it harder to read.

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@opfo Welcome to the forum :).

As you have found the BusttheNet channel you have already got a good start.  If you don't mind reading, there are also plenty of guides linked at the top of the forum in the pinned thread called "Please Read".  Have a look, see if any of them appeal to you.

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6 hours ago, FMunderachiever said:

 work ball into box means shorter passes, threading a needle and having all your players trying to intricately find space. 

Work ball into box reduces long shots. It has nothing to do with through balls and doesn't conflict with pass into space.

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"Work ball into box" changes the order of decisions. Any player has to decide between some options : "pass to A or pass to B or hold up ball or cross or run with ball or shoot". All these optios will have the same importance and the final decision depends of his role/duty/attributes/traits/position of his teammates/position of opponents. Choosing "w.b.i.b" instruction importance of shooting and crossing will be decreased. This player will decide what to do using a slightly different approach : "pass to A or pass to B or hold up ball or run with ball ... but if you can not do this then you are free to shoot or cross".   That's why sometimes "w.b.i.b" looks to be useless. This player needs to "see" some unmarked teammates or some space for his runs. In he can not see this he will continue to shoot or cross with or without "w.b.i.b" instruction.

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Sometimes when playing against good teams, their players are just better and they make your defense look like idiots. I would not worry too much about getting pumped away at Liverpool anyway. That is a game you usually would not target too hard for points as Bournemouth. Do not be disheartened.

So, tactics-wise, it is a good idea to have a solid idea of what you want to do first, and then try to implement it into the game. It does not have to be super specific. For example, you can decide you want to defend and go route one, which is pretty generic sounding, but you can build a tactic around trying to achieve that. The most important thing, however, is to know what it is you want to achieve, broadly, because you can watch matches to see how it is actually achieved.

So lets get to your tactic here. It appears you are looking to be defensively solid and then hit people on the counter? At least, that is the reason I would have a poacher in a 433 like that. He is not going to be involved in build up play, and the best way to get him involved will be early balls over the top before the other side is defensively set. If you are building up from the back, you may struggle because the only real link between midfield and attack is the winger (and to some extent the BBM). Neither players have a lot of support around them. With defensive full backs on both sides, there is not a lot of supporting roles out wide (or attacking roles to complement your more advanced wingers). You also are playing deeper, but with an attacking mentality, with two BPD. That is going to make you super, super direct. If it is not working, the ball is just going to be turned over almost as soon as you win it back. Attacking is a strange mentality to have if you want defensive stability.

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i think the problem for FM is they didn't teach new player how to success the game step by step.

just like what we learn from school,

1 step,we learn how to read & write ABC.
2nd step,we learn how to read & write some word.
3rd step,we learn how to make a sentence.
4th step,we learn how to make an article.

SI should do the same in FM

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On 27/07/2018 at 20:51, kpsia518 said:

i think the problem for FM is they didn't teach new player how to success the game step by step.

just like what we learn from school,

1 step,we learn how to read & write ABC.
2nd step,we learn how to read & write some word.
3rd step,we learn how to make a sentence.
4th step,we learn how to make an article.

SI should do the same in FM

Agreed, it has grown so vast over the years it is hard for beginners to get a grasp - often biting off more than they can chew.

There are plenty of yootoobers with beginner's guides out there, Rashidi is one of the best IMHO

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