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FM08: The American Samoan Zero to Hero Challenge

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Linfield: cool, you could do well yet with your team and country (in FM, not rugby)

rancer: are you in college or sixthform or what? cos i'm only at GCSE atm, and currently have little idea of what Calculus involves apart from it might be part of maths. I bet I'll remember it if i hear it, though.

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I might start this at some point, on FM08 or FM09 if I get it and you make another database for it. However, at the moment I'm doing something similar, with Guam :D

I'm in 2024, my team have been dominant (as in losing once every 5 or 6 years) domestically for most of the time, and I'm now in the Champions League after winning the President's Cup and Conf. Cup. If I get bored of my dominance though I might give this a go, I like creating or playing obscure leagues :thup:

@Rancer: Calculus, great fun!

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In my new game I have stated with Panza west and just finished the first season we were predicted 7th but with fantastic management from me we came 5th :) and have got some fantastic african regens coming in which i hope will make me win the league next season with international management i came 3rd in the OCE nations cup and am ranked 162nd in the world with 4 regens with a PA over 70

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hi sory i havent been active lately its cause my other account is banned for another week but wandsfan wheres the download link..

im now into starting my 4th season with panza west 1st season: 5th 2nd season: 2nd 3rd season: 2nd got decent regens in. In the 2nd season Aunu'u got promoted and won the league twice ina row with me coming second. and with ASA i have been doin prety crap,Italy won the 2010 world cup with brazil coming second and I now have 110k in the bank 4 teams in the league have turned semi pro. I havn't unfortunely. my club rep is now 900 and Aunu'u has 1200 rep which is the highest in the league

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Yeah... about that. Problem with the upload, and couldn't get it on my memory stick to take home & download. Will have to wait till Saturday sadly. If you've started playing FM09 by hten, it's OK, but I probs won't till March as I'll be skint till then. What are all the teams in the league? Can you get a screnie?

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Nah, as I've already mentioned, I'll be skint due to Christmas, people's birthdays, etc. till at least March. Also, by then they should've fixed all the complaints that have been mentioned in the last 2 days. Still gettin problems with Megaupload, and am at home now so can't upload again now. I hope Linfield can sort one out soon cos I keep havin 2 delay it for a week each time.

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