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Do you blame tactics or team ability?

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So i started unemployed with all home nations added and no badges or experience. First job i have is with Solihull Moors in the Vanarama National. 

They have a really poor team and lack wingers. I managed to bring around 7 extra players in loans and free transfers and really thought i'd improved the team and was quite optimistic about the season ahead. 

I initially set 2 formations up and 4-3-3 (Flat 3 midfield and 2 attacking wingers) and and 4-4-1-1. Creating chances is just not working with these formations and plus was conceding quite a bit so changed my formation to 5-3-1-1 (the AM is actually an AMR. Mainly because one of my top players can only play this position and felt i had to accommodate his quality). Lost my 3 games with this formation.

I'm 9 games into the league, 1 draw and 8 losses. I'm tweaking tactics and trying to make us better but it's getting to the point when i'm thinking is it really the tactic or the players ability? I know they're are plenty of fm stories of people taking the worst team in the league and going on to dominant everything but just wanted to see what peoples thoughts are on this subject?

I'll be having a look through the tactics thread today to get some ideas but how much depends on ability over tactics? Find it frustrating but quite enjoyable at the same time. 


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Yeah think this is where I've messed up. I leave training and opposition instructions to my assistant and think i might need to fully take control of all this. On the dynamics it says the team cohesion is abysmal. Not sure how to get this up though.

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4 minutes ago, KF1990 said:

Yeah think this is where I've messed up. I leave training and opposition instructions to my assistant and think i might need to fully take control of all this. On the dynamics it says the team cohesion is abysmal. Not sure how to get this up though.

You get it up in team training, just set the focus to team cohesion and it should go up as you train.

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Tactics or team ability?  A bit of both in all likelihood.

You can have the best players in the world but if your tactics suck you won't win much.  Equally you could have the best tactic ever but if your players are unsuited to it then you still won't win much.

However, there is a difference between players being unsuitable for roles and players simply being poor.  At the level you are managing, all players will be poor, but they are relative to the level at which you are playing - everyone in the league is poor.  But you can still find roles, duties and a tactical system for which your players will be suitable.

At the moment it sounds more like you are trying to fit square pegs into round holes and perhaps using some tactical settings which they're struggling with.  Team Cohesion may also be having an affect and morale is probably also in a downward spiral because you aren't winning.

Stop playing matches for now, take a step back, look at your players to see where their strengths and weaknesses lie and start from there.  You'll probably need to make a compromise here and there because nothing ever fits perfectly, but that's ok so long as everything else is balanced.  You may also find that because you are being unsuccessful your opponents could start to play quite aggressively against you.  If that's the case, consider using a deep formation and play on the counter.

Grind out some results to put you back on track.

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Well, my first seasons I did something similar to you. I had BIG sellouts of the poorest players and got in a bunch of brand new and much more talented players, though mostly young players who had been released by top tier clubs. What happened? I struggled, and then I thought "hey, let me look at dynamics". And lo and behold, I had pretty much no influential players at all. I had released the ones who had been there a while and brought in a bunch of kids with no affiliation to the club, what could possibly go wrong? It often went well if we took the lead, but if we conceded first? A guaranteed loss, at least it felt like it. This is how I had done in the last few FMs and it had worked quite well. Yeah, some small issues at the start with tactics and gelling, but often smooth sailing. This year? Nope, no way, how about no? The next seasons in I've kept most of the influential players, even though they are not good enough for the team. As backups often. If they complain I tell them they must move on if they want to play and most have left, a few have stayed, but no issues from the team. Then I slowly release more and more, as some of the new ones I have brought in are getting more influential.

The first 2 seasons I struggled in Vanarama North, but after that I've had 3 straight promotions and my Marine team have just started the new season in League One and I'm doing fine so far. Even though a couple of my players are lowly ranked compared to the rest of the league I have suited my tactics to play to their strengths and to minimize their weaknesses. Of course, many players only stay for a season or two, but my backup left back have stayed since Vanarama North and are happy with 5-10 matches a season. He is also our captain, but he doesn't mind being on the bench most matches. I have also brought in a couple of veterans who aren't likely to play for more than a few years to fill out the gaps in our hierarchy. Some faded Premiership stars are more than willing to join me and be important for the last few years of their career.

So, sometimes it's not the tactic and not the players ability, but rather the players cohesion and lack of leadership that's the issue.

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I'm finding it a bit surprising on how many mistakes lower league players are making, i mean they'll have time and space on the ball and just hit it long to an area where none of the players are occupying. Just bewildering sometimes.

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