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Should Drug Tests Be Included In Future FM's?

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I was just sitting here thinking about football and all of a sudden Rio Ferdinand popped into my head and I started to think about the time that he was banned for 8 months (I think) for missing a drugs test and then there was Romario who got banned for a bit for getting found with drugs in his body that he claimed were from his 'Anti-balding medication'. Should this be included in FM?

Now I know this idea may get shot down because of 'legal issues' because players won't like it if they are accused of taking drugs or missing a drug test in the game but I believe that it would add a new sense of realism to the game.

Obviously it would be a very rare occurance because it doesn't happen that much in football.

The floor is yours :)...

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I feel sorry for you if the only thing you could think of is Rio Ferdinand!

Anyway, I'm guessing, like you say, there would be legal problems with this kind of thing. Can't imagine many players being happy that it's suggested they take drugs.

If you had such a feature on the game, i imagine it would be a bit annoying if your star player is suddenly banned for 8 months as well. Would it be at random, or would certain 'problem' players be more likely to be the ones who fail their drugs tests in the game?

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FM should be realistic to a point but some things like racism and drug use just don't have a place. That's the answer you'll get over and over. Personally I wouldn't care either way but SI would never implement such a thing because it would almost certainly force them to place a rating on the game to reflect drugs being even mentioned in play.

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Now I know this idea may get shot down because of 'legal issues' because players won't like it if they are accused of taking drugs or missing a drug test in the game but I believe that it would add a new sense of realism to the game.

The end of that sentence might be true, but the start of it means it doesn't matter how true it is. Legal issues would prevent something like this from coming in. Even if you limited it to regens, the clubs might still not like it if players who 'play' for them were depicted as drug abusers and such.

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I understand and agree with all of your comments. I wasn't saying that it should be include in future FM's I was just asking should it be :).

I feel sorry for you if the only thing you could think of is Rio Ferdinand!

Well I was thinking about my beloved Man Utd first and then all of a sudden he just popped up haha.

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The end of that sentence might be true, but the start of it means it doesn't matter how true it is. Legal issues would prevent something like this from coming in. Even if you limited it to regens, the clubs might still not like it if players who 'play' for them were depicted as drug abusers and such.

Don't forget agents! They will try to make money any way they can! So they'd probably sue because they feel that they would most likely have been that regens agent and don't want to have a tarnished reputation of being the agent of a druggy footballer ;):p

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If you had such a feature on the game, i imagine it would be a bit annoying if your star player is suddenly banned for 8 months as well. Would it be at random, or would certain 'problem' players be more likely to be the ones who fail their drugs tests in the game?

And then imagine said players reaction to this?

This feature is, in my opinion, a non-starter much in the same way as suggesting the possibility of players "dying" on the pitch (like Antonio Puerta).

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Bad idea! Mentioning of drugs - one! How will the game decide who used drugs who did not?

Players with high pressure, high controversy or low professionalism? ;) Check these players in the data editor and you'll find drug addicts! :D

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This wouldn't increase realism at all. Adding something just because it sometimes happens in real life doesn't constitute realism. This happens very rarely in real life so apart from legal issues and everything else it would have to be very rare in game and would have to be pretty much totally random unless it could somehow be linked to player attributes (e.g. professionalism). Whatever, adding something like that that will happen rarely to random players is not an addition that adds realism.

I know pretty much everything in the game (e.g. injuries) happen to random players at random times, but injuries are part and parcel of football and can conceivably happen to any player and can be sensibly linked to training methods, injury-prone stat, natural fitness etc to give a sensible modelling of when and to whom injuries happen.

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Its true what has been said already, just because it happens in real life every now and then doesnt constitute to it being involved in the game.

If we included drugs, we might as well include players have 'spit roasting' sessions in hotels, players beating each other up in training, goalkeepers drink driving and killing families, as well as footballers doing unsual things with mobile phones and body parts.

In the end of the day, footballers taking drugs is a external thing to football that just happens to have repercussions on their personal careers, and has nothing to do with the actual game.

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What about smoking? For, example like Wayne Rooney at Man utd could it be included in the game, so that say in a press conference you could be asked about your views etc, or is it also covered in other attributes in the game, so that over the years the players fitness declines etc??

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What about smoking? For, example like Wayne Rooney at Man utd could it be included in the game, so that say in a press conference you could be asked about your views etc, or is it also covered in other attributes in the game, so that over the years the players fitness declines etc??

What the hell? Firstly, what would it add to the game? Secondly, what's it got to do with Wayne Rooney?

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What about smoking? For, example like Wayne Rooney at Man utd could it be included in the game, so that say in a press conference you could be asked about your views etc, or is it also covered in other attributes in the game, so that over the years the players fitness declines etc??

Wow...im lost for words...bring back the threads of people wanting to add in abilities to buy cars and houses and have virtual girlfriends, makes more sense than this haha

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Lol, dont really know what it would add to the game actually just thought that if the person with the opening post wanted something like drug testing in the game then smoking could be an option, it is know that players do smoke such as Wayne Rooney and am sure that it would have no implications legally, and for those who want more media options etc it could give an option to fine a player or to talk to the player about it and affect relations in the team, plus i also wanted to know if it a factor included when talking about a players natural fitness. I have no idea why im trying to defend the idea as upon looking back and reading it it is crap but ah well. Oh and Wayne Rooney was mentioned as an example of a player who smoked and has been in the media about it, with Alex Ferguson saying it was no problem etc when other managers in the past have found it to be a problem.

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if they included drugs, smoking, drinking ect into the game then they would get sued so often!

Footballers play the game too and imagine if Gerrard for example was playing the game as liverpool and then all off a sudden it pops up 'Gerrard banned after being found with cocaine in a club' what's he gonna think?? It isn't do-able.

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Rio's ban was crazy anyway! He phoned and said he had remembered he was meant to do it and offered to go back and do it but it wasn't good enough, obviously he had nothing to hide or he wouldn't have offered to go back and considering he was banned for Euro 2004 I think it was just goes to show how the whole world is against England!

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I was just sitting here thinking about football and all of a sudden Rio Ferdinand popped into my head and I started to think about the time that he QUOTE]

if the name rio popped into your head..than you should have tought of one of the world finest defenders not drugs!!

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its suggestions like this that can add realism to the game, but personally i dont think it should be added, it would be more of a fustration than anything,

because of players in real life you cannot add a stat to a player to make it more or less likely to happen therefore it would be tottally random, i for one do not want to spend days building up a team on the brink of acheiving something, overcoming injurys etc to have a message pop up on febuary 1st

Your captain has failed to attend a drugs test and is now banned for 8 months etc etc, it is outside a transfer window therefore you cannot bring in a suitable replacement, meaning as your team is now without its best players leaving you screwed.

it doesent happen enough in real life for me to be included and would only highlight the use of drugs.

good suggestion but i wouldent like this, something along those lines, like a player breaking curfew, would be great.

u wouldent have the lengthy ban so wouldent hit you so hard, it happens often (according to autobiagraphys ive read alot more than we know off) you could deal with it however you want, drop player, fine, hear his reasons and accept his nan was ill.

this would be a realistic addition

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good suggestion but i wouldent like this, something along those lines, like a player breaking curfew, would be great.

Isn't that in for regens?

drop player, fine, hear his reasons and accept his nan was ill.

this would be a realistic addition

Actually, as his nan was on the Weakest Link at the time, it was the other one. Oh no, wait, she was seen buying toilet roll at the local ASDA. In that case, his girlfriend suffered a miscarriage.

Much more realistic. ;)

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TBH it's only happened to 5 at the most players in the Premier League over the last 10 years(I think), so it wouldn't add that much realism and could end up being as boring as the media in 08, it happening all the time.

Also there's legal issues of course.

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