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1400% raise not good enough? Come on!

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There is a 30-year old Chief Data Analyst, he's making $20K a year. He's 15 JPA, 20 JPP, 12 Adaptability too. He'd be a pretty good scout.

I offered him $300K a year. A 1400% raise. That's 15x his salary. He'd make his annual salary in 3.5 weeks. 3 years of this, nearly $1 million dollars! But I want him to be a scout (non-negotiable), not a data analyst.

He flat turned it down, red line, backed him into a corner. Done talking to me.

Come on! :rolleyes:

Heck, at one point I considered and loosely pursued being a data analyst for a professional sports team, but it didn't work out. I wasn't making much more than $20K a year at the time.

If someone would have offered $300K, but said, "you have to scout," I would have gone to Antarctica and scouted if that's what they wanted. My wife would have packed the bags for me and quit her job. :lol:

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Maybe his wife has a pretty good job and his kids are settled in a good school, and he doesn't want to a) Travel by himself and miss his kids growing up. b) Uproot his kids and family life for a life on the road. c) His wife has a great job that earns quite a lot of money and he's only doing his job as he enjoys the role and the hours suit him to mind the kids around school hours.


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1 hour ago, DarkSleeper said:

If ur a scout u will have to travel alot. Which might not work out for him. Not everything is about money u know! :) 

Exactly, for some people the wage in a job is not the most important factor, or not even an important factor at all. (distance between home-work, people you're working with, job content, future possibilities, ...)

In this particular case I find it very realistic that a data annalist would turn down an offer to travel around the world as a scout, even with wage you offered.

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Though I agree with the thread starter that a such big wage rise would entice quite a lot of people, I also know that others would not be willing to accept such offers. It would be interesting though, to see how many would accept a totally different role for a huge wage rise. To see if this would mirror the real life, or staff are too locked into their roles in-game.

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I know I have managed it on FM15 or 16

Had someone that had no more than a 7 in each of the coaching attributes but was 15+ for JPP and JPA, his preferred role was coach, and I had to offer pretty big wages to accept the scouting role. Similarly, I've had this not work. Not sure if adaptability maybe is what makes the difference.

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I've tried to get several data analysts to become scouts as they often have the right attributes. Not once did they agree, although admittedly I didn't offer a 1400% raise. I wouldn't be surprised if it's hard coded into the game to be impossible. Would be interested if anyone has managed it?

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I don't think a data analyst is that different than a scout. In real professional sports franchises the two groups work hand in hand, including the Analysts quantifying and weighting what the scouts see. Often there is some crossover (from data analyst to scout, not the other way, there aren't too many scouts going back to school for advanced math degrees). The analysts watch *a lot* of games, and working with scouts often get to the point where they could also scout. I assumed that's what was happening in the game, as several of my own data analysts have grown in JPA and JPP to the point where they could scout very well. Especially since we are told just having an analyst at all no matter what their attributes provides the benefit analysts bring.

That being said, I was mostly joking, but realistically there are very few people age 30, working in sports, who would turn down a raise from $20K to $300K even if the $300K job meant cleaning the toilets  at the stadium. :lol: That's life-changing money. I'd get it if one or two analysts had a sugar-mama or something, but it appears to be hard-coded into the game here, which doesn't make a lot of sense.

Not to mention the guy has 12 Adaptability, which means he's pretty flexible to begin with.

I would just say if the developers don't want Data Analysts becoming scouts, don't give them ratings that would entice us to offer them crazy sums of money to become a scout and have them turn it down. Especially if their ratings don't mean anything anyway. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had the same sort of problem in my Liverpool save except with a player. Joel Matip was on 100k a week and approaching the final year of his contract, so I decided to offer him a new one only for him to ask for 240k a week, 45k per appearance and a whole load of other extortionate bonuses, including a signing on fee of 6.5m. Then when I decide that no player at Liverpool is worth that amount of money and offer him to other clubs, I can't tell him that the reason I am doing so is because he's a money grabbing so and so that wants a 140% increase in wages

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