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Help creating these colours game wide


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@D_LO_ @michaeltmurrayuk 

Thanks D_LO_ for the info in the other thread, think I may understand roughly. But didn't want to hijack that thread too much. I've found a couple of teams I'd like my game to look like:




or Lavallois:



Is there anyway to just use their setting for game wide rather than manually changing all the colours?

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What bits do you mean, if you mean the orange titles in the subpanels then in the settings file, locate these lines and make sure they are both set to true:

<boolean id="disable_accent_colour" value="true" />
<boolean id="disable_dark_accent_colour" value="
true" />

Next locate these lines:

<colour name="default accent" value="cyan 300" />
<colour name="default dark accent" value="
cyan 500" />

and change the value to the shade of orange you want you can find what the default colour options look like at this link, if one of those is fine then just change the highlighted bit, so if you wanted to use orange 600 then you'd change those lines to look something like:

<colour name="default accent" value="orange 600" />

If you want to use a custom colour you'll need to find the RGB value for it and change the line to read something like:

<colour name="default accent" red="72" green="145" blue="220"/>

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42 minutes ago, D_LO_ said:

@michaeltmurrayuk He wants to change the header colour to a 'static' orange.


Actually more aggro than I anticipated using default files. Changing red_replacement in graphic config. and/or titlebar.xml should be sufficient in customised skins but you also need to change the colouring in the header.xml as well as adding coding absent in the default titlebar. Plus the interface buttons colouring needs to be changed and there's also the action-bar colouring in the client object browser (after adding the colour to the settings.xml I already described)

As I had to test it anyway I might as well just upload it:



base17dark Orange.rar


Thank you for putting in the effort!


Does look a bit funny at the minute though lol


What would I need to change to fix that? Including a dark sidebar?

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9 hours ago, D_LO_ said:

Side-bar has it's own thread. It's asked about A LOT.  There's probably about 3/4 or options on how to change that. I know Michael and myself advised someone recently, both suggesting different options...

The text/icons are still secondary colours (wasn't sure if you wanted that changed) If you do want to change that I would advise changing any "secondary" values you find in the titlebar.xml, titlebar search panel.xml, header.xml and in all the graphic configs/buttons.xml (or something similar, use common sense) within graphics/buttons/custom/interface to whatever colour you prefer (in the configs/button.xmls look for icon_properties)

 (apart from the date which is more complicated) 

The action-bar (i.e. home, profile)  is a lot more hassle and involves the client object browser a fair bit and potentially other panels. I know a lot of this is already on the forum too (I personally asked about the date, which I moved down, as I was having issues with it myself this year which was actually down to my own stupidity (putting the panel in wrong folder)  the correct guidance is on the forum though and re. the more standard action-bar items. A thread by someone with Onyewu in their name sticks in my memory for some reason) So I advise you to search for this too after you've sorted the more straight-forward stuff. This involves decent skinning knowledge and familiarity with where everything is so might require a bit of reading around/learning. 

This is much more complicated than I thought it would be. Thank you for trying to help and putting some time in, do appreciate it.

i may make a suggestion in the suggestions forum to make these easily editable. I mean it's already coded so there are hundreds of different options. A tick box to say "use teams colours" would be great, and then when not ticked, a primary and secondary colour picker, may need a 3rd colour not too sure.

But thank you again

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