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FM 2017 Facepacks not working


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Hi I'm having trouble with using the facepacks this year. First I copy the graphics folder from Fm 2016 to FM 2017 in My Documents ( Windows 7)  but it's not working. So, I downloaded 2 new facepacks for Fm2017 but they also don't work (logos work but faces don't ). I've done everything as instructed many times ( clear cache, untick cache, reload...etc ).

So pls tell me if I need to do something different from the previous years to get facepacks working ? I'm deepy frustrated, tried everything I could think of for almost 40 hours already

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a) I suggest contacting the author(s) of the facepack(s) you've downloaded, as they may be better placed to assist.

b) Unless you know what you're doing, having more than 1 facepack installed at a time is next to pointless as there will be loads of overlaps and you won't really see a lot of benefits, plus there is the potential to mess up how they are seen in-game.

c) As far as I'm aware, there were no changes in the way the game reads graphics and faces from FM16 to FM17 so what worked in the older version should work now.


Can I have screenshots of (a) the user data folder, i.e. Documents / Sports Interactive / Football Manager 2017, (b) the graphics folder, (c) the folder containing the first facepack you installed and (d) any player in-game who you reckon should have a face appearing? These may help me identify where the issue is located

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