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Decent players stuck in a limbo (the CA-Rep conundrum)

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I've decided to pick up my FM14 save, and I've been facing an annoying problem with no apparent solution, not even with a RTE...

My reserve squad is filled with players nowhere near the minimum ability to make it to the first team, but they'd still be more than adequate for a mid/low-table act in the league. It being the Faroes, they even have plenty of international caps (as my team and other Top Dogs rely on foreign talent).

Still, when I offer them for loan or transfer, NOBODY bothers to make an offer. Only a handful of younger players can get the odd loan spell, but around age 23, they stop attracting interest and they basically end up rotting in the inactive B team. That is, regardless of them being capped for ther senior NT and having enough skills to be regulars elswehere.

So I have a laundry list of perfectly good domestic talents stuck in the reserves (the B team isn't part of the league system and there's no relegation from the lowest tier, so no hope to ever get it active) it's bad for those players, for the rest of the league (excpet us and 2-3 other sides who have CL money) and for the NT.
Plenty of those could have developed or even developed into NT material, considering the very tiny talent pool and the low Youth Level rating for the Faroes.

Adding insult to injury, the stellar success of the Senior team has caused the B-team reputation to rise dramatically (due to a FM14 bug I guess) , reaching the level of midtable acts and killing any chance of a player feeling undervalued or in need of a move to further his career.

Therefoere the former "decent prospect" who is now 25 and has peaked around 85-90CA will be content to "play" for the reserve team of the CL winners instead of pushing for first-time football elsewhere in the country.

I've tried everything, including "cheating", to get them to move, boosting the level of the bottom half of the league, to no avail.

* Lowering the B-team rep didn't change a ting.
* Lowering the players' rep too much caused clubs NOT being interested
* Raising the CA/PA caused clubs not making bids because  "wage request would be too high"
* Lowering rep and raising CA at least created a little interest, but mostly loans that were later rejected (again, clubs' rep playing tricks).


So, is there a way, even a fraudolent one, to get "rid" of my reserve squad in a beneficial way to the rest of the league?!

P.S. I know I could just assign them to a new club via RTE, but I'd rather want it happening in-game... I'd like to find the ideal balance between Team Rep, Player Rep and (perceived) CA/PA in order to get players a more realistic career

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Can you get a farmer club in the same nation, and just use the "move to affiliate" option? 

If you need them to get game time, you can just make a full season of friendlies for the B-team,


Edit : If you are already using the editor to tinker with all the things you mention, moving them to a new club shouldn't be different maybe?

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